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Judges 07 Translation Questions

Q? Why did Yahweh have the fearful soldiers return?

A. Yahweh had the fearful soldiers return so that Israel could not boast against Yahweh saying, "Our own power has saved us." [7:2-3]

Q? Why did Yahweh tell Gideon to take the soldiers down to the water?

A. Yahweh wanted to make the number of soldiers smaller by telling Gideon which ones would go with him. [7:4]

Q? How did Yahweh tell Gideon to separate the soldiers?

A. Yahweh told Gideon to separate everyone who lapped up the water, as a dog laps. [7:5]

Q? How many soldiers did Gideon keep?

A. Gideon kept three hundred soldiers and sent the rest home. [7:7-8]

Q? If Gideon was afraid, what would strengthen Gideon's courage?

A. If Gideon was afraid, he was told to go down to the camp, and listen to what they were saying, and his courage would be strengthened to attack the camp. [7:10-11]

Q? When one man was telling a dream to his companion, who did the companion say the dream was about?

A. When one man was telling a dream to his companion, the companion said the dream was about Gideon. God had given him victory over Midian and all their army. [7:13-14]

Q? What did Gideon give his three hundred soldiers?

A. Gideon gave them all trumpets and empty jars, with torches inside each jar. [7:16]

Q? When did Gideon's soldiers blow the trumpets and break the jars that were in their hands?

A. Just as the Midianites were changing the guard, Gideon's soldiers blew the trumpets and broke the jars that were in their hands. [7:19]

Q? When the soldiers blew the three hundred trumpets, what did Yahweh do?

A. When they blew the three hundred trumpets, Yahweh set every Midianite man's sword against his comrads and against all their army. [7:22]

Q? How far did the men of Ephraim gather together and take control of the waters?

A. The men of Ephraim gathered together and took control of the waters, as far as Beth Barah and the Jordan River. [7:24]

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