EZK 40-42 edits/corrections

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bobj 2020-01-08 14:17:29 +00:00
parent 3363a53add
commit 48ab1dba56
1 changed files with 18 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -2715,11 +2715,11 @@
\v 3 When he took me there, I saw a man who looked as if he had been made of bronze. He was standing inside the city gate, and he was holding a linen cord and a measuring stick in his hand.
\v 4 He said to me, "Son of man, look carefully at everything that I am going to show you, and pay attention to everything that I say and everything that I will show you, because that is why God brought you here. And then later you must tell the Israelite people everything that you have seen here."
\v 4 He said to me, "Son of man, look carefully at everything that I am going to show you and pay attention to everything that I say and everything that I will show you, because that is why God brought you here. And then later you must tell the Israelite people everything that you have seen here."
\v 5 In the vision I saw that there was a wall that completely surrounded the temple area. The measuring stick in the man's hand was three and one-tenth meters long. He measured the wall and it was three and one-tenth meters thick and three and one-tenth meters high.
\v 5 In the vision I saw a wall that completely surrounded the temple area. The measuring stick in the man's hand was three and one-tenth meters long. He measured the wall and it was three and one-tenth meters thick and three and one-tenth meters high.
\v 6 Then he went to the gate in the temple wall on the temple's east side. He climbed the steps and measured the gateway that faced outward; it was three and one-tenth meters deep.
\v 7 Next, there were alcoves for the temple guards, each being three and one-tenth meters long and deep. The distance of the wall between each alcove was two and three-quarters meters. The gateway that faced inward, which led to the temple portico, was also three and one-tenth meters deep.
@ -2728,7 +2728,7 @@
\v 8 Then he measured the portico that was after the gate; it was three and one-tenth meters long.
\v 9 He also measured the depth, which was three and one-tenth of a meter. The doorposts on either side were one meter thick. This was the portico attached to the temple gate on the gate's inner side, facing the temple.
\v 10 Inside the east gate there were three alcoves for guards on each side of the gate. They all had the same length and depth. And the distance of wall between them was the same.
\v 10 Inside the east gate there were three alcoves for guards on each side of the gate. They all had the same length and depth, and the distance of wall between them was the same.
@ -2739,17 +2739,17 @@
\v 14 Then the man measured along the wall that separated the alcoves from each other; it was thirty-two meters long. He measured them as far as the gate's portico.
\v 15 The distance from the entrance of the gate to the far end of its portico was twenty-seven meters.
\v 16 There were narrow windows in the walls of all the alcoves, and also in the inner walls between the alcoves. The portico also had these same windows on its inner side. The wall that ran between the alcoves was decorated with carvings of palm trees.
\v 16 There were narrow windows in the walls of all the alcoves and also in the inner walls between the alcoves. The portico also had these same windows on its inner side. The wall that ran between the alcoves was decorated with carvings of palm trees.
\v 17 Then the man brought me to the temple's outer courtyard. There I saw some rooms, and a stone pavement in the courtyard. There were thirty rooms facing the courtyard.
\v 18 The stone pavement was all around the courtyard, and it extended out from the walls into the courtyard for the same distance as the gate entrances. That was the lower pavement.
\v 19 Then the man measured the distance across the outer courtyard of the temple, between the outer gate and inner courtyard; it was fifty-four meters on the east side, and the same distance on the north side of the courtyard.
\v 19 Then the man measured the distance across the outer courtyard of the temple, between the outer gate and inner courtyard; it was fifty-four meters on the east side and the same distance on the north side of the courtyard.
\v 20 Then he measured how long and how wide was the gateway on the north side, which was an entrance into the outer courtyard of the temple complex.
\v 20 Then he measured how long and how wide the gateway was on the north side, which was an entrance into the outer courtyard of the temple complex.
\v 21 There were three alcoves for guards on each side of that gateway. From the gateway to the end of its portico was twenty-seven meters, and they were thirteen and one-half meters wide.
@ -2759,7 +2759,7 @@
\v 24 Then he brought me through the south gateway into the inner courtyard, and he measured the entrance. It measured the same as the other gateways. Its alcoves, its walls between the alcoves, and its entry room measured the same as the ones on the other sides.
\v 25 The gateway and its portico had narrow windows along the walls, as on the other sides. The gateway and its portico measured twenty-five meters long and thirteen and one-half wide.
\v 25 The gateway and its portico had narrow windows along the walls, as on the other sides. The gateway and its portico measured twenty-five meters long and thirteen and one-half meters wide.
\v 26 There were seven steps leading up to that gate and its portico. It also had carvings of palm trees on the walls that were between the rooms.
@ -2775,7 +2775,7 @@
\v 32 Then the man led me to the east side of the inner courtyard, and he measured the gate. It had the same measurements as the other gates.
\v 33 Its alcoves, walls, and portico measured the same as the others. The gate and its portico had windows all around. The gate and its portico measured twenty-seven meters long and thirteen and one-half wide.
\v 33 Its alcoves, walls, and portico measured the same as the others. The gate and its portico had windows all around. The gate and its portico measured twenty-seven meters long and thirteen and one-half meters wide.
\v 34 Its portico faced the outer courtyard. It also had carvings of palm trees decorating the walls, and it had eight steps leading up to it.
@ -2786,8 +2786,8 @@
\v 38 In each of the inner entrances there was a room with a door. They were rooms where the carcasses of the animals that were to be completely burned on the altar were washed.
\v 39 In each portico were four tables, two on each side. On those tables would be slaughtered the animals that were to be completely burned, also the animals for offerings of sins that people had committed, and offerings that acknowledged their guilt for having sinned against other people.
\v 38 In each of the inner entrances, there was a room with a door. They were rooms where the carcasses of the animals that were to be completely burned on the altar were washed.
\v 39 In each portico were four tables, two on each side. On those tables would be slaughtered the animals that were to be completely burned; also the animals for offerings of sins that people had committed and offerings that acknowledged their guilt for having sinned against other people.
\v 40 Just outside the inner courtyard, to the left of the steps leading up to its north gate, there were two tables, and to the right of the steps were two more tables.
@ -2827,7 +2827,7 @@
\v 5 Then he measured the wall of the temple; it was three and one-tenth meters thick. There was a row of rooms along the outside wall of the temple. Each of those rooms was two meters wide.
\v 6 There were three stories of rooms, with thirty rooms on each story. There were ledges all around the wall of the temple that were supports for the side rooms above. There were no extra supports built into the sanctuary wall.
\v 7 Each of the side rooms was wider than the one below it. The most narrow rooms were built first, at the bottom. Then a wider set of rooms was built over it, and the widest set was at the top. A set of stairs was built from the lowest level through the middle level to the highest level.
\v 7 Each of the side rooms was wider than the one below it. The narrowest rooms were built first, at the bottom. Then a wider set of rooms was built over it, and the widest set was at the top. A set of stairs was built from the lowest level through the middle level to the highest level.
@ -2849,7 +2849,7 @@
\v 15 Then he measured the building on the west side. Including its walls, it was also fifty-four meters long.
\p The outer walls of the holy place, of the very holy place, and the portico,
\v 16 the inner walls above and below the narrow windows, and the galleries on all the storys—all these things were covered with thin panels of wood.
\v 16 the inner walls above and below the narrow windows, and the galleries on all the stories—all these things were covered with thin panels of wood.
\v 17 All the walls inside the temple were decorated with carvings of winged creatures and palm trees; between each figure of a winged creature was a carving of a palm tree.
@ -2859,7 +2859,7 @@
\v 21 At the entrance to the main room of the temple there were square doorposts, all the same in appearance.
\v 22 In front of the very holy place there was a wooden altar. It was one and three-fifths meters high and one meter wide on all four sides. Its corners and base and sides were all made of wood. The man said to me, "This is the table that is in the presence of Yahweh."
\v 22 In front of the very holy place was a wooden altar. It was one and three-fifths meters high and one meter wide on all four sides. Its corners and base and sides were all made of wood. The man said to me, "This is the table that is in the presence of Yahweh."
\v 23 The holy place and the very holy place had folding doors.
\v 24 Each door consisted of two parts that swung on hinges.
@ -2876,7 +2876,7 @@
\v 4 To one side of the rooms was a walkway that was five and two-fifths meters wide and fifty-four meters long. All the doors of the rooms were on their north side.
\v 5 Each set of rooms was narrower than the set of rooms below them, because each upper sets had a walkway in front .
\v 5 Each set of rooms was narrower than the set of rooms below them because each upper set had a walkway in front.
\v 6 The rooms on the upper levels had no pillars to support them as there were in the courtyard, because those rooms were supported by the walls of the rooms below.
@ -2887,13 +2887,13 @@
\v 10 On the eastern side, along the outer wall of the outer courtyard, next to the temple courtyard, there was also a set of rooms.
\v 11 There was a walkway in front of them. These rooms were like the rooms on the north side. They had the same length and width, and also the same kind of entrances.
\v 11 There was a walkway in front of them. These rooms were like the rooms on the north side. They had the same length and width and also the same kind of entrances.
\v 12 There were also doorways into rooms on the south side that were similar to what was on the north side. There was an inside passage with an outer door; the passage had doors into all the rooms. At the east end of the passage was an outside door leading into it.
\v 13 Then the man said to me, "The rooms on the northern and southern sides that overlook the temple sanctuary are only for Yahweh's special purposes. Here the priests who offer sacrifices to Yahweh will eat their portions of those offerings. Because these rooms are special, they will be used to store the offerings for Yahweh: The flour for the flour offerings, for the offerings for the sins that people have committed, and for the offerings that people make for their sins.
\v 14 When the priests leave the temple, they will not be allowed to immediately enter the outer courtyard. First they must remove the clothes that they had been wearing inside the holy place, because those clothes are special, reserved for their work. They must put on other clothes before they enter the parts of the temple area where the other people gather."
\v 13 Then the man said to me, "The rooms on the northern and southern sides that overlook the temple sanctuary are only for Yahweh's special purposes. Here the priests who offer sacrifices to Yahweh will eat their portions of those offerings. Because these rooms are special, they will be used to store the offerings for Yahweh: the flour for the flour offerings, for the offerings for the sins that people have committed, and for the offerings that people make for their sins.
\v 14 When the priests leave the temple, they will not be allowed to immediately enter the outer courtyard. First they must remove the clothes that they had been wearing inside the holy place because those clothes are special, reserved for their work. They must put on other clothes before they enter the parts of the temple area where the other people gather."
@ -2963,7 +2963,7 @@
\v 25 Then, each day for seven days you must bring to the priest a male goat to be sacrificed for an offering, so I will accept the altar. You must also sacrifice a young bull and a ram, each without any defect, that the priests will provide.
\v 26 For seven days the priests will consecrate the altar, so I will accept the altar. By doing that they will set it apart for my honor.
\v 27 At the end of those seven days, starting on the following day, the priests will continue to put on the altar offerings to be completely burned and offerings to promise friendship with me. Then I will accept you. That it what I, Yahweh the Lord, declare."
\v 27 At the end of those seven days, starting on the following day, the priests will continue to put on the altar offerings to be completely burned and offerings to promise friendship with me. Then I will accept you. That is what I, Yahweh the Lord, declare."
\c 44