916 B

Fall (Fall Away, Stand)

In the Bible, the words “fall” and “fall away” are used to talk about a person who stops trusting or believing in someone or something. The person who falls away becomes ashamed of the person or thing they previously trusted. They no longer want to be associated with the person or thing (see: Matthew 13:21; 26:31, 33; John 16:1).

Paul taught that there will be a time when many people fall away from God (see: 2 Thessalonians 2:3). When a person falls away from God, it is also called “apostasy.”

The word “stand” is used to talk about the opposite of “fall” and “fall away.” When a person “stands” or “stands firm,” they remain faithful to God and continue to do what God wants them to do even when experiencing difficult or painful things (see: 1 Corinthians 10:12; 16:13; Galatians 5:1; Ephesians 6:10-16).

See: Stumble (Stumbling Block); Faithful