
2.7 KiB

Acts 16 Translation Questions

Q? What did Paul do with Timothy before they traveled together, and why?

A. Paul circumcised Timothy because the Jews in those parts knew Timothy's father was a Greek. [16:3]

Q? What instructions did Paul deliver to the churches on their way?

A. Paul delivered the instructions that had been written by the apostles and elders in Jerusalem. [16:4]

Q? How did Paul know God was calling him to preach the gospel in Macedonia?

A. Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia calling him to come over and help them. [16:9]

Q? On the Sabbath, why did Paul go to the river outside the gate of Philippi?

A. Paul thought there would be a place of prayer there. [16:13]

Q? What did the Lord do for Lydia as Paul spoke?

A. The Lord opened Lydia's heart to pay attention to the things which were spoken by Paul. [16:14]

Q? Who was baptized after Paul spoke by the river?

A. Lydia and her household were baptized after Paul spoke. [16:15]

Q? How did the young woman with a spirit make money for her masters?

A. She made money for her masters by fortunetelling. [16:16]

Q? What did Paul do after the young woman had followed him for many days?

A. Paul turned and commanded the spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ, to come out of her. [16:17-18]

Q? What accusation did the young woman's masters bring against Paul and Silas?

A. They accused Paul and Silas of teaching things that are not lawful for Romans to receive or observe. [16:21]

Q? What punishment did Paul and Silas receive from the magistrates?

A. They were beaten with rods, thrown into prison, and put in the stocks. [16:22-24]

Q? What were Paul and Silas doing around midnight in the prison?

A. They were praying and singing hymns to God. [16:25]

Q? What happened that caused the jailer to prepare to kill himself?

A. There was an earthquake, all the prison doors were opened, and everyone's chains were unfastened. [16:26]

Q? What question did the jailer ask Paul and Silas?

A. The jailer asked Paul and Silas, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved"? [16:30]

Q? What answer did Paul and Silas give the jailer?

A. Paul and Silas answered, "Believe on the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved, you and your house". [16:31]

Q? Who was baptized that night?

A. The jailer and all his household were baptized that night. [16:33]

Q? What caused the magistrates to be afraid after they sent word to let Paul and Silas go?

A. The magistrates were afraid because they realized that they had publicly beaten two uncondemned Roman citizens. [16:37-38]

Q? After the magistrates asked them to leave the city, what did Paul and Silas do?

A. Paul and Silas went to the house of Lydia, encouraged the brothers, and then departed from Philippi. [16:40]
