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Job 23 Translation Questions

Q? What does Job say is heaveir than his groaning?

A. Job said that his suffering is heavier than his groaning. [23:2]

Q? What would Job do before God if he could find him?

A. He would lay his case in order before God and fill his mouth with arguments. [23:4]

Q? Does Job think God would against him in the greatness of God's power if he could stand before him?

A. No, he thinks God would pay attention to him. [23:6]

Q? What does Job say God is doing in the south?

A. Job says in the south, God hides himself so that Job cannot see him. [23:9]

Q? What result does Job expect from God's testing him?

A. When God has tested Job, he will come out like gold. [23:10]

Q? What has Job done with the words of God's mouth?

A. Job has treasured up in his heart the words of God's mouth. [23:12]

Q? What does God carry out for Job?

A. God carries out his decrees for Job. [23:14]

Q? How does Job feel when he thinks about God?

A. When Job thinks about him, he is afraid of him. [23:15]

Q? What covers Job's face?

A. The thick darkness cover's Job's face. [23:17]

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