
2.1 KiB

2 Kings 19 Translation Questions

Q? What did King Hezekiah do when he heard the report?

A. When King Hezekiah heard the report, he tore his clothes, covered himself with sackcloth, and went into the house of Yahweh. [19:1]

Q? What did Hezekiah say Yahweh should do?

A. Hezekiah said Yahweh should hear all the words of Rabshakeh and may rebuke the words which Yahweh heard. [19:4]

Q? What would Yahweh do to stop the king of Assyria?

A. Yahweh would put a spirit in him, and the king would hear a certain report and go back to his own land. [19:7]

Q? According to Sennacherib, in what way did God deceive Hezekiah?

A. According to Sennacherib, God deceived Hezekiah by saying Jerusalem would not be given over into the hand of the king of Assyria. [19:10]

Q? Where did Hezekiah spread the letter from the messengers?

A. Hezekiah spread the letter from the messengers in the house of Yahweh. [19:14]

Q? Why should Yahweh save the people of Judah?

A. Yahweh should save the people of Judah so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that Yahweh is God alone. [19:19]

Q? Against whom did the king of Assyria exalt his voice?

A. The king of Assyria exalted his voice against the Holy One of Israel! [19:22]

Q? Who said he had dried up all the rivers of Egypt under the soles of his feet?

A. Sennacherib said he had dried up all the rivers of Egypt under the soles of his feet. [19:24]

Q? Who determined long ago that impregnable cities would be reduced into heaps of ruins?

A. Yahweh determined long ago that impregnable cities would be reduced into heaps of ruins. [19:25]

Q? What would Yahweh put in Sennacherib's nose?

A. Yahweh would put his hook in Sennacherib's nose [19:28]

Q? What would be the sign for Hezekiah?

A. The sign would be that the people of Judah would eat what grows wild, and in the second year what grows from that. [19:29]

Q? Why would Yahweh defend Jerusalem?

A. Yahweh would defend Jerusalem for his own sake and for his servant David's sake. [19:34]

Q? How did Yahweh defend Jerusalem?

A. Yahweh went out and attacked the camp of the Assyrians, putting to death 185,000 soldiers. [19:35]

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