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Hebrews 08 Translation Questions

Q? Where is the believers' high priest sitting?

A. The believers' high priest is sitting at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens. [8:1]

Q? Where is the true tabernacle?

A. The true tabernacle is in the heavens. [8:2]

Q? What is necessary for every priest to have?

A. Every priest must have something to offer. [8:3]

Q? Where were the priests who offered gifts according to the Law?

A. The priests who offered gifts according to the Law were on the earth. [8:4]

Q? What did the priests on earth serve?

A. The priests on earth served a copy and shadow of the heavenly things. [8:5]

Q? According to what pattern was the earthly tabernacle built?

A. The earthly tabernacle was built according to the pattern God showed Moses on the mountain. [8:5]

Q? Why does Christ have a superior priestly ministry?

A. Christ has a superior priestly ministry because he is the mediator of a better covenant, established on better promises. [8:6]

Q? What did God promise when he found fault with the people under the first covenant?

A. God promised to make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. [8:8]

Q? What did God say he would do in the new covenant?

A. God said he would put his laws into the people's minds, and write them on their hearts. [8:10]

Q? In the new covenant, who would know the Lord?

A. In the new covenant, all would know the Lord, from the least to the greatest. [8:11]

Q? What did God say he would do with the people's sins in the new covenant?

A. God said he would remember the people's sins no more. [8:12]

Q? In announcing a new covenant, what did God make the first covenant?

A. In announcing a new covenant, God made the first covenant old and ready to disappear. [8:13]

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