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Job 18 Translation Questions

Q? How did Bildad think Job viewed his friends?

A. Bildad thought Job regarded them as beasts, and thought they were stupid. [18:3]

Q? What will happen to the light of the wicked person?

A. His light will be put out, and the spark of his fire will not shine. [18:5]

Q? What will throw the wicked man into a net?

A. He will be thrown into a net by his own feet, and he will walk into a pitfall. [18:8]

Q? What will catch the wicked man?

A. He will be caught by a trap, a snare, and a noose. [18:9-10]

Q? What will happen to the wealth of the wicked man?

A. His wealth turn into hunger. [18:12]

Q? Where will the wicked man no longer live?

A. He will be torn out of his tent, his home in which he now trusts. [18:14]

Q? What image does Bildad use to describe what will happen to the wicked man?

A. He describes the wicked man as a tree whose roots will dry up beneath the ground, and whose branch will be cut off above. [18:16]

Q? Will the wicked man have any descendants?

A. He will have no son or son's son among his people, nor any remaining kinfolk where he had stayed. [18:19]

Q? How do the people respond to what happens to the wicked man?

A. The people who live in the west will be horrified and the people who live in the east will be frightened. [18:20]

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