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Job 38 Translation Questions

Q? Out of what did Yahweh speak to Job?

A. Yahweh spoke to Job out of a fierce storm. [38:1]

Q? By what means did someone bring darkness to Yahweh's plans?

A. Job brought darkness to Yahweh's plans by means of words without knowledge. [38:2]

Q? What does Yahweh tell Job he must do when Yahweh questions him?

A. Job must gird up his loins like a man and answer Yahweh's questions. [38:3]

Q? What sang together and who shouted for joy when Yahweh laid the cornerstone of the earth?

A. The morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy when the cornerstone was laid. [38:6-7]

Q? To what does Yahweh compare the sea bursting out after it was shut up with doors?

A. God compares the sea bursting out of doors to coming out of the womb. [38:8]

Q? What did Yahweh put in place to mark out the boundary of the sea so that it could come only so far and no farther?

A. Yahweh put in place bars and doors to mark a boundary for the sea. [38:10-11]

Q? How is the earth is changed in appearance like clay changes under a seal?

A. The light of dawn changes the earth so that all things on it stand out clearly like the folds of a piece of clothing. [38:14]

Q? What does Yahweh say to mock Job about his lack of knowledge about the way to the resting place of light and darkness?

A. Yahweh mocks Job by saying that undoubtedly Job should know about this because the number of Job's days is so large. [38:19-21]

Q? For what reason does Yahweh say he has kept storehouses for the snow and the hail?

A. Yahweh has kept these storehouses for times of trouble and for days of battle and war. [38:22-23]

Q? Why does Yahweh cause it to rain on the wilderness in which there is no person?

A. He causes it to rain in order to meet the needs of the barren and lonely regions and to make the tender grass sprout up. [38:25-27]

Q? What does Yahweh asks Job if he can do to Pleiades and Orion?

A. He asks Job if he can fasten chains on Pleiades or undo the cords of Orion. [38:31]

Q? What happens to the dust and clods of earth when Yahweh pours out water on them?

A. The dust runs into a hard mass and the clods of earth clump tightly together. [38:37-38]

Q? Where do the young lion cubs wait for their food?

A. They are crouch in their dens and shelter in hiding to lie in wait. [38:40]

Q? Why do the young ones of the ravens stagger about?

A. They stagger about for lack of food. [38:41]

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