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Song of Solomon 04 Translation Questions

Q? How did the woman's lover describe her eyes?

A. Her eyes were as doves behind her veil. [4:1]

Q? How did the woman's lover describe her hair?

A. Her hair was like a flock of goats going down Mount Gilead. [4:1]

Q? How did her lover describe her teeth.

A. Her teeth were like newly shorn and washed female sheep. [4:2]

Q? What did the woman's beloved say about her lips and mouth.

A. He said her lips were like a thread of scarlet and that her mouth was lovely. [4:3]

Q? How did the woman's beloved describe her cheeks.

A. He described her cheeks like pomegranate halves behind her veil. [4:3]

Q? How did the woman's beloved describe her neck?

A. He described her neck as the tower of David built in rows of stone with a thousand soldiers' shields hanging on it. [4:4]

Q? How did the woman's beloved describe her two breasts?

A. He described her two breasts as two fawns, twins of a gazelle, grazing among the lilies. [4:5]

Q? Where would her lover go until dawn comes and the shadows flee?

A. He said he would go to the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense. [4:6]

Q? In what way was his love beautiful?

A. His love was beautiful in every way. [4:7]

Q? What did his beautiful love not have?

A. His beautiful love did not have any blemish. [4:7]

Q? What did Solomon call his bride?

A. Solomon called her his sister. [4:9]

Q? What did Solomon tell his bride she had stolen from him?

A. He said she had stolen his heart. [4:9]

Q? What did Solomon say was beautiful and what was it better than?

A. Solomon said her love was beautiful and better than wine. [4:9]

Q? What was the smell of her perfume better than?

A. The smell of her perfume better than any spice. [4:10]

Q? With what did he say his bride's lips dripped and what was under her tongue?

A. He said his bride's lips dripped with honey and she had honey and milk under her tongue. [4:11]

Q? What did the woman's clothes smell like?

A. Her clothes smelled like the fragrance of Lebanon. [4:11]

Q? What kind of garden and what kind of spring did Solomon say his sister, his bride, was like?

A. Solomon said she was like a garden locked up and a spring that was sealed. [4:12]

Q? To what did he liken the woman's branches?

A. He likened her branches to a grove of pomegranate trees with choice fruit and plants and all the finest spices. [4:13-14]

Q? With what kinds of water does Solomon describe his lover?

A. He described her as a garden spring, a well of fresh water, and streams flowing down from Lebanon. [4:15]

Q? On what does the young woman want the north and south winds to blow and why?

A. She wanted the north and south winds to blow on her garden so that its spices would give off their fragrance. [4:16]

Q? What did she want her beloved to do and to eat?

A. She wanted her beloved to come into his garden and to eat some of its choice fruit. [4:16]
