
2.2 KiB

Acts 14 Translation Questions

Q? What did the disbelieving Jews in Iconium do after a multitude believed Paul and Barnabas' preaching?

A. The disbelieving Jews stirred up the minds of the Gentiles and made them bitter against the brothers. [14:1-2]

Q? How did God give evidence about the message of his grace?

A. God gave evidence about the message of his grace by granting signs and wonders to be done by the hands of Paul and Barnabas. [14:3]

Q? Why did Paul and Barnabas leave Iconium?

A. Some Gentiles and Jews attempted to persuade their leaders to mistreat and stone Paul and Barnabas. [14:5-7]

Q? What did Paul do that caused an uproar in Lystra?

A. Paul healed a man who was a cripple from birth. [14:8-10]

Q? What did the people of Lystra want to do for Paul and Barnabas?

A. The people wanted to offer sacrifices through the priest of Zeus to Paul and Barnabas. [14:11-13,18]

Q? How did Barnabas and Paul respond to what the people wanted to do for them?

A. Barnabas and Paul tore their clothing, went into the crowd, and cried out saying that the people should turn from these useless things to a living God. [14:14-15]

Q? How had God not left himself without witness in the past?

A. God had given the nations rain and fruitful seasons, filling their hearts with food and gladness. [14:17]

Q? What did the crowds at Lystra later do to Paul?

A. The crowds at Lystra later stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city. [14:19]

Q? What did Paul do as the disciples were standing around him?

A. Paul got up and entered the city. [14:20]

Q? Through what did Paul say the disciples must enter into the kingdom of God?

A. Through many sufferings Paul said the disciples must enter into the kingdom of God. [14:22]

Q? What did Paul and Barnabas do in every assembly of believers before they departed?

A. In every assembly, Paul and Barnabas appointed elders, prayed with fasting, and entrusted the believers to the Lord. [14:23]

Q? What did Paul and Barnabas do when they returned to Antioch?

A. When they returned to Antioch, they reported all the things that God had done with them, and how he had opened a door of faith for the Gentiles. [14:27]
