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Revelation 15


Why did John wrote about seven final plagues?

John wrote about seven final plagues.

Some scholars think John wrote about something that will happen when the world is going to end.

Other scholars think John wrote about the end of the antichrist. That is, the time when God will judge him.

Other scholars think John wrote about the time when Jerusalem was destroyed.

See:Plague; Antichrist

How is the wrath of God complete?

The wrath of God will be complete when God defeats Satan and the antichrist. Some scholars think John wanted to encourage Christians by promising them that God would defeat Satan. Although Satan defeated Christians for a period of time, they will ultimately defeat him.

See:Wrath; Satan (The Devil);Antichrist

What is the sea of glass?

God rules from a throne. Near to this throne is something that looks like a lot of water made of glass. This is what John was writing about. Some scholars think it had fire coming out of it because God was about to judge someone. Because of this, scholars think John wrote about something that happened in heaven.

See: Revelation 4:6

See: Throne; Heaven

What are the people doing?

John talked about certain people who were praising God. Scholars think John was speaking about Christians who were killed because they believed in Jesus.

See: Exodus 15

What is the temple having the tent of witness?

John wrote about a temple in heaven. Scholars think the temple God told Moses to build in the Old Testament was based on the temple that is in heaven.

See: Heaven; Temple

Why were the angels dressed in this way?

The angels were perfectly holy. The clothes they wore showed they did not have any dirt on them.

See: Angel: Holy (Holiness, Set Apart); Clean and Unclean

Why are there seven bowls of wrath?

The seven bowls John wrote about are symbols. John wrote about God judging someone or something. Perhaps John wrote about God judging the beast (see: Revelation 11:7)

See: Wrath; Symbol

Why was no one able to enter into the temple?

The temple was filled with the glory of God. People were not able to enter the temple when this happened. If they did, they would die.

See: Exodus 40:34-35; 1 Kings 8:10-11

See: Temple; Glory (Glorify);Wrath