
4.6 KiB

John 04 Translation Questions

Q? When did Jesus leave Judea and depart for Galilee?

A. Jesus left Judea and departed for Galilee after he knew the Pharisees had heard that he was making and baptizing more disciples than John . [4:1-3]

Q? Where did Jesus come to on his way to Galilee?

A. He came to a Samaritan town called Sychar. [4:5]

Q? Who came to Jacob's well while Jesus was there?

A. A Samaritan woman came there to draw water. [4:7]

Q? Where were Jesus' disciples?

A. They had gone away into town to buy food. [4:8]

Q? What did Jesus first say to the Samaritan Woman?

A. He said to her, "Give me some water to drink." [4:7]

Q? Why was the Samaritan woman suprised that Jesus would talk to her?

A. She was surprised because Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans. [4:9]

Q? What does Jesus say to turn the conversation to the things of God?

A. Jesus tells her that if she had known the gift of God and who was talking to her, she would have asked and he would have given her living water. [4:10]

Q? What statement does the woman make to indicate she doesn't understand the spiritual nature of Jesus' comments?

A. The woman replied, "Sir, you do not have a bucket, and the well is deep. Where would you get that living water?" [4:11]

Q? What does Jesus tell the woman about the water that he will give?

A. Jesus tells the woman those who drink the water he gives will never thirst again and that water will become a fountain of water springing up into eternal life. [4:15]

Q? Why does the woman now want this water that Jesus offers?

A. She wants the water so she won't get thirsty and not have to come to the well to draw water. [4:15]

Q? Jesus then changes the subject of conversation. What does he tell the woman?

A. Jesus tells her, "Go, call your husband, and come back here." [4:16]

Q? How does the woman answer Jesus when he tells her to call her husband?

A. The woman tells Jesus she has no husband. [4:17]

Q? What does Jesus say about the woman which he could not know by natural means?

A. He tells her she has had five husbands and the man she now has is not her husband. [4:18]

Q? What controvery does the woman bring up to Jesus concerning worship?

A. She bring up a controversy about where is the proper place to worship. [4:20]

Q? What does Jesus tell the woman about the kind of worshipers the Father seeks?

A. Jesus tells her God is a Spirit and true worshipers must worship God in spirit and in truth. [4:23-24]

Q? What does Jesus say to the woman when she tells Jesus that when Messiah (Christ) comes, he will declare everything to them?

A. Jesus tells her that he is the Messiah (Christ). [4:25-26]

Q? What did the woman do after her conversation with Jesus?

A. The woman left her water pot, went back to town, and said to the people, "Come see a man who told me all things that I ever did. This could not be the Christ, could it?' [4:28-29]

Q? What did the town's people do after they heard the woman's report?

A. They left the town and came to Jesus. [4:30]

Q? What does Jesus say his food is?

A. Jesus said his food was to do the will of the one who sent him and to complete his work. [4:34]

Q? What is the benefit of harvesting?

A. The harvesters receive wages and gathers fruit for everlasting life, so that he who sows and he who harvests may rejoice together. [4:36]

Q? Why did many Samaritans in that city to believe in Jesus?

A. The woman's report caused many Samaritans in that city to believe in Jesus. [4:39]

Q? What did many of those Samaritans believe about Jesus?

A. They said that they now knew that Jesus was indeed the savior of the world. [4:42]

Q? When Jesus came into Galilee why did the Galileans welcome him?

A. They welcomed him because they had seen all the things that he had done in Jerusalem at the festival. [4:45]

Q? After Jesus left Judea and returned to Galilee, who came to Jesus and what did he want?

A. A certain royal official whose son was sick came to Jesus, imploring him to come down and heal his son. [4:46-47]

Q? What did Jesus tell the royal official about signs and wonders?

A. Jesus told him people would not believe unless they saw signs and wonders [4:48]

Q? What did the royal official do when Jesus didn't go with him but told him, "Go; your son lives."?

A. The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way. [4:50]

Q? What was the result after the father of the sick child was told that his son was living and that the fever had left him the day before at the seventh hour, at the same hour Jesus had told him, "Your son lives."?

A. The result was the royal official and his whole household believed. [4:53]

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