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Luke 4 Translation Questions

Q? Who led Jesus into the wilderness?

A. The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness. [4:1]

Q? How long did the devil tempt Jesus in the wilderness?

A. The devil tempted Jesus in the wilderness for 40 days. [4:2]

Q? What did the devil challenge Jesus to do with the stones on the ground?

A. The devil told Jesus to turn the stones into bread. [4:3]

Q? What was Jesus' response to the devil?

A. Man shall not live on bread alone. [4:4]

Q? What did the devil show to Jesus from a high place?

A. The devil showed Jesus all of the kingdoms of the world. [4:5]

Q? What did the devil want Jesus to do?

A. The devil wanted Jesus to bow down and worship him. [4:7]

Q? What was Jesus' response to the devil?

A. You must worship the Lord your God, and you must serve him only. [4:8]

Q? What did the devil tell Jesus to do when he took him to the highest point of the temple?

A. He told Jesus to jump down from there. [4:9]

Q? What was Jesus' response to the devil?

A. You must not test the Lord your God. [4:12]

Q? What did the devil do after Jesus refused to jump from the temple?

A. The devil left Jesus until another time. [4:13]

Q? From which book of the scriptures did Jesus read when he stood up in the synagogue?

A. Jesus read from the prophet Isaiah. [4:17]

Q? What did Jesus say was being fulfilled on that day?

A. Jesus said that the scripture he had just read from Isaiah was being fulfilled that day. [4:21]

Q? What kind of reception did Jesus say a prophet receives in his own country?

A. Jesus said that no prophet is accepted in his own country. [4:24]

Q? In Jesus' first example to the people in the synagogue, where did God send Elijah to help someone?

A. God sent Elijah to Zarephath, near the city of Sidon. [4:26]

Q? In Jesus' second example to the people in the synagogue, God had Elisha help someone from what country?

A. God had Elisha help Naaman the Syrian. [4:27]

Q? What did the people in the synagogue do when they heard these examples from Jesus?

A. They were filled with rage and wanted to throw him over the cliff. [4:28-29]

Q? How did Jesus avoid being killed by the people from the synagogue?

A. Jesus walked right through their midst. [4:30]

Q? In the synagogue, what did the demon speaking through the man know about Jesus?

A. The demon said that he knew Jesus was the Holy One of God. [4:34]

Q? How did the people react after Jesus cast out the demon?

A. The people were amazed and kept talking about it with one another. [4:36]

Q? What did Jesus do for the sick who were brought to him?

A. Jesus laid his hands on every one of them and healed them. [4:40]

Q? What did the demons say as they were cast out, and why did Jesus not let them speak?

A. The demons said that Jesus was the Son of God, and Jesus did not let them speak because they knew he was the Christ. [4:41]

Q? What did Jesus say was the reason he was sent?

A. Jesus said he was sent to preach the good news about the kingdom of God to many other cities. [4:43]
