
1.1 KiB

2 Kings 20 Translation Questions

Q? What did Yahweh tell Hezekiah to do because he would die?

A. Yahweh told Hezekiah to set his house in order for he would die. [20:1]

Q? Why was Yahweh about to heal Hezekiah?

A. Because Yahweh heard Hezekiah's prayer and saw his tears, he was about to heal him. [20:5]

Q? How did Hezekiah recover?

A. A lump of figs was put on his boil, and he recovered. [20:7]

Q? How did Yahweh change the shadow?

A. Yahweh brought the shadow ten steps backward, from where it had moved to on the stairway of Ahaz. [20:10-11]

Q? What did Hezekiah show the messengers from the king of Babylon?

A. Hezekiah showed them everything in his house and kingdom. [20:13]

Q? What would happen to the sons born from Hezekiah?

A. The people of Babylon would take away the sons born from him, and they would become eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon. [20:18]

Q? Why did Hezekiah think that the word of Yahweh was good?

A. Hezekiah thought that the word of Yahweh was good because there would be peace and stability in his days. [20:19]

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