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21:1z3bdHow was Paul made an apostle of Christ Jesus?Paul was made an apostle by to the commandment of God.
31:2sl85What was the relationship between Paul and Timothy?Timothy was Pauls true son in the faith.
41:3q1obWhere did Paul urge Timothy to remain?He urged Timothy to remain in Ephesus.
51:3sltyWhat was Timothy to command certain people not to do?He was to command them not to teach differently.
61:5crq2What did Paul say was the goal of his commandment and teaching?The goal of his commandment was love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith.
71:9tqorFor whom is the law made?The law is for lawless, rebellious, ungodly people, and sinners.
81:13cfvjWhat sins did Paul formerly commit?Paul was a blasphemer, persecutor, and a violent man.
91:14q6g0What overflowed to Paul, resulting in Paul becoming an apostle of Jesus Christ?The grace of our Lord overflowed to Paul.
101:15iw1lWho did Christ Jesus come into the world to save?Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.
111:16o828Why does Paul say God gave him mercy?God gave Paul mercy so that Jesus could demonstrate his patience in Paul as an example.
121:18miluWhat did Paul tell Timothy to do in accordance with the prophecies made about Timothy?Paul tells Timothy to fight the good fight.
131:19m2ofWhat happened to some who rejected their faith and their good conscience?These people have shipwrecked their faith.
141:20yc47What did Paul do for those men who had rejected faith and a good conscience and had shipwrecked their faith?Paul gave them over to Satan so that they may be taught not to blaspheme.
152:1wr9kFor whom does Paul request that prayers be made?Paul requests prayers be made for all people.
162:2acepWhat kind of life does Paul desire Christians be allowed to live?Paul desires that Christians be allowed to live a peaceful and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.
172:4kuftWhat does God desire for all people?God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
182:5bpzkWhat is Christ Jesus position between God and man?Christ Jesus is the one mediator between God and man.
192:6eq8pWhat did Christ Jesus do for all?Christ Jesus gave himself as a ransom for all.
202:7zatiWho does the apostle Paul teach?Paul is a teacher of the nations.
212:8otgqWhat does Paul want men to do?Paul wants men to pray and lift up holy hands.
222:9o7jfWhat does Paul want women to do?Paul wants women to dress modestly and with self-control.
232:12uv0vWhat does Paul not permit a woman to do?Paul does not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man.
242:13rygxWhat is the first reason that Paul gives for not permitting a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man?Pauls first reason is that Adam was formed first.
252:14v47fWhat is the second reason that Paul gives for not permitting a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man?Pauls second reason is that Adam was not deceived.
262:15wsulIn what does Paul want women to remain?Paul wants women to continue in faith and love and sanctification with soundness of mind.
273:1kkd2What kind of work is the work of an overseer?The work of an overseer is good work.
283:2qr30What must an overseer be able to do?An overseer must be able to teach.
293:3b69pHow must an overseer handle alcohol and money?An overseer must not be a drunkard, and must not love money.
303:4eyahHow should an overseers children treat him?An overseers children must obey and honor him.
313:5qctsWhy is it important that an overseer manage his household well?It is important because if he cannot manage his household well, he will likely not care well for a church.
323:6vh1hWhat is the danger if the overseer is a new convert?The danger is that he will be puffed up and fall into condemnation.
333:7fbs1What must an overseers reputation be with those outside the church?An overseer must have a good reputation with those outside the church.
343:10fe41What should be done with deacons before they serve?Before they serve, deacons should be tested.
353:11tt7fWhat are some characteristics of godly women?Godly women are dignified, not slanderers, sober, and trustworthy in everything.
363:15h9jjWhat is the household of God?The household of God is the church of the living God.
373:16l73nAfter Jesus appeared in the flesh, was justified by the Spirit, and was seen by angels, what did he do?Jesus was proclaimed among nations, believed in the world, and taken up in glory.
384:1xv1vAccording to the Spirit, what will some people do in the later times?Some people will leave the faith and attend to deceiving spirits and the teachings of demons.
394:3ovfaWhat lies will these people teach?They will forbid marriage and forbid eating some foods.
404:5lih5How is anything we eat sanctified for our use?Anything we eat is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.
414:7cgd8In what does Paul tell Timothy to train himself?Paul tells Timothy to train himself in godliness.
424:8pra7Why is training in godliness more profitable than bodily training?Training in godliness is more profitable because it holds promise for this present life and the coming one.
434:11esnxWhat does Paul exhort Timothy to do with all of the good things that he has received in Pauls teaching to him?Paul exhorts Timothy to command and teach these things.
444:12y0ofIn what ways is Timothy to be an example to others?Timothy is to be an example in word, conduct, love, faith, and purity.
454:14idhzHow did Timothy receive the spiritual gift that he had?The gift was given to Timothy through prophecy with the imposition of the hands of the elders.
464:16xnxkIf Timothy continues faithfully in his life and teaching, who will be saved?Timothy will save both himself and his listeners.
475:1d0jxHow did Paul tell Timothy to treat an older man in the church?Paul told Timothy to exhort him as if he were a father.
485:4mqdsWhat should children and grandchildren of a widow do for her?Children and grandchildren should repay their parents and take care of her.
495:8t8erWhat has someone done who does not take care of those in his own household?He has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
505:10uzggFor what should a widow be known?A widow should be attested for good works.
515:11qnfuWhy should the church not enroll young widows onto the list of people for the church to care for?These younger widows will later want to marry.
525:14ub6kWhat does Paul want younger women to do?Paul wants younger women to marry, to bear children, and to manage a household.
535:17ev62What should be done for elders who lead well?Elders who lead well should be considered worthy of double honor.
545:19umc7What conditions must be met before someone accuses an elder?There must be two or three witnesses when someone accuses an elder.
555:21ptdzPaul commands Timothy to be careful to keep these rules in what way?Paul commands Timothy to be careful to keep these rules without favoritism.
565:24iphoWhen do the sins of people become known?The sins of some people are evident, but the sins of others are not known until the judgment.
576:1c373How did Paul say slaves should regard their masters?Paul said that slaves should regard their masters as worthy of all honor.
586:4o81wWhat kind of person rejects healthy words and godly teaching?The person who rejects healthy words and godly teaching is puffed up and understands nothing.
596:6jxrbWhat does Paul say is great gain?Paul says that godliness with contentment is great gain.
606:7hvugWhat did we bring into this world, and what can we take with us when we leave?We have brought nothing into the world, and cannot take anything out.
616:8rdgoWith what should we be content in this world?We should be satisfied that we have food and clothing.
626:9fdi9Into what do those who desire to become wealthy fall?Those who desire to become wealthy fall into temptation and a trap.
636:10tce6What is a root of all kinds of evil?The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
646:10hb21What has happened to some who have loved money?Some who have loved money have been led away from the faith.
656:12g2dgWhat fight does Paul say Timothy must fight?Paul says Timothy must fight the good fight of the faith.
666:16dw42Where does God dwell?God dwells in unapproachable light.
676:17avt4Why should the rich hope in God and not in uncertain riches?The rich should hope in God because he provides us with everything that we enjoy.
686:19kgm1Those who are rich in good works do what for themselves?Those who are rich in good works store up for themselves a good foundation, and grasp genuine life.
696:20jsboFinally, what does Paul tell Timothy to do with the things given to him?Paul tells Timothy to guard what has been entrusted to him.