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Job 32 Translation Questions

Q? What did Job's three friends do when they could not convince Job that he had done anything wrong?

A. They stopped answering Job. [32:1]

Q? What emotion was kindled in Elihu when Job continued to justify himself rather than God?

A. Elihu's anger was kindled against Job. [32:2]

Q? Why was Elihu's anger kindled against Job's three friends?

A. He was angry with Job's friends because they had found no answer to Job and yet they had condemned Job. [32:3-5]

Q? Why was Elihu timid and afraid to tell Job and his friends what he was thinking?

A. Elihu was young and the others were all very old and should be able to teach wisdom. [32:6-7]

Q? Who does Elihu say gives understanding to man?

A. The breath of the Almighty gives man understanding. [32:8]

Q? Why does Elihu say the others should listen to him and allow him to declare what he knows?

A. It is not only the great who are wise, and it not the aged alone who understand justice. [32:9-10]

Q? What were Job's friends not able to do even though Elihu waited for them to speak, and paid attention carefully?

A. Job's friends were not able to convince Job or respond to his words. [32:11-12]

Q? Who does Elihu say must refute Job when the three friends, who thought they were wise, were not able to do that?

A. It is God who must refute Job. [32:13]

Q? What does Elihu decide to do because the three friends were dumbfounded and could not answer Job?

A. Elihu decided that because the friends had not a word more to say, he will not wait any longer. [32:15-16]

Q? What is it that compels Elihu to share his knowledge with Job?

A. The spirit compels Elihu to share his knowledge. [32:18]

Q? What does Elihu say he is feeling like within his breast?

A. He says his breast feels like wine in new wineskins that are ready to burst. [32:19]

Q? What does Elihu say his Maker would do to him if he were to speak and give honorific titles to any man?

A. Elihu says that his Maker would soon take him away. [32:21-22]

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