
2.2 KiB

Judges 16 Translation Questions

Q? When did the Gazites plan to kill Samson?

A. The Gazites planned to kill Samson at daylight. [16:2]

Q? How did Samson escape Gaza?

A. Samson took hold of the city gate and its two posts, and he pulled them up out of the ground, bar and all. [16:3]

Q? If Delilah tricked Samson, what would the rulers of the Philistines give her?

A. If Delilah tricked Samson, each of the rulers of the Philistines would give her 1,100 pieces of silver. [16:5]

Q? When Delilah told Samson the Philistines were on him, what did he do to the bowstrings with which he was tied?

A. When Delilah told Samson the Philistines were on him, he broke the bowstrings. [16:9]

Q? When Samson tore off the ropes from his arms, where were the men lying in wait?

A. When Samson tore off the ropes from his arms, the men lying in wait were in the inner room. [16:12]

Q? How much did Delilah pressure Samson?

A. She so pressured him that he wished he would die. [16:16]

Q? Why had Samson never had a razor cut the hair on his head?

A. Samson had never had a razor cut the hair on his head, for he had been a Nazirite for God from his mother's womb. [16:17]

Q? How was Delilah able to begin to subdue Samson?

A. Delilah began to subdue him when the locks of his head were shaven off, for his strength left him. [16:19]

Q? What work did the Philistines make Samson do?

A. The Philistines made Samson turn the millstone at the prison house. [16:21]

Q? Why did the rulers of the Philistines gather together to offer a great sacrifice to Dagon their god?

A. The rulers of the Philistines gathered together to offer a great sacrifice to Dagon their god, for they said, "Our god has conquered Samson." [16:23]

Q? Who helped Samson touch the pillars on which the building rested?

A. The boy who held Samson's hand helped Samson touch the pillars on which the building rested. [16:26]

Q? Why did Samson want God to strengthen him?

A. Samson wanted God to strengthen him so that he could have revenge in one blow on the Philistines for taking his two eyes. [16:28]

Q? How many people did Samson kill when the building fell?

A. Samson killed more than those he killed during his life. [16:30]

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