
2.2 KiB

Job 34 Translation Questions

Q? Who does Elihu want to listen to his words and hear him?

A. Elhu wants the wise men and those who have knowledge to listen to him. [34:1-3]

Q? What does Elihu want others to choose and discover for themselves?

A. Elihu wants them to choose what is just and discover what is good. [34:4]

Q? What does Job say that God has taken away from him even though he is without sin and what is incurable?

A. Job says that God has taken away his rights. [34:5]

Q? In whose company does Elihu say Job goes around?

A. He says Job goes around in the company of those who do evil. [34:8]

Q? What does Elihu tell the men of understanding that God does not do?

A. God does not do wickedness, commit sin, or pervert justice. [34:10-12]

Q? What does Elihu say would happen if God ever gathered back to himself his spirit and his breath?

A. All flesh would perish and mankind would return to dust again. [34:13-15]

Q? Who does Elihu's question imply that Job is condemning?

A. He implies Job is condemning God who is righteous and mighty. [34:17]

Q? Who does Elihu say are the works of God's hands?

A. Leaders, rich and poor, are all the work of God's hands. [34:19]

Q? What does Elihu say that God sees.

A. Elihu says that God sees a person's ways and all his steps. [34:21]

Q? What does God do in the night to mighty men whose ways and deeds he knows?

A. God overthrows them in the night and they are destroyed. [34:25]

Q? What will God do to those who do wicked deeds like criminals and make the cry of the poor come to him?

A. God will kill them in the open sight of others. [34:26]

Q? Over whom does God rule?

A. God rules over the nation and the individual alike. [34:29]

Q? What is Elihu suggesting that Job should admit to God?

A. Elihu suggests that Job should admit that he is guilty and has committed sin, but will do it no longer. [34:31-32]

Q? What will men of understanding say about Job?

A. They will say that Job speaks without knowledge and wisdom. [34:34-35]

Q? What does Elihu say Job is adding to his sin because of his talking like wicked men?

A. He says that Job is adding rebellion to his sin. [34:37]

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