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Jeremiah 44 Translation Questions

Q? Why does Jeremiah say Yahweh brought disaster on Jerusalem and the cities of Judah?

A. Jeremiah says did it because the people worshiped other gods. [44:2-3]

Q? What had Yahweh's prophets said to the people?

A. The prophets had told the people to stop doing things that Yahweh hates. [44:4]

Q? What did the people do after the prophets spoke to them?

A. They did not listen. [44:5]

Q? What did Yahweh do when the Judeans did not listen to the prophets?

A. Yahweh poured out his fury and his wrath, and he destroyed Judah and Jerusalem. [44:6]

Q? How many of the people who went to Egypt will Yahweh allow to live?

A. He will not allow any of them to live. [44:7]

Q? How did they offend Yahweh?

A. They offended Yahweh with the deeds of their hands, by burning incense to other gods in the land of Egypt. [44:8]

Q? What does Yahweh say is going to happen to them in Egypt?

A. He says he will destroy them. [44:8]

Q? Who does Yahweh say has committed wickedness?

A. He says that the people and their ancestors have committed wickedness. [44:10]

Q? What does Yahweh say will happen to the people who went to Egypt?

A. Yahweh says that he will set his face against them and bring disaster to them and destroy all of them just as he punished Jerusalem: with sword and famine and plague. [44:11-12]

Q? What does Yahweh say about the remnant of Judah?

A. He says that none of them who want to return to Judah will return, though a few will escape from Egypt. [44:14]

Q? What did the people think would happen if they continued to burned incense and pour out drink offerings to the Queen of Heaven?

A. The people thought they would be filled with food and would prosper, without experiencing any disaster if they burned incense and poured out drink offerings to the Queen of Heaven. [44:17]

Q? What was it that Yahweh could no longer bear?

A. He could no longer bear what the people did. [44:22]

Q? What happened to their land after Yahweh could no longer bear what the people did?

A. Their land became a desolation, a horror, and a curse. [44:22]

Q? Why did this disaster happen to them?

A. Because they burned incense to worship idols and sinned against Yahweh, and because they would not listen to him. [44:23]

Q? What did Jeremiah tell those who wanted to fulfill their vows to the Queen of Heaven?

A. He told them to fulfill their vows. [44:25]

Q? What did Jeremiah say the people would do after they fulfilled their vows?

A. He told them that they would never again worship Yahweh, but they would all perish by sword and famine. [44:26-27]

Q? What will happen to those who do not die by the sword?

A. They will return from Egypt to Judah. [44:28]

Q? What does Yahweh say he will do with Pharaoh Hophra?

A. He says he will give Pharaoh Hophra to his enemies. [44:30]

Q? What will the people understand when Hophra dies?

A. They will understand that Yahweh will do to them everything he said he would do. [44:29]

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