
2.1 KiB

Luke 13 Translation Questions

Q? Did the Galileans who were killed by Pilate suffer in this way because they were more sinful than the other Galileans?

A. No. [13:3]

Q? In Jesus' parable, what was done with the fig tree that did not bear fruit after three years?

A. It was given manure as fertilizer and one more year to bear fruit; if it did not, it would be cut down. [13:8-9]

Q? In the synagogue, what had caused the woman to be bent over for eighteen years?

A. An evil spirit of weakness from Satan had bound her. [13:11]

Q? Why was the synagogue ruler indignant when Jesus healed the woman?

A. Because Jesus healed her on the Sabbath. [13:14]

Q? How did Jesus show that the synagogue ruler was a hypocrite?

A. Jesus reminded him that he would untie his animal on the Sabbath, yet he was indignant when Jesus unbound the woman on the Sabbath. [13:15]

Q? How is the kingdom of God like a mustard seed?

A. Because it starts small like a seed, but then grows into something large with many places to dwell. [13:19]

Q? When asked if many would be saved, what did Jesus answer?

A. He said, "Struggle to enter through the narrow door, because many will try and will not be able to enter." [13:24]

Q? What will the people do who are thrown outside, and are not able to enter God's kingdom?

A. They will cry and grind their teeth. [13:28]

Q? Who will gather to relax at the dinner table in the kingdom of God?

A. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, the prophets, and many from the east, west, north, and south. [13:28-29]

Q? Where did Jesus say that he must be killed?

A. He must be killed in Jerusalem. [13:33]

Q? What did Jesus desire to do with the people of Jerusalem?

A. He desired to gather them the way a hen gathers her brood of chicks. [13:34]

Q? How did the people of Jerusalem respond to Jesus' desire for them?

A. They rejected it. [13:34]

Q? Therefore, what did Jesus prophesy about Jerusalem and its people?

A. Their house was abandoned, and they would not see Jesus again until they said, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord." [13:35]
