
2.1 KiB

2 Thessalonians 02 Translation Questions

Q? About what event does Paul say he is now going to write?

A. Paul says he is now going to write concerning the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. [2:1]

Q? What does Paul tell them not to believe?

A. Paul tells them not to believe that the day of the Lord has already come. [2:2]

Q? What does Paul say must come before the day of the Lord?

A. The falling away and the revealing of the man of lawlessness must come before the day of the Lord. [2:3]

Q? What does the man of lawlessness do?

A. The man of lawlessness opposes and exalts himself against God, sitting in the temple of God and portraying himself as God. [2:4]

Q? When will the man of lawlessness be revealed?

A. The man of lawlessness will be revealed when it is time, when the one who restrains him is taken out of the way. [2:6-7]

Q? What will Jesus do to the man of lawlessness when Jesus is revealed?

A. When Jesus is revealed, he will kill the man of lawlessness. [2:8]

Q? Who is working with the man of lawlessness to give him power, signs, and false wonders?

A. Satan is working with the man of lawlessness to give him power, signs, and false wonders. [2:9]

Q? Why are some deceived by the man of lawlessness and are perishing?

A. Some are deceived because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved. [2:10]

Q? In what do those who are deceived and perishing take pleasure?

A. Those who are deceived and perishing take pleasure in unrighteousness. [2:12]

Q? What did God choose for the Thessalonians to obtain through the gospel?

A. God chose for the Thessalonians to obtain the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ through the gospel. [2:13-14]

Q? What does Paul call the Thessalonians to do now that they have received the gospel?

A. Paul calls the Thessalonians to stand firm and to grasp the traditions that they were taught. [2:15]

Q? In what does Paul desire the Thessalonians to be established in their hearts?

A. Paul desires that the Thessalonians be established in every good work and word. [2:17]
