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Hail is pieces of ice that fall from the sky during rain storms. Most hail is very small, only a few centimeters wide. However, it can be bigger than this. Some hail can be twenty centimeters wide and can weigh more than a kilogram. Hail destroys crops when it falls on them.

God sometimes sends hail to punish people when they have disobeyed him.

See: Punish (Punishment)

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God sent hail and lightning as a judgment on the people of Egypt (see: Exodus 9:23-24; Psalm 105:32). This was the seventh plague against Egypt.

In the book of Revelation, God punishes unbelievers with hail and fire (see: Revelation 8:7). This destroys one third of the trees and all the green grass on earth.

See: Judge (Judgment);Plague; Fire