
1.1 KiB


Sometimes you may not know what a word in the ULB means. The notes may have a definition or a description of the word or phrase to help you understand what it means.

Translation Notes Examples

Simple definitions of words or phrases are added without quotes or sentence format. Here are examples:

It is like children playing in the marketplace ... (Matthew 11:16 ULB)

  • marketplace - a large, open-air area where people buy and sell items

The garments that they must make are ... a turban, and a sash. (Exodus 28:4 ULB)

  • turban - a tall head covering made from cloth wrapped around the head several times
  • sash - a piece of cloth that people wear around their waist or across their chest

Translation principles

  • Use words that are already part of your language if possible.
  • Keep expressions short if possible.
  • Represent God's commands and historical facts accurately.

Translation Strategies

See Translate Unknowns for more information on translating words or phrases that are not known in your language.