1.3 KiB

Inherit (Inheritance, Heir)

To “inherit” means to receive something from someone who has died or is about to die. The “inheritance” is what is given to a person. It can be money, land, or other kinds of property. An “heir” is the person who receives the inheritance.

These words are also metaphors in the Bible. God gives a spiritual inheritance to those who believe in Jesus. The words “inherit salvation,” “inherit eternal life,” “inherit the kingdom of God,” and “heirs of God” are all in the Bible (see: Luke 18:18; Romans 8:17; Galatians 5:21; Hebrews 1:14). These words speak of the way God saves people from being punished for sinning, and allows them to live forever with him in heaven.

God calls his people his “inheritance.” That is, they are his most valuable possession (see: Ephesians 1:18).

The word “inherit” is also used to talk about someone getting something bad because of sinning. People who “inherit the wind” or “inherit folly” are the foolish and disobedient people (see: Proverbs 11:29; 14:18). God punishes them for the things they do that do not honor him.

See:Metaphor; Kingdom of God; Heaven; People of God