2017-06-21 13:50:04 -07:00

847 B


a large area of water partly surrounded by land

did not recognize the land

"saw land but could not recognize it as any place they knew"

cut loose the anchors and left them

"cut the ropes and left the anchors behind"


large oars or pieces of wood at the back of the ship used for steering

the foresail

"the sail at the front of the ship." The sail was a large piece of cloth that catches the wind to move the ship.

they headed to the beach

"they steered the ship toward the beach"

they came to a place where two currents met

A current is water flowing in one continuous direction. Sometimes more than one water current can flow across another. This may cause the sand under the water to pile up making the water more shallow.

The bow of the ship

"The front of the ship"

the stern

"the back of the ship"