
2.2 KiB



The term "Sabbath" refers to the seventh day of the week, which God commanded the Israelites to set apart as a day of rest and doing no work.

  • After God finished creating the world in six days, he rested on the seventh day. In the same way, God commanded the Israelites to set aside the seventh day as a special day to rest and worship him.
  • The command to "keep the Sabbath holy" is one of the ten commandments that God wrote on the stone tablets that he gave Moses for the Israelites.
  • Following the Jewish system of counting days, the Sabbath begins on Friday at sundown and lasts until Saturday at sundown.
  • Sometimes in the Bible the Sabbath is called "Sabbath day" rather than only the Sabbath.

Translation Suggestions:

  • This could also be translated as "resting day" or "day for resting" or "day of not working" or "God's day of rest."
  • Some translations capitalize this term to show that it is a special day, as in "Sabbath Day" or "Resting Day."
  • Consider how this term is translated in a local or national language.

(See also: How to Translate Unknowns)

(See also: rest)

Bible References:

Examples from the Bible stories:

  • 13:05 "Always be sure to keep the Sabbath day holy. That is, do all your work in six days, for the seventh day is a day for you to rest and to honor me."
  • 26:02 Jesus went to the town of Nazareth where he had lived during his childhood. On the Sabbath, he went to the place of worship.
  • 41:03 The day after Jesus was buried was a Sabbath day, and the Jews were not permitted to go to the tomb on that day.

Word Data:##

  • Strong's: H4868, H7676, H7677, G4315, G4521