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Job 08 Translation Questions

Q? To what did Bildad compare the words of Job's mouth?

A. He compared them to a mighty wind. [8:2]

Q? How did Bildad say he knew that Job's children sinned?

A. He said he knew this because God had handed Job's children over to their sin. [8:4]

Q? How does Bildad say that God would bless Job if he was pure and upright?

A. He would reward Job with a home that truly belonged to him. [8:6]

Q? To what does Bildad compare our days on earth?

A. He says they are a shadow. [8:9]

Q? What do papyrus and reeds require in order to grow?

A. Papyrus requires a marsh, and reeds need water to grow. [8:11]

Q? To what does Bildad compare the trust of godless men?

A. Their trust is as fragile as a spider's web. [8:14]

Q? What do the roots do that represent a person that forgets God?

A. His roots are wrapped around the heaps of stone and look for good places among the rocks. [8:17]

Q? How does God treat the innocent man and the evildoers differently?

A. He will not cast away an innocent man, but will not take the hand of evildoers. [8:20]

Q? With what will God fill the mouth and lips of the innocent man?

A. He will fill his mouth with laughter and his lips with shouting. [8:21]

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