
1.8 KiB

Jeremiah 52 Translation Questions

Q? What kind of king was Zedekiah?

A. Zedekiah was an evil king just like Jehoiakim. [52:1-2]

Q? What did king Nebuchadnezzar do while he was near Jerusalem?

A. He camped opposite it and attacked the city for two years. [52:4-5]

Q? Where did the Chaldeans (Babylonians) catch Zedekiah and his men?

A. They caught them in the plains of the Jordan River near Jericho. [52:6-8]

Q? What did the king of Babylon do to Zedekiah and his sons?

A. The king slaughtered Zedekiah's sons before his eyes and then put out Zedekiah's eyes, bound him in chains, and took him to Babylon. [52:9-11]

Q? What did Nebuzaradan do in Jerusalem?

A. He burned the house of Yahweh, the king's palace, and all the houses and important buildings, and he destroyed the walls around Jerusalem. [52:12-14]

Q? What did Nebuzaradan do to the poorest people in Jerusalem?

A. He took some of them into exile and left some to work the vineyards and fields. [52:15-16]

Q? What became of the bronze, gold, and silver in the house of Yahweh?

A. The Chaldeans (Babylonians) took it all away. [52:17-19]

Q? What did Nebuzaradan do to Zephaniah and other city officials?

A. He put them in prison. [52:24-25]

Q? What did the king of Babylon do with the prisoners that Nebuzaradan brought to him?

A. He put them to death. [52:26-27]

Q? How many Judean people were exiled?

A. There were 4,600 people exiled from Jerusalem. [52:28-30]

Q? Who released Jehoiachin king of Judah from prison?

A. Evil Merodach, king of Babylon, released him. [52:31]

Q? How did Evil Merodach treat Jehoiachin when he was released from prison?

A. He spoke kindly to him and gave him a seat of honor. He removed Jehoiachin's prison clothes and had him eat at his table and gave him a regular food allowance for the rest of his life. [52:32-34]

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