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Hebrews 12 Translation Questions

Q? Why should the believer throw off the sin that easily entangles him?

A. Since he is surrounded by such a large crowd of witnesses, the believer should throw off the sin that easily entangles him. [12:1]

Q? Why did Jesus endure the cross and despise its shame?

A. Jesus endured the cross and despised its shame for the joy that was set before him. [12:2]

Q? How can a believer avoid becoming weary or fainthearted?

A. By considering Jesus who endured hateful speech from sinners, a believer can avoid becoming weary or fainthearted. [12:3]

Q? What does the Lord do to those whom he loves and receives?

A. The Lord disciplines those whom he loves and receives. [12:6]

Q? What is a person who is without the Lord's discipline?

A. A person without the Lord's discipline is an illegitimate child and not God's child. [12:8]

Q? Why does God discipline his children?

A. God disciplines his children for their good so they can share in his holiness [12:10}.

Q? What does discipline produce?

A. Discipline produces peaceful fruit of righteousness. [12:11]

Q? What should believers pursue with all people?

A. Believers should pursue peace with all people. [12:14]

Q? What must not grow up and cause trouble and pollute many?

A. A root of bitterness must not grow up and cause trouble and pollute many. [12:15]

Q? What happened to Esau when he desired to inherit the blessing with tears after selling his own birthright?

A. Esau was rejected when he desired to inherit the blessing with tears after selling his own birthright. [12:17]

Q? For what did the Israelites beg at the mountain where God spoke?

A. The Israelites begged that not another word be spoken to them. [12:19]

Q? To where do believers in Christ come instead of the mountain where the Israelites heard the voice of God?

A. Believers in Christ come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God. [12:22]

Q? To what assembly do believers in Christ come?

A. Believers in Christ come to the assembly of all the firstborn registered in heaven. [12:23]

Q? To whom do believers in Christ come?

A. Believer in Christ come to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous, and to Jesus. [12:23-24]

Q? What will happen to those who turn away from the one who warns them from heaven?

A. Those who turn away will not escape from God. [12:25]

Q? What has God promised to shake?

A. God has promised to shake the earth and the heavens. [12:26]

Q? What will the believers receive instead of the things that can be shaken?

A. The believers will receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken. [12:28]

Q? How should believers worship God?

A. Believers should worship God with reverence and awe. [12:28]

Q? Why should believers worship God in this way?

A. Believers should worship God in this way because he is a consuming fire. [12:29]

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