During the first few days of a MAST workshop, translation teams are guided through the process of developing an authentic assessment rubric for their translation project. Below are the instructions for creating this rubric, which then guides the checking process throughout the project.
1. Ask the translation team to choose a leader/representative of their language group to manage the rubric building process. Also look for an individual who is able to translate this rubric into English (it is possible to need double translation, first into the national language and then into English).
* Work together as a team to make one list that includes all the items from each individual’s list. Combine qualities that are the same and develop one master list of at least 10 qualities that everyone agrees on. The chosen leader will guide this process.
3. If everyone is new to this process, the team can refer to v-raft.com to review a sample rubric. Compare your rubric with the sample. Are elements missing from yours that need to be added? Are there extra elements you may not need to keep? After discussing these you are ready to move to step four.
If a leader who has participated in this process before is available, he will review the team's rubric, determine if anything is missing, and ask questions to lead the group toward discovering and adding those traits. Some sample questions are:
* If no one says that key words need to be translated accurately, ask "When you look at the language of scripture, what are some of the things that give scripture a strong sense of accuracy?" Keep asking until they express the "important words" (in some form) and then ask "should those be checked?"
* If no one says that names need to be translated in a consistent way (ie—Jesus, Son of God, Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus), ask "what do you think about the different names of Jesus—are those important to be translated consistently with a good source text?"
4. Take the one group rubric and do the rest of the following steps as a team.
5. Define each of those items (verbally, and then record them). Each definition should be clear enough that anyone from that language group could utilize the rubric and understand the traits of quality.
7. Next ask the group: How can you test those items? In other words, if a person who speaks the language were to later check a translated chapter, could they pick up that chapter, take the rubric and score each of the assessment elements listed?
The questions are designed as yes/no. If the answer is yes 70% of the time, but no the other 30%, then the answer is "No". The question has to be answered yes 100% of the time to be "Yes". In this way areas that need attention (even down to the minute details) will get reviewed and edited.