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  • My days are swifter than a running messenger - This phrase describes the days as being able to run like a person. (See: en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_personification)
  • running messenger - "runner" or "running man"
  • my days flee away; they see no good anywhere - See above. Also, the second part of this clause describes the days as being able to see like a person. (See: en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_personification)
  • they see no good anywhere - "and nothing good ever happens to me" (UDB)
  • They are as fast as papyrus reed boats - Job compared the speed of the days passing by to the speed of fast boats. (See: en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_simile)
  • They are as fast as - "They pass quickly by like"
  • papyrus reed boats - Papyrus reed is a hollow grass that grows along the banks of rivers. "boats made out of reed"
  • and as fast as the eagle that swoops down on its victim - "and as the eagle that flies down quickly to catch its food"
  • the eagle - Possible meanings are 1)eagle or 2) vulture