
299 KiB

21SA0101xa1ttranslate-names0RamathaimThis is the name of a small village possibly located eight kilometers northwest of Jerusalem. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
31SA0101mwm2translate-names0the ZuphitesThis is the name of a people group that descended from Zuph. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
41SA0101cjl8translate-names0Elkanah ... Jeroham ... Elihu ... Tohu ... ZuphThese are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
51SA0102g5tktranslate-names0PeninnahThis is the name of a woman. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
61SA0103wr8l0YahwehThis is the name of God that he revealed to his people in the Old Testament. See the translationWord page about Yahweh concerning how to translate this.
71SA0103w8setranslate-names0Eli, Hophni and PhinehasThese are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
81SA0105xq4vtranslate-names0HannahThis is a woman's name. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 1:2](../01/02.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
91SA0106f5cg0Her rival provoked her severelyThe other wife would often grieve and shame Hannah.
101SA0107bzk30her rivalThis is Peninnah, the other wife of Elkanah. A rival is someone who competes against another person. In this case Peninnah was competing against Hannah to try to get Elkanah to love her best.
111SA0109s3gh0General Information:Hannah begins to pray to Yahweh, and Eli watches.
121SA0110b85ffigs-explicit0She was deeply distressedHannah was deeply troubled or grieved because of not having any children and being ridiculed regularly by Peninnah, her husband's other wife. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
131SA0111peh30Connecting Statement:Hannah's prayer to Yahweh continues.
141SA0111l71a0call me to mindThis is a special plea to God to take action on Hannah's behalf. God does know what is happening to Hannah; he has not forgotten.
151SA0112js4qtranslate-names0Eli watched herEli was the chief priest, so he was in the tabernacle of God and in charge of it. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
161SA0115qnz50I am a woman of a sorrowful spiritI am a woman who is deeply sad
171SA0116j8n8figs-doublet0concern and provocationThese words both mean that Hannah is sad and annoyed because her rival has been provoking her. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
181SA0116t7tp0concernPeninnah irritates and annoys her.
191SA0116l6kn0provocationHannah is referring to the grief and shame she feels because Peninnah is being cruel to her.
201SA0117a5u20Then Eli answeredEli was the head priest residing over the tabernacle.
211SA0119r2kg0remembered herGod knew what was happening to Hannah; he had not forgotten her. See how you translated similar words in [1 Samuel 1:11](../01/11.md).
221SA0120n4840Hannah conceivedHannah became pregnant
231SA0122n9zg0is weanedstops drinking milk and starts eating only solid food
241SA0122ui7y0he may appear before Yahweh and live there foreverHannah had promised God that she would allow Samuel to live and work with Eli the priest in the temple ([1 Samuel 1:11](../01/11.md)).
251SA0123t6a90nursed her songave her son milk
261SA0124u3axtranslate-bvolume0ephahAn ephah is about 22 liters of dry material. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bvolume]])
271SA0124dn9w0bottleWine was kept in animal skins, not glass bottles.
281SA0201e9ksfigs-parallelism0General Information:Hannah recites a song to Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
291SA0201aq770My heart exultsI have great joy
301SA0202v6e5figs-parallelism0Hannah continues to recite a song to Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
311SA0202tvt6figs-metaphor0there is no rock like our GodThis is another way of saying that God is strong and faithful. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
321SA0202xqh20rockThis is a rock large enough to hide behind or to stand on and so be high above one's enemies.
331SA0203k2upfigs-parallelism0Hannah continues to recite a song to Yahweh. She speaks as if other people were listening to her. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
341SA0203l38w0no arroganceno arrogant words
351SA0204v82qfigs-parallelism0Hannah continues to recite a song to Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
361SA0204u7850put on ... a beltThis is the general term for putting something around one's waist to prepare for work.
371SA0205t7agfigs-parallelism0Hannah continues to recite a song to Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
381SA0205q5su0gives birth to sevengives birth to seven children
391SA0205uun50languishesbecomes weak and sad and lonely
401SA0206rlw4figs-parallelism0Hannah continues to recite a song to Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
411SA0206wy38figs-merism0Yahweh kills ... brings to life ... brings down ... raises upYahweh is in control of everything. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]])
421SA0207rdi6figs-parallelism0Hannah continues to recite a song to Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
431SA0207p7ghfigs-merism0makes some people poor ... some rich ... humbles ... lifts upYahweh is in control of everything. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-merism]])
441SA0208ui1hfigs-parallelism0Hannah continues to recite a song to Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
451SA0208x5qkfigs-metaphor0out of the dust ... from the ash heapThese are metaphors for the lowest position in society. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
461SA0208kfa70the needypeople who do not have the things that they need
471SA0209n8u2figs-parallelism0Hannah continues to recite a song to Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
481SA0209ms180by strengthbecause he is strong
491SA0210mph9figs-parallelism0Hannah continues to recite a song to Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
501SA0212q8jj0General Information:When people would offer animals as sacrifices, they would first burn the animal's fat and then boil the meat and eat it.
511SA0213j81a0customA custom is an action that people regularly do.
521SA0214r3hj0pana small metal container for boiling and cooking
531SA0214ye8t0kettlea large, heavy metal container for boiling and cooking
541SA0214y3g80cauldrona large, heavy metal container for boiling and cooking
551SA0214u3la0pota clay container for cooking
561SA0215q7b60General Information:When people would offer animals as sacrifices, they would first burn the animal's fat and then boil the meat, give some to the priest, and eat the rest.
571SA0215a5zh0Worse, beforeThey even did something worse than that. Before
581SA0215f4np0Give meat to roast for the priestGive me some meat so I can give it to the priest so he can roast it
591SA0215a5aa0roastcook over a fire
601SA0215c19i0boiledcooked in water
611SA0215y5r20rawnot cooked
621SA0217yx430despised Yahweh's offeringThe young men did not like Yahweh's instructions regarding the offering and paid no attention to them.
631SA0220tc3y0because of the request she made of YahwehHannah had asked Yahweh for a baby and promised him that she would give the baby to serve in the temple.
641SA0221k1xe0before YahwehThis means where Yahweh could see him and Samuel could learn about Yahweh.
651SA0225eb5j0speak for himask Yahweh to have mercy on him
661SA0227u5410your ancestorAaron
671SA0228z66e0to go up to my altar, and to burn incenseThis refers to making an offering to Yahweh.
681SA0229tk440Connecting Statement:The man of God continues to speak to Eli.
691SA0229ai4j0the place where I livethe place where my people bring offerings to me
701SA0229en930making yourselves fat with the best of every offeringThe best part of the offering was to be burned up as an offering to Yahweh, but the priests were eating it.
711SA0230agt30Far be it from me to do thisI will certainly not allow your family to serve me forever
721SA0235zj6d0what is in my heart and in my soulwhat I want him to do and what I tell him to do
731SA0236tmh40himthe faithful priest whom God will raise up
741SA0301w5tu0Yahweh's word was rareYahweh did not often speak to people
751SA0303vl1e0The lamp of GodThis is the seven-candle lampstand in the holy place of the tabernacle that burned every day and through the night until it was empty.
761SA0306mt8gfigs-metaphor0my sonEli was not Samuel's true father. Eli speaks as if he were Samuel's father to show Samuel that he is not angry but that Samuel needs to listen to him. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
771SA0310tcr30Yahweh came and stoodPossible meanings are 1) Yahweh actually appeared and stood before Samuel or 2) Yahweh made his presence known to Samuel.
781SA0311z6qj0tingleThis means to feel like someone is gently poking with small, sharp objects, usually because of the cold or because someone has slapped that body part with their hand.
791SA0313dp7i0brought a curse upon themselvesdid those things which Yahweh had said he would punish those who did them
801SA0314n75w0the sins of his housethe sins that the people in his family have committed
811SA0316p47bfigs-metaphor0my sonEli was not Samuel's true father. Eli speaks as if he were Samuel's father to show Samuel that he is not angry but that Samuel needs to answer him. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 1:6](../01/06.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
821SA0317w2ne0the word he spokethe message Yahweh gave
831SA0320km4x0All IsraelAll the people in Israel
841SA0401ahq8translate-names0Ebenezer ... AphekThese are the names of places. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
851SA0403v2ec0the peoplethe soldiers who had been fighting the battle
861SA0403d9z90Why has Yahweh defeated us today before the Philistines? Let us bring ... enemiesThe elders truly did not know why Yahweh had defeated them, but they wrongly thought they knew how to make sure it did not happen again, by bringing the ark to be with them.
871SA0404vz4l0PhinehasThis Phinehas is not the same as the grandson of Aaron in Exodus and Numbers.
881SA0404w7gp0were therewere in Shiloh
891SA0406hsc80the ark of Yahweh had come into the campthe people had carried the ark of Yahweh into the camp
901SA0412x3210clothes torn and earth on his headThis is a way to express deep mourning in Israelite culture.
911SA0413tx5efigs-idiom0his heart trembled with concernThis is an idiom which means he was very fearful or terribly concerned about something. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
921SA0414p7if0The manThe man of Benjamin
931SA0416c94pfigs-metaphor0my sonEli was not the other man's true father. Eli speaks as if he were the man's father to show the man that he is not angry but that the man needs to answer him. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
941SA0417q67g0Israel fled from the PhilistinesThis is a general statement about what happened. The rest of the man's words give details.
951SA0418li8q0When he mentionedWhen the man of Benjamin mentioned
961SA0418duf30mentionedspoke of
971SA0419cm810his daughter-in-lawEli's daughter-in-law
981SA0501r22j0NowThis word marks the beginning of a new part of the story. If your language has a word or phrase that does the same, you could use it here.
991SA0502ibj10house of DagonThis refers to the temple of Dagon, the god of the Philistines.
1001SA0503fn9x0behold, Dagonthey were very surprised to see that Dagon
1011SA0503z1gyfigs-explicit0Dagon had fallen facedown on the groundThe reader should understand that Yahweh had caused the statue to fall on its face during the night. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1021SA0504jsj60Dagon had fallenThe reader should understand that Yahweh had caused Dagon to fall.
1031SA0504fww10The head of Dagon and both of his hands were lying cut offIt was as if Yahweh were a soldier who had defeated his enemy and cut off the enemy's head and hands.
1041SA0505l4mawriting-background0This is why, even todayThe writer is about to give some background information separate from the main story. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]])
1051SA0506ddj30tumorsPossible meanings are 1) painful swelling under the skin or 2) hemorrhoids.
1061SA0507y9dm0the men of Ashdod realizedthe men of Ashdod understood
1071SA0509sxg10tumorsPossible meanings are 1) painful swelling under the skin or 2) hemorrhoids. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 5:6](../05/06.md)
1081SA0511se4g0there was a deathly panic throughout the citypeople all over the city were afraid that they were going to die
1091SA0512djg2figs-explicit0The men who did not dieThis implies that many men actually died. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1101SA0512u8uu0tumorsPossible meanings are 1) painful swelling under the skin or 2) hemorrhoids. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 5:6](../05/06.md).
1111SA06introz9kg0# 1 Samuel 06 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br><br>This chapter ends the story of the Ark of the Covenant among the Philistines.<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### The Philistines send the Ark back to Israel<br><br>The Philistine leaders asked their priests what they should do with the Ark. The priests said to send it off with an offering. The Philistines put the Ark on a cart drawn by cows and let them go wherever they wanted to go. The cows went straight toward Israel. When some people peeked into the Ark, God killed them. Because of this, the people sent the Ark to Kiriath Jearim.<br>
1121SA0602rk4s0the priests and the divinersThese were pagan priests and diviners who worshiped Dagon.
1131SA0602nd2k0Tell us how we should send itThe Philistines wanted to know how to get rid of the ark without angering Yahweh any further.
1141SA0603ly3u0you will be healedyou will no longer be ill
1151SA0604ej9d0tumorsPossible meanings are 1) painful swelling under the skin or 2) hemorrhoids. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 5:6](../05/06.md).
1161SA0604kn780micemore than one mouse
1171SA0605b9t40modelsA model is something that looks like a real thing.
1181SA0605jv130tumorsPossible meanings are 1) painful swelling under the skin or 2) hemorrhoids. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 5:6](../05/06.md).
1191SA0605n47l0that ravagethat are destroying
1201SA0607c6760two nursing cowstwo cows that have calves that are still drinking milk
1211SA0608d3hf0Then send it off and let it go its own wayNormally the two cows would head back home to their calves.
1221SA0609n7560if it goes ... to Beth Shemesh, then it is YahwehIt is unlikely that the cows would choose to wander to Beth Shemesh when their calves are back in the Philistine area.
1231SA0611l2qq0miceTranslated this as in [1 Samuel 6:4](../06/04.md).
1241SA0611hg4l0castings of their tumorsmodels of their tumors
1251SA0611h2re0tumorsPossible meanings are 1) painful swelling under the skin or 2) hemorrhoids. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 5:6](../05/06.md).
1261SA0612d3ub0The cows went straight in the direction of Beth ShemeshNursing cows would normally return to their calves, but these cows went to Beth Shemesh.
1271SA0612iv940lowing as they wentLowing is the noise cows make with their voices.
1281SA0613ha2r0NowThe writer is introducing a new part of the story. If your language has a way of marking the beginning of a new part of the story, you could use it here.
1291SA0613teg50people of Beth ShemeshThese were Israelites.
1301SA0614dx590A great stone was thereThe people used this stone as an altar when they offered the cows as sacrifices.
1311SA0615u7kn0The Levites took down the ark of YahwehThis actually happened before they chopped the cart into firewood to use in offering the cows to Yahweh.
1321SA0615km1p0The Levites took down the arkAccording to the law of Moses, only the Levites were permitted to handle the ark.
1331SA0615lq8f0the box that was with it, where the golden figures werethe box containing the gold models of the rats and the tumors
1341SA0616ke9z0the five rulers of the Philistinesthe five Philistine kings
1351SA0617rf990tumorsPossible meanings are 1) painful swelling under the skin or 2) hemorrhoids. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 5:6](../05/06.md).
1361SA0618vv5i0miceTranslated this as in [1 Samuel 6:4](../06/04.md).
1371SA0618j5660fortified citiesThese are cities with high walls around them to protect the people inside from attack by their enemies.
1381SA0618z1wltranslate-names0JoshuaThis is a man's name. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1391SA0618ksv70to this dayto the time at which the writer wrote the book
1401SA0619gl4f0they had looked into the arkThe ark was so holy that no one was permitted to look inside it. Only the priests were allowed to even see the ark.
1411SA0621n5grtranslate-names0Kiriath JearimThis was a town in Israel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1421SA0701vxi4translate-names0Kiriath JearimThis is the name of a place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1431SA0701uf4mtranslate-names0Abinadab ... EleazarThese are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1441SA0706a817figs-explicit0drew water and poured it out before YahwehPossible meanings are 1) the people denied themselves water as part of fasting or 2) they got water out of a stream or well and poured it on the ground as an outward sign of being sorry for their sin. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
1451SA0709b1zp0nursing lamba lamb that is still drinking its mother's milk
1461SA0709w6zg0cried outcried out for help
1471SA0709plu50Yahweh answered himYahweh did what Samuel asked him to do
1481SA0710i1ra0routedTo rout people is to defeat them before they can cause any harm.
1491SA0711z9iqtranslate-names0Beth KarThis is the name of a place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1501SA0712wsp20took a stone and set itThe Israelites and other peoples in that land would place a large stone where important events had happened as a reminder of God's help.
1511SA0712p5qvtranslate-names0Mizpah ... ShenThese are the names of places. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1521SA0713tts10So the Philistines were subduedThe writer has just finished telling how the Philistines were subdued. If your language has a way of marking the end of a description, you could use it here.
1531SA0713xr1h0they did not enter the border of IsraelThe Philistines did not enter Israel's border to attack them.
1541SA0716p2sh0went on a circuittraveled from place to place in a rough circle
1551SA0716qa190He decided disputesDisputes are arguments or disagreements between two or more people.
1561SA08introek6j0# 1 Samuel 08 General Notes<br>#### Structure and formatting<br>##### Saul and Samuel<br><br>The section including chapters 8-16 begins a new part of the story. The people wanted a king, and God chose Saul, the man the people wanted, to be their king. He was not the king Yahweh wanted.<br><br>#### Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>##### The people want a king<br><br>When Samuel was old, he appointed his sons to be judges. They were corrupt and took bribes, so the people came and asked Samuel to appoint a king for them. Samuel asked God, who gave them a king but warned them what a king would be like. Despite Samuel's warning that a king would oppress them, the people still wanted a king. This was sinful because they were rejecting God as their king. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/appoint]], [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/other/oppress]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sin]])<br>
1571SA0803pt6z0perverted justicejudged in favor of those who did evil
1581SA0805jwe40Appoint for us a king to judge usThe leaders wrongly believed that a king, and his sons after him, would rule justly.
1591SA0806z6je0But it displeased Samuel ... Give us a king to judge usSamuel was unhappy that the people did not just want him to remove his corrupt sons and to appoint honest judges, but they wanted a king to rule over them like other countries had.
1601SA0807a4k70but they have rejected meYahweh knew that the people were not just rejecting corrupt judges, but they were rejecting Yahweh as their king.
1611SA0808xfk70I brought them out of EgyptThis refers to Yahweh freeing the Israelites from slavery in Egypt many years before.
1621SA0809dmf60Now listen to themNow do what they are asking you to do
1631SA0809c3yq0warn them solemnlybe very serious as you warn them
1641SA0811lsu40This will be the practice ... He will takeThe practice of the king will be to take. This begins the list of things he will take.
1651SA0811s2yh0appoint them to his chariotshave them drive chariots in battle
1661SA0811w2k20be his horsemenThey will ride horses into battle.
1671SA0813d6m40Connecting Statement:Samuel continues to tell what things the king will take.
1681SA0813m3k50to be perfumersto make good-smelling oils to put on his body
1691SA0814uib20olive orchardsfields of olive trees
1701SA0815bsk5translate-fraction0a tenth of your grainThey will have to divide their grain into ten equal parts and give one of those parts to the king's officers and servants. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
1711SA0815l9c7translate-fraction0a tenth ... of your vineyardsThey will have to divide the wine that they produce in their vineyards into ten equal parts and give one of those parts to the king's officers and servants. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-fraction]])
1721SA0815bsq90officersThese are the leaders of the king's army.
1731SA0816eii90Connecting Statement:Samuel continues to tell what things the king will take.
1741SA0817t81y0you will be his slavesyou will feel as if you are his slaves
1751SA0818l9mn0you will cry outPossible meanings are 1) the people will ask Yahweh to rescue them from the king or 2) the people will ask the king to stop treating them so badly .
1761SA0822vjc20go to his own citygo home
1771SA0901y487writing-background0General Information:If your language has a way of telling the reader that the writer is giving background information in these verses, you could use it here. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]])
1781SA0901k9kq0a man of influencePossible meanings are 1) he was a wealthy man or 2) he was a nobleman or 3) he was a mighty and brave man.
1791SA0901sxy3translate-names0Kish ... Abiel ... Zeror ... Bekorath ... AphiahThese are names of the men of Saul's family line. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1801SA0901q9zb0BenjamiteA Benjamite is someone who belongs to the tribe of Benjamin.
1811SA0902b5il0handsomesomeone who looks good
1821SA0902vg770From his shoulders upward he was taller than any of the peopleThe other tall people in Israel did not even come up to his shoulders.
1831SA0903cd5a0NowThe writer has ended the background information that began in ([1 Samuel 9:1](../09/01.md)) and starts a new main part of the story.
1841SA0903f2dz0arise and gostop what you are doing and go
1851SA0904z5qctranslate-names0the hill country of Ephraim ... the land of Shalishah ... the land of Shaalim ... the land of the BenjamitesThese are all areas in Israel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1861SA0905sqm4translate-names0land of ZuphThis is an area in Israel just north of Jerusalem. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
1871SA0906bwk40which way we should go on our journeywhich way we should go to find the donkeys
1881SA0907mr9g0what can we bring the man?Giving a gift is a sign of respect for the man of God.
1891SA0909d7htwriting-background0Formerly in Israel ... seerThis is cultural information added by the Hebrew author. If it is not natural in your language to state this information here, it can be moved to the end of verse 11. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]])
1901SA0909ejv40For today's prophet was formerly called a seerSeer is the old name for what we call a prophet today
1911SA0912lk9k0the people are sacrificing todayThese are likely the feast or first-fruit sacrifices, not the sin sacrifices, which must be held at the tabernacle.
1921SA0914uw7s0to go up to the high placeThis is a place that the people had designated as holy to make sacrifices and offerings to Yahweh. The writer writes as though it were outside the wall that was around the city.
1931SA0915uxs4writing-background0General Information:The writer stops telling the story and gives background information so the reader can understand what happens next. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]])
1941SA0916gzr8figs-euphemism0you will anoint him to be princeThe term prince is used here instead of king. This is the man whom God has chosen to be king of Israel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]])
1951SA0916r7na0the land of Benjaminthe land where people from the tribe of Benjamin live
1961SA0916q8ng0For I have looked on my people with pityMy people are suffering and I want to help them
1971SA0917g1vw0Yahweh told himYahweh told Samuel
1981SA0918pwf20the seerthe prophet of Yahweh
1991SA0922wn3v0the hallThe writer assumes that the reader knows that near the place where they would offer sacrifices there was a large building in which people would eat together.
2001SA0922rw250head placeThis is the seat of honor.
2011SA0924s46f0what was on itPossible meanings are 1) the other food that Saul was to eat along with the meat or 2) other parts of the bull.
2021SA0925i36v0on the rooftopThis is a normal place for family and guests to eat, visit, and sleep. It tends to be cooler in the evening and at night than the inside of the house.
2031SA0927e7zg0that I may announce the message of God to youso that I can tell you God's message for you
2041SA1001y1dk0took a flask of oil, poured it on Saul's headIn Israelite culture, when a prophet poured oil on someone's head, that person received a blessing from Yahweh.
2051SA1001df9v0flaska small container made from baked clay
2061SA1002ndv7translate-names0ZelzahThis is the name of a place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2071SA1002f21q0What should I do about my son?Saul's father is now concerned about Saul and wants to find him.
2081SA1003nc4ktranslate-names0TaborThis is the name of a place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2091SA1005ha8htranslate-unknown0tambourineThis is a musical instrument with a head like a drum that can be hit and with pieces of metal around the side that sound when the instrument is shaken. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
2101SA1009ifw6figs-idiom0God gave him another heartGod enabled Samuel to think differently from the way he had thought before. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
2111SA1011us3j0the son of KishSaul, the son of Kish
2121SA1014kwk60Then Saul's uncle said to himThen the brother of Saul's father said to Saul
2131SA1016t8y50he did not tell him about the matter of the kingdomSaul did not tell his uncle that God had appointed him to be the king of Israel
2141SA1019x7u70todaySamuel is speaking of the time since Israel had begun to reject God, not only the time since the sun had last set.
2151SA1019r9bd0Set a king over usGive us a king to rule us
2161SA1019ut8y0present yourselves before Yahweh by your tribes and by your clansgather together by tribes and clans and come to stand before Yahweh
2171SA1023ab3b0he was taller than any of the people from his shoulders upwardThe other tall people in Israel did not even come up to his shoulders. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 9:2](../09/02.md).
2181SA1027qwt60despisedstrongly disliked or hated
2191SA1101q5a1translate-names0NahashThis is a man from Ammon, a descendent of Lot, Abraham's nephew. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2201SA1101y34wtranslate-names0Jabesh GileadThis is the name of a place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2211SA1104xw6vtranslate-names0GibeahThis is the name of a place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2221SA1107j26n0does not come out afterSaul was calling all the men of Israel to come fight against Nahash and the Ammonites.
2231SA1107wi7p0Then the terror of Yahweh fell on the peopleYahweh enabled people to fearfully respect Saul as their king. The result was that the men rallied together with Saul at Bezek.
2241SA1108r5l1translate-names0BezekThis is the name of a town near Jabesh Gilead. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2251SA1109lst90Jabesh Gilead ... JabeshThese are the names of places. See how you translated them in [1 Samuel 11:1](../11/01.md).
2261SA1110h3ne0NahashThis is the name of a king. See how you translated this name in [1 Samuel 11:1](../11/01.md).
2271SA1111d6lh0the morning watchThis was before dawn when most people in the camp were still asleep.
2281SA1115anj50made Saul king before Yahwehmade Saul king while Yahweh watched
2291SA1115y7hb0There they sacrificed peace offerings before YahwehPart of Samuel's service to Yahweh is to offer sacrifices even though he is not from the line of Aaron or Levi.
2301SA1203xi9r0Testify against me, and I will restore it to youIf I have done any of these evil things, speak now, and I will pay back what I owe. I will make right any wrong
2311SA1204w6u5figs-euphemism0from any man's handThis phrase means what a person possesses or what they have done to obtain favor from others. This is a polite way of saying he has not stolen, nor has he given or taken bribes. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]])
2321SA1205s4uvfigs-euphemism0in my handThis phrase means what a person possesses or what they have done to obtain favor from others. This is a polite way of saying he has not stolen, nor has he given or taken bribes. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-euphemism]])
2331SA1207p1jp0all of the righteous deeds of YahwehSamuel is calling their attention to the history of Yahweh's dealing with Israel, which has been filled with goodness and purpose.
2341SA1208hds1translate-names0Jacob ... Moses ... AaronThese are names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2351SA1209s9g10into the hand of Sisera ... Philistines ... king of Moabinto the power of Sisera ... Philistines ... king of Moab
2361SA1209yb45translate-names0SiseraThis is the name of a man. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2371SA1209db38translate-names0HazorThis is the name of a place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2381SA1209tqv10he sold themThis is an expression for God giving them over to their enemies to be their slaves.
2391SA1211frh40Jerub BaalThis is sometimes translated Jerubbaal. This is a name of godly honor and strength to fight the false god.
2401SA1211zc87figs-explicit0Yahweh sent ... and gave you victorySamuel is telling the story of what God did after the people's confession of sin and plea for help. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
2411SA1211uy4ltranslate-names0Jerub Baal, Bedan, Jephthah, and SamuelThese are the names of some judges that God raised up. Samuel included himself in this list. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2421SA1213b1z6figs-parallelism0whom you have chosen, whom you have asked forThese two phrases have similar meanings and emphasize that this is the king whom the people wanted. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
2431SA1214qrk5figs-parallelism0fear ... serve ... obey ... not rebelThese similar words are used to emphasize how important this is. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
2441SA1217kyk20he may send thunder and rainSamuel is asking Yahweh to punish Israel for asking for a king by sending a rainstorm during the harvest which will ruin the grain.
2451SA1221ek550turn away after empty thingspursue worship of false gods
2461SA1223jh36figs-explicit0far be it from me that I should sin against Yahweh by ceasing to pray for youThe people are filled with fear because of the rain and thunder that Yahweh sent when Samuel prayed. Some people may believe Samuel would use his prayers to harm them. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
2471SA1301xn4d0General Information:Samuel has renewed Saul's kingdom at Gilgal and Samuel has reminded the people to follow the Lord.
2481SA1301cyx80Saul was thirty years old ... over IsraelThe text of this verse in ancient copies seems to have been mutilated, so modern versions have many different translations. They are all attempts to represent the most probable meaning of the original text.
2491SA1302gq8stranslate-names0MichmashThis is the name of a city. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2501SA1302p5jv0Gibeah of BenjaminGibeah is a town. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 10:26](../10/26.md).
2511SA1302esc40The rest of the soldiers he sent homeHe sent the rest of the soldiers home
2521SA1303ia2vtranslate-names0GebaThis is the name of the town that the Philistine garrison was stationed in. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2531SA1304m9rj0All Israel heard that Saul had defeatedPossible meanings are that 1) Saul was taking responsibility for Jonathan's actions or 2) Saul was taking credit for Jonathan's actions.
2541SA1305ilg1figs-hyperbole0troops as numerous as the sand on the seashoreThis is an exaggeration that means a group of soldiers so large that it was difficult to count them. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
2551SA1305xgl1translate-names0MichmashThis is the name of a place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2561SA1305m7kgtranslate-names0Beth AvenThis is the name of a place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2571SA1306a5jv0General Information:The Philistines had gathered together to fight against Israel.
2581SA1306p7120the peopleThis phrase refers to the nation of Israel.
2591SA1306u7b90the people were distressedthe people worried greatly
2601SA1307q9n60followed him tremblingThe people were greatly afraid.
2611SA1308r3fs0the time Samuel had setaccording to the time Samuel had told them he would come
2621SA1309p5s80Then he offered the burnt offeringOnly the line of Aaron was permitted to perform the burnt offering sacrifice to God.
2631SA1311r1c1figs-rquestion0What have you doneSamuel was not really asking a question, but giving a rebuke to Saul. Saul sought to defend his actions even though they were wrong. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-rquestion]])
2641SA1311r1ii0MichmashMichmash is the name of a place. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 13:2](../13/02.md).
2651SA1313wtr20You have not kept the command of YahwehSaul was to wait for Samuel to come and sacrifice the burnt offering to God. He was not to perform the sacrifice himself.
2661SA1315t3ur0went up from GilgalGilgal is a city. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 7:15](../07/15.md).
2671SA1315by5i0Gibeah of BenjaminGibeah is a town. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 10:26](../10/26.md).
2681SA1316yzn90Geba of BenjaminGeba is a town. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 13:3](../13/03.md).
2691SA1316gre70Philistines camped at MichmashMichmash is the name of a place. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 13:2](../13/02.md).
2701SA1317h5tq0Raiders cameRaiders are normally military people who attack enemy villages for their food and other supplies.
2711SA1317plh5translate-names0Ophrah, to the land of ShualThese are the names of places. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2721SA1318jd1rtranslate-names0Beth Horon ... Valley of ZeboyimThese are the names of places. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2731SA1319nlg30General Information:The narrative shifts to background information regarding blacksmiths in Israel.
2741SA1320gyk20mattock ... ax ... sickleThese are common garden tools.
2751SA1320rc730sicklea curved blade for cutting grasses and grain stalks
2761SA1321e1et0straightening the goadstaking out the bend and making the ox goad straight again so it could be used
2771SA1322mpy20General Information:The narrative continues.
2781SA1322lcm60there were no swords or spearsThis explains in part why Saul's army was afraid. They did not have any weapons to fight.
2791SA1401m1uz0General Information:Jonathan begins his second raid on the Philistines' army.
2801SA1401kea80his young armor bearera teenage boy who is responsible for caring for his master's weapons of war
2811SA1401s7kb0Philistines' garrisonThis is an outpost staffed by the Philistine army.
2821SA1402r25gtranslate-names0GibeahThis is the name of a hill north of Jerusalem. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2831SA1402z13e0under the pomegranate treea tree whose fruit is thick skinned, round, red and has many seeds to eat
2841SA1403ihr70Phinehas son of EliPhinehas was one of the priests. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 1:3](../01/03.md).
2851SA1404g7r2translate-names0the other rocky cliff was called SenehThis was the name of the other cliff. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2861SA1405t2qrtranslate-names0Michmash ... Gebatowns north of Jerusalem (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
2871SA1406zb4m0his young armor bearerThis was a teenage boy who was responsible for caring for his master's weapons of war. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 14:1](../14/01.md).
2881SA1406v7vs0uncircumcised fellowsa derogatory term used for non-Jewish men
2891SA1409np7k0will not cross over to themwill not go over to the other side of the valley where the Philistines are
2901SA1410le8f0This will be the sign to usThis will confirm that the Lord will be with us
2911SA1411gw4e0revealed themselves to the garrison of the Philistinesallowed the Philistine soldiers to see them
2921SA1411nz3b0the garrisonthe army camp
2931SA1411mw3efigs-metaphor0coming out of the holes where they have hidden themselvesThe Philistines implied that the Hebrews had been hiding in holes in the ground like animals. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
2941SA1413h93x0his armor bearer put some to death behind himJonathan's armor bearer followed him and also killed Philistine soldiers
2951SA1415lmj60the raidersthe Philistines who were raiding Israelite cities
2961SA1416fxf9figs-parallelism0was dispersing ... going here and thereThese two phrases share similar meanings and emphasize that the soldiers were running away in every direction. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
2971SA1419f1gk0commotiongreat noise and confusion
2981SA1420v4kx0the people who were with himthe remnant of the Israelite army that remained with Saul
2991SA1423y4b7translate-names0Beth AvenThis is a place in Israel. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 13:5](../13/05.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3001SA1424h5cu0So none of the troops tasted foodIt was understood by the troops that no refreshment was permitted under Saul's oath.
3011SA1425k9ql0the people entered the forestThe Philistine soldiers fled through the forests and the Israelite soldiers followed them there.
3021SA1427jdr10General Information:Jonathan learns of his father's oath.
3031SA1430m8aj0plunderThis word refers to the things the people had taken from the battle with their enemy.
3041SA1430v7170Because now the slaughter has not been greatBecause the troops were not able to eat during the battle, as the day progressed, they became weaker. Because of this, they were not able to kill as many of the Philistines.
3051SA1431f2fj0General Information:Jonathan's words lead the army to sin against God in their great hunger.
3061SA1431z8g40MichmashThis is the name of a town. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 13:2](../13/02.md).
3071SA1431w4i2translate-names0Aijalona place in Zebulun in Israel (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3081SA1431lb940The peopleThis refers to the Israelites.
3091SA1433ing6figs-hyperbole0You have acted unfaithfullySaul is accusing his whole army of acting unfaithfully though this is a generalization because not every soldier acted unfaithfully. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
3101SA1433d9xafigs-explicit0Now, roll a big stone here to meThe stone would hold the animals up and make it easier to drain the blood from them. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
3111SA1434v1tn0kill them here, and eatThis would allow Saul to observe if the blood was properly drained from the animals.
3121SA1435l5620General Information:Saul had told the people to bring their animals to a big stone to kill and eat.
3131SA1435y6xn0Saul built an altar to YahwehIt is unclear if Saul built this altar with the large stone that the people brought to him in [1 Samuel 14:33](../14/33.md).
3141SA1436vwb80General Information:Saul seeks to continue the fight against the Philistines.
3151SA1436j8bk0Do whatever seems good to youSaul had the support of his army to continue the fight.
3161SA1437tdl40But God did not answer him that dayThis implies that God was not willing to help Saul.
3171SA1438vy5y0the peopleThis refers to the Israelites.
3181SA1438wp750learn and see how this sin has happenedfind who sinned
3191SA1439t91sfigs-hypo0even if it is in Jonathan my son, he will surely dieSaul stated this as a hypothetical situation because he did not believe that Jonathan was guilty. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hypo]])
3201SA1441rk8vtranslate-transliterate0ThummimThis is a borrowed word from the original language. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-transliterate]])
3211SA1443am450General Information:The lots had just showed that Jonathan had sinned.
3221SA1445sym50General Information:The Army defends and protects Jonathan from Saul.
3231SA1445et5x0As Yahweh livesThe people were expressing their certainty that they would not let anything happen to Jonathan.
3241SA1447at510General Information:For a brief period Saul served with great courage in defeating Israel's enemies.
3251SA1447wyv40Wherever he turnedWherever he sent his army
3261SA1449t5820General Information:This is background information on Saul's family.
3271SA1449tt1btranslate-names0Ishvi ... Malki-ShuaThese are names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3281SA1449f4ritranslate-names0Merab ... MichalThese are names of women. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3291SA1450qv1qtranslate-names0AhinoamThis is the name of a woman. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3301SA1450rvk7translate-names0Ahimaaz ... Abner ... NerThese are names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3311SA1451eci8translate-names0Kish ... Ner ... Abner ... AbielThese are names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3321SA1452e8ef0all the days of Saulall of Saul's life
3331SA1452ezp30he attached him to himselfhe forced him to join his army
3341SA1501t4nn0the words of Yahwehthe message of Yahweh
3351SA1503q1vzfigs-parallelism0completely destroy all that they have ... kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkeyThese two phrases mean the same thing. The second phrase gives specific details about what they are to destroy completely. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
3361SA1503ik1kfigs-litotes0Do not spare themThis negative statement emphasizes the completeness of the destruction. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-litotes]])
3371SA1504m8560the peoplethe army
3381SA1504sp3s0numbered themcounted them
3391SA1506stl7translate-names0Kenitesa nomad people group that had always been friendly to the nation of Israel (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3401SA1507t6tltranslate-names0Havilah ... ShurThese are the names of places. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3411SA1508n8xb0General Information:Yahweh had told Saul to destroy everything, but here Saul disobeys Yahweh's command.
3421SA1509ln2i0Saul ... spared AgagSaul disobeyed God by letting Agag live.
3431SA1509nh2u0as well as the best of the sheepSaul disobeyed God by keeping the best of the livestock.
3441SA1511u8i30It grieves meI am sorry
3451SA1511uwz40Samuel was angryPossible meanings are 1) Samuel was angry with Saul for his disobedience or 2) Samuel was disturbed.
3461SA1512g77w0Samuel was toldSomeone told Samuel
3471SA1512hh8y0he set up a monument to himselfSaul was full of pride.
3481SA1512fp2t0down to GilgalGilgal was lower in elevation than Carmel.
3491SA1513wpf40I have fulfilled the command of YahwehIt is not clear if Saul understood that he had not fully obeyed God's command to completely destroy the Amalekites.
3501SA1514g3x70General Information:Samuel questions why Saul did not utterly destroyed the Amalekites.
3511SA1514kf8w0bleating of sheep ... lowing of the oxenThese are the sounds that these animals make. Your language may have different terms for these.
3521SA1515vin90to sacrifice to Yahweh your GodSaul is arguing that animals for sacrifice were an exception to Yahweh's command to destroy everything.
3531SA1515a6ie0Yahweh your GodSaul here does not describe Samuel's God as his own God.
3541SA1519x74v0but instead you seized the bootySamuel is accusing Saul of direct disobedience. Yahweh commanded Saul to completely destroy everything belonging to the Amalekites, and not to bring anything back to camp.
3551SA1520k3f40I have indeed obeyed the voice of YahwehThis is an emphatic statement. It is unclear if Saul thought this was true, or if he was simply making excuses for his sin.
3561SA1520w1jdtranslate-names0AgagThis is the name of the king of the Amalekites. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3571SA1521v64h0But the people tookThis appears to be shifting the blame to the people.
3581SA1521kvf40things devoted to destructionanimals that Yahweh commanded them to destroy
3591SA1521li5gtranslate-names0GilgalThis is the name of a place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3601SA1522wen90Obedience is better than sacrificeGod wanted Saul's complete obedience in the destruction of the Amalekites. Nothing in the land was fit for sacrifice.
3611SA1522u1dg0better than the fat of ramsbetter than to sacrifice the fat of rams as a burnt offering
3621SA1523n8ey0rejected you from being kingdecided that you will no longer be king
3631SA1525bb4i0return with meSaul and Samuel were apparently talking in private away from the other people.
3641SA1526qdh90for you have rejected the word of YahwehSamuel made it clear that Saul understood that he was disobeying God at the time when he spared the best animals and did not kill Agag.
3651SA1528h7h80has given it to a neighbor of yours, one who is better than youGod had already decided who would be the next king after Saul.
3661SA1530x7z10But please honor me now before the eldersSaul may have been more interested in being honored by the people than in actually worshipping God.
3671SA1532n2tg0Agag came to him confined with chains and saidThey brought Agag to him bound by chains and Agag said
3681SA1534p6j7translate-names0Ramah ... GibeahThese are the names of places. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3691SA1534wed20went up to his house at GibeahGibeah was higher in elevation than Gilgal where Saul and Samuel had been talking.
3701SA1535hha60Samuel did not see Saul until the day of his deathSamuel did not see Saul again for as long as he lived
3711SA1604ead8figs-explicit0The elders of the city were trembling as they came to meet himIt seems the elders were trembling because they were worried that Samuel came to rebuke them. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
3721SA1605a67l0to set ... apartTo set someone apart means to get that person ready for Yahweh's purposes by making sure that person is ritually clean according to the law of Moses.
3731SA1606ug8ftranslate-names0EliabThis is the name of Jesse's oldest son. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3741SA1608k8wqtranslate-names0AbinadabThis is the name of one of Jesse's sons. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3751SA1608qht80made him pass before Samueltold him to go to Samuel
3761SA1609xzq5translate-names0ShammahThis is the name of one of Jesse's sons. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3771SA1611j3g30There remains yet the youngestThere is still my youngest son
3781SA1613r2qgfigs-explicit0Samuel rose up and wentIt is implied that he rose up after they sat down to eat. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
3791SA1614a48s0NowThis word is used here to mark a break in the main story line. Here the narrator starts to tell a new part of the story.
3801SA1616u14z0is on youtroubles you
3811SA1621pq6t0he became his armor bearerDavid became Saul's armor bearer
3821SA1623hnb50was upon Saultroubled Saul
3831SA1702z3hptranslate-names0the Valley of ElahThis is the name of a place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3841SA1707mlr90staff of his spearthe handle of his spear
3851SA1707ddd90loop of cordrope rolled up into a circle
3861SA1707yeq50His spear's headThe point of his spear
3871SA1710na9z0I challenge the ranks of IsraelI challenge the army of Israel
3881SA1711p19l0all IsraelThis refers to the Israelite soldiers who were there.
3891SA1712apl3figs-parallelism0Jesse was an old man ... very old among menThe two phrases mean basically the same thing and are combined for emphasis. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
3901SA1716vf870to present himself for battleto show that he was ready to fight
3911SA1717t66stranslate-bvolume0ephahAn ephah is a unit of measurement equal to about 22 liters. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bvolume]])
3921SA1718ms2j0See how your brothers are doingCheck and find out how your brothers are doing
3931SA1719i8wt0all the men of Israelall the soldiers of Israel
3941SA1719fa7etranslate-names0the Valley of ElahThis is the name of a place. See how you translated it in [1 Samuel 17:2](../17/02.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
3951SA1723xd5y0Goliath by namewhose name was Goliath
3961SA1723e3lh0came out of the ranks of the Philistinesstepped forward from the Philistines' battle line
3971SA1725h9r90his daughterThis refers to the king's daughter.
3981SA1726uay20this uncircumcised PhilistineThis phrase is an insult and indicates that Goliath does not belong to the living God.
3991SA1728aj1wfigs-parallelism0your pride, and the mischief in your heartThese two phrases mean basically the same thing and are combined for emphasis. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
4001SA1734vkk80used to keep his father's sheepused to take care of his father's sheep
4011SA1734nm8r0a bearA bear is a large animal with thick fur and long claws and that walks on four legs but can stand on two legs as a person does.
4021SA1736r5kx0Connecting Statement:David continues speaking to King Saul.
4031SA1736q3g30This uncircumcised PhilistineThis phrase is an insult and indicates that Goliath does not belong to the living God. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 17:26](../17/26.md).
4041SA1736dhp40will be like one of themDavid is saying that he will be able to kill the Philistine just as he was able to kill the lion and bear.
4051SA1738zp210coat of chainmaila flexible piece of body armor covered with protective scales or small plates
4061SA1739vaf60his sword on his armorSaul's sword on the armor
4071SA1740hp450His sling was in his handA sling is a weapon for throwing stones.
4081SA1741n9t40with his shield bearer in front of himand his shield bearer walked in front of him
4091SA1742u9pv0he despised himhe hated him
4101SA1742mb550and ruddyand healthy looking
4111SA1744np2h0beasts of the fieldwild animals
4121SA1746a7g60Connecting Statement:David continues speaking to Goliath.
4131SA1750kd4h0David defeated ... He hit ... killed ... There was no sword in David's handVerse 50 is a summary of David's amazing victory over Goliath. The details about how he hit and killed Goliath are in [1 Samuel 17:49](../17/49.md) and 17:51. Some languages do not use summary statements like this. In those situations, translators may restructure the verses as they are in the UST.
4141SA1751ifn90Then David ran and stood over the PhilistineDavid did this after Goliath fell to the ground in [1 Samuel 17:49](../17/49.md).
4151SA1753sb830they plundered their campthe Israelites plundered the Philistines' camp
4161SA1754gxy40he put his armor in his tenthe put Goliath's armor in his own tent
4171SA1755y16z0go out against the Philistinego to fight against the Philistine
4181SA1755ynx50whose son is this youthwho is this youth's father
4191SA1755y7mj0As you liveThis was a way of swearing that what he was about to say was true.
4201SA1756nt660whose son the boy iswho the boy's father is
4211SA1758k63k0Whose son are youWho is your father
4221SA1758k6340I am the son of your servant Jesse the BethlehemiteMy father is your servant Jesse, the Bethlehemite
4231SA1805vcr90he succeededhe prospered
4241SA1806k1rh0with tambourines, with joy, and with musical instrumentsjoyfully playing tambourines and other musical instruments
4251SA1808lp8i0They have ascribedThey have credited
4261SA1810me9n0he ravedhe acted crazy
4271SA1812d2h60Yahweh was with himYahweh was with David
4281SA1813a3540So Saul removed him from his presenceSo Saul removed David from his presence
4291SA1818hga50son-in-law to the kinghusband of the king's daughter
4301SA1821q35l0You will be my son-in-lawYou will be the husband of my daughter
4311SA1822q87c0all his servants love youall of his servants admire you
4321SA1822vvh80Now thenFor these reasons you should
4331SA1825x1iw0foreskinsThe foreskin is a fold of skin on a man's private part that is removed during circumcision.
4341SA1827pz310they gave them in full number to the kingDavid and his men gave all of them to the king
4351SA1901u5h50took great pleasure in DavidJonathan greatly enjoyed being with David.
4361SA1907zv180he was in his presenceDavid was in Saul's presence.
4371SA1910gmw10pin David to the wall with the spearthrow his spear so it would go through David and into the wall
4381SA1911di9d0he might kill himSaul might kill David
4391SA1911gt2f0Michal ... told himMichal told David
4401SA1912rx5e0General Information:Michal helps David escape King Saul. She uses a household idol to make David's bed look like he is sleeping in it.
4411SA1914bsi60General Information:Saul acts out his desire to kill David.
4421SA1914ar160take Davidtake David back to Saul
4431SA1916gw7d0pillow of goats' hairSee how you translated this in [1 Samuel 19:13](../19/13.md).
4441SA1918e48b0General Information:David flees to Samuel.
4451SA1918hj2z0NowThis word is used here to show that the writer has started to tell a new part of the story.
4461SA1922l3p8translate-names0Ramah ... Seku ... NaiothThese are place names. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
4471SA2002rpv20It is not soIt is not true
4481SA2004npf40General Information:David proposes a test against King Saul to Jonathan.
4491SA2005pnc80Tomorrow is the new moonOn the first of every month the people would celebrate and offer sacrifices to God.
4501SA2005unn40until the third day at eveninguntil the evening of the day after tomorrow
4511SA2006f9fa0Connecting Statement:David's continues to describe the test he proposes.
4521SA2006a9bs0asked leave of measked me if I would allow him to leave
4531SA2008v33p0Connecting Statement:David continues speaking to Jonathan.
4541SA2012ld4i0if there is good willif my father wants to do good things for you
4551SA2014q3ac0General Information:Jonathan asks David not to completely kill all his offspring so that a remnant will remain.
4561SA2020dvu10Connecting Statement:Jonathan continues to speak to David.
4571SA2021z7dp0my young man ... the young boyThese refer to the same person.
4581SA2021qbg10then comethen you, David, come
4591SA2022ch370Connecting Statement:Jonathan continues to speak to David.
4601SA2026j8dr0He is not clean; surely he is not cleanAccording to the law of Moses, a person who is ceremonially unclean is not to participate in the feast until the priest declares that he is clean. Saul repeats this phrase as if he is trying to convince himself.
4611SA2028e5rh0asked permission from me to goasked me to allow him to go
4621SA2036l8ci0he shot an arrow beyond himJonathan shot an arrow beyond the young man
4631SA2041b73c0the moundIt seems that David had hidden behind a pile of earth or stones.
4641SA2041pg9k0lay facedown on the ground, and bowed himself three times.David bowed before Jonathan, who was still the King's son, worthy of such respect. Also, this was the last time David met with Jonathan.
4651SA2101sxr5translate-names0NobThis is the name of a place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
4661SA2101lxn7translate-names0AhimelechThis is a man's name. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
4671SA2101xz590tremblingshaking in fear
4681SA2102lr5b0on a missionto do work for him
4691SA2102hbb30I have directed the young men to a certain placeI have told the young men to go to another place, and I will meet them there later
4701SA2103y8wx0Now thenDavid is starting a new part of the conversation.
4711SA2103r1wi0Give me five loaves of breadThis is a polite request.
4721SA2104v42j0ordinary breadbread that the priests have not used in worship
4731SA2105bl9z0when I set outwhen I begin a journey
4741SA2107zg8gtranslate-names0Doeg the EdomiteThis is the name of a man from the land of Edom. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
4751SA2107ye4p0herdsmenthe keepers and protectors of a herd, especially of cattle or sheep
4761SA2108wb130weaponsa general name for such things as swords, knives, bows and arrows, and spears
4771SA2109rpf7translate-names0Valley of ElahThis is the name of a place in Israel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
4781SA2201wbc20cavea hollow space under the ground, generally opening into the side of a hill, large enough for people to enter
4791SA2201h42ftranslate-names0AdullamThis is the name of a town near the city of Gath. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
4801SA2201mjh90heard itheard that David had gone to hide in the cave
4811SA2202w6kr0captainmilitary officer who leads soldiers
4821SA2203n6gm0Then David went from thereThen David went from the cave at Adullam
4831SA2203tgn5translate-names0MizpahThis is the name of a city. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
4841SA2205ir3x0go into the land of Judahgo to your home land of Judah
4851SA2205xg56translate-names0HerethThis is the name of a city. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
4861SA2207fhn50the son of JesseDavid
4871SA2208r9wd0Connecting Statement:This continues what Saul said to his servants.
4881SA2209e96ptranslate-names0Doeg the EdomiteThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 21:7](../21/07.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
4891SA2209mj61translate-names0Nob ... AhimelechThis is a place name and the name of a man. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 21:1](../21/01.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
4901SA2209kcg3translate-names0AhitubThis is the name of a man. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
4911SA2210p71d0He prayed to Yahweh that he might help him, and he gave himAhitub prayed to Yahweh that Yahweh might help David, and Ahitub gave David
4921SA2213vs5z0in that you have givenby giving
4931SA2214iy7u0bodyguarda person or group of people who protect someone
4941SA2215a2490imputeto consider someone guilty
4951SA2217g1gd0the guard that stood around himthe soldiers standing nearby to protect him
4961SA2218lsc1translate-names0Doeg the EdomiteThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 21:7](../21/07.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
4971SA2219eh6l0put to the swordkilled with the sword
4981SA2220g9pstranslate-names0AbiatharThis is a man's name. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
4991SA2301g4uk0threshingseparating the grain or seeds, generally from a cereal plant or wheat by some mechanical means
5001SA2305ij1xfigs-synecdoche0went ... fought ... led ... struck ... savedThe writer pays the most attention to David, so these words are all singular, though David's men helped him do all these things. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-synecdoche]])
5011SA2306jj3stranslate-names0AhimelechThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 21:1](../21/01.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5021SA2308rz5t0summonedofficially called. The reader should understand that Saul probably told his officials to gather the soldiers. He did not call with a loud voice to get them to come.
5031SA2308wdl80all his forcesall his soldiers
5041SA2310cg3l0destroy the citymake the city so no one could live in it and kill all the people who live there
5051SA2313zwp40had escapedhad run away from
5061SA2314xlb4translate-names0wilderness of ZiphThis is the name of a deserted area near the city of Ziph. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5071SA2315gv8ptranslate-names0HoreshThis is the name of city near Ziph. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5081SA2319zz5ktranslate-names0ZiphitesThis is the name of the people group from Ziph. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5091SA2319f1lttranslate-names0the hill of HakilahThis is the name of a hill in the wilderness of Judah. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5101SA2322ln650who has seen himwho saw him
5111SA2324jfx80Then they rose upThey stopped what they had been doing. The reader should not believe that they were sitting or lying.
5121SA2324dx6t0Then theyThen the Ziphites
5131SA2324lp4y0ZiphThis is the name of a place. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 23:14](../23/14.md).
5141SA2324ij6rtranslate-names0the wilderness of MaonThis is the name of the deserted area around the city of Maon in southern Judah. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5151SA2325r4x50rocky hilla hill covered with many rocks or boulders
5161SA2328fy6k0pursuing Davidchasing David, trying to catch him
5171SA2328qaa20Rock of Escapea memorial or marker of David's escape from Saul
5181SA2401b3630wilderness of EngediEngedi is a place in Israel west of the Dead Sea where there is water with dry land all around it.
5191SA2402fgt3translate-numbers0three thousand3,000 (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
5201SA2402wu590chosen menmen whom he had chosen because of their superior military abilities
5211SA2403d5rh0cavegenerally a natural hole under the ground, often with an opening in the side of a hill or cliff
5221SA2404q3ls0creptapproached slowly, carefully or quietly
5231SA2416wzm1figs-metaphor0my son DavidSaul speaks as if David were his son to show David that he loves him. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
5241SA2418vh220you have done good to meSaul acknowledges that David did show that he supported King Saul and was loyal to him by not killing him.
5251SA2418p9310for you did not kill me when Yahweh had put me at your mercySaul acknowledges that David chose to show mercy and demonstrated his loyalty to King Saul as Yahweh's anointed.
5261SA2419p5v50For if a man finds his enemy, will he let him go safely?Where Saul had believed David was his enemy, he learns that even though David will be king, David will not take over the throne from Saul by force, but will wait for Yahweh's appointed time.
5271SA2422yhv60David and his menDavid and his army
5281SA2501nvn1figs-hyperbole0All Israel gathered together and mourned for himThis is likely a generalization. A large number of the people of Israel were probably there, but some were probably unable to attend. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
5291SA2501xdb30gathered togethermet together
5301SA2501n1il0buried him in his house at RamahPossible meanings are that they buried Samuel 1) in his home town of Ramah or 2) on his family's land in Ramah but not physically in the house or 3) in his house in Ramah.
5311SA2501l3mw0David rose and went downDavid and his men moved on and they went down
5321SA2502alm4translate-names0MaonThis is the name of a town. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5331SA2502l859translate-names0CarmelThis is the name of a town. This is different from Mount Carmel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5341SA2502v9dytranslate-numbers0three thousand3,000 (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
5351SA2502h7hvtranslate-numbers0one thousand1,000 (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
5361SA2502e5y90shearing his sheepshaving the wool off his sheep
5371SA2503h65ttranslate-names0NabalThis is the name of a man. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5381SA2503s9jatranslate-names0AbigailThis is the name of a woman. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5391SA2504j27u0shearing his sheepshaving the wool off his sheep
5401SA2505lq450greet him in my namegreet him as I would greet him if I were there
5411SA2506x8p80Peace to you and peace to your house, and peace be to all that you haveI desire that peace may come to you, your household and your possessions
5421SA2508kzp80to your servantsDavid was expressing respect toward Nabal by calling his men Nabal's servants.
5431SA2508z6jm0your son DavidDavid spoke as if he were Nabal's son to show that he respected Nabal, who was an older man.
5441SA2509k52k0David's young menDavid's army
5451SA2509am5l0said all of this to Nabal on David's behalfgave Nabal David's complete message
5461SA2513lxp60said to his mensaid to his army
5471SA2513gl14translate-numbers0four hundred400 (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
5481SA2513j4qdtranslate-numbers0two hundred200 (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
5491SA2513h5qa0stayed by the baggageThey remained at their base camp to prevent other raiders from stealing their possessions.
5501SA2516ibg5figs-metaphor0They were a wallDavid's men were like a wall around a city that protects the people in the city from their enemies. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
5511SA2518y9citranslate-numbers0two hundred200 (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
5521SA2518pl3ftranslate-bvolume0measuresThis is a generic term as none is given. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-bvolume]])
5531SA2518e7nf0parched graingrain that someone had cooked
5541SA2520d3l80David and his menDavid and his army
5551SA2520wcs50by the cover of the mountainPossible meanings are 1) into a low, narrow stream bed or 2) to where the men were hiding.
5561SA2521h5uvwriting-background0The writer gives background information before he continues with the story. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]])
5571SA2523l6e2writing-background0The writer has finished giving background information, so he continues the story. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]])
5581SA2523l5ga0lay before David facedown and bowed herself to the groundAbigail was being humble and showing that she would obey David because he was a powerful leader.
5591SA2524c4nh0listen tohear
5601SA2525zt8e0Connecting Statement:Abigail continues to advise David not to take revenge.
5611SA2526b9lx0Connecting Statement:Abigail continues to advise David not to take revenge.
5631SA2527s1mh0Connecting Statement:Abigail continues to tell David not to be angry.
5641SA2528lg880Connecting Statement:Abigail continues to reason with David.
5651SA2528qq1m0fighting the battles of Yahwehfighting against Yahweh's enemies
5661SA2529k6qw0Connecting Statement:Abigail continues to reason with David.
5671SA2529aql50pursuechase and try to catch
5681SA2529mm760a slinga piece of animal skin with long cords at both ends in which a person can put a stone or other small, hard object and throw it a long distance
5691SA2530u6qu0Connecting Statement:Abigail continues to reason with David.
5701SA2531lm3s0Connecting Statement:Abigail finishes reasoning with David.
5711SA2531m9fd0when Yahweh will do good for my masterThat is, when Yahweh actually makes him king after Saul's reign is over.
5721SA2532i5t40General Information:David accepts Abigail's counsel and gifts.
5731SA2533m4g60bloodshedmurder. The same word appears in [1 Samuel 25:26](../25/26.md).
5741SA2534hb7b0General Information:David accepts Abigail's gifts and agrees to do as she has advised him.
5751SA2536n4cq0morning lightdawn
5761SA2536l1ya0Nabal's heart was merry within himNabal was very happy
5771SA2537l6bf0General Information:Yahweh's judgment on Nabal
5781SA2537u2tf0the wine had gone out of NabalNabal was no longer drunk and so was no longer feeling happy.
5791SA2537g4h60his heart died within himNabal was unable to move because was so afraid that he was no longer physically healthy, probably because he had suffered a stroke.
5801SA2539y8vj0General Information:David offers to protect Abigail by marrying her.
5811SA2542hv4c0five servant girls of hers who followed herAbigail was riding a donkey, but the servant girls were walking.
5821SA2543qn8twriting-background0Now David had also taken AhinoamThis event took place before David married Abigail. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]])
5831SA2543fx9vtranslate-names0AhinoamThis is the name of a woman. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5841SA2544t45uwriting-background0Saul had given MichalThis event took place before David married Abigail. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]])
5851SA2544eld8translate-names0MichalThis is the name of a woman. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5861SA2544rm51translate-names0Paltiel ... LaishThese are names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5871SA2544qbi9translate-names0GallimThis is a town north of Jerusalem. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5881SA2601u73j0before Jeshimonfrom which we can see Jeshimon
5891SA2602bq6itranslate-numbers0three thousand3,000 (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
5901SA2602em7t0chosen menmen whom he had chosen because of their superior military abilities
5911SA2603bg6j0before Jeshimonfrom which they could see Jeshimon
5921SA2605m1dq0David arose and wentDavid took action and he went
5931SA2605m7extranslate-names0Abner ... NerThese are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5941SA2606zm97translate-names0Ahimelech ... AbishaiThese are the names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5951SA2606kzq7translate-names0ZeruiahThese are the names of women. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
5961SA2606fp9z0go down ... toDavid and his men were probably on higher ground than Saul.
5971SA2606n7u20I! I will go downI want to be the one who goes down
5981SA2610s6yk0his day will come to diehe will die a natural death
5991SA2612mj5c0a deep sleep from Yahweh had fallen on themYahweh had caused them to sleep deeply.
6001SA2617d5y6figs-metaphor0my sonSaul was not David's true father. Saul speaks as if he were David's father to show David that he wants David to trust and respect him as David would trust and respect his own father. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
6011SA2619xi810stirred you up against mecaused you to be angry with me
6021SA2619fre10for they have today driven me out, that I should not cling to the inheritance of Yahweh; they have said to me, 'Go worship other gods.'for they have today driven me out. It is as if they want me to stop clinging to the inheritance of Yahweh. It is as if they have said to me, 'Go worship other gods.'
6031SA2619h8280that I should not cling to the inheritance of Yahwehso that I will no longer trust that Yahweh will give me what he has promised me
6041SA2620ua6efigs-simile0as when one hunts a partridge in the mountainsSaul is chasing David as if he were hunting a valuable wild bird. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-unknown]])
6051SA2621l7a6figs-metaphor0my sonSaul was not David's true father. Saul speaks as if he were David's father to show David that he wants David to trust and respect him as David would trust and respect his own father. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
6061SA2621zs9x0played the foolbeen very foolish
6071SA2625ct8yfigs-metaphor0my sonSaul was not David's true father. Saul speaks as if he were David's father to show David that he wants David to trust and respect him as David would trust and respect his own father. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
6081SA2702cr5x0David arose and passed overDavid took action; he passed over
6091SA2702jn4b0passed overpassed over the border between Israel and Philistia
6101SA2702yjn5translate-numbers0six hundred men600 (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
6111SA2702y8hntranslate-names0AchishThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 21:10](../21/10.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6121SA2702ik5ptranslate-names0MaokThis is the name of a man. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6131SA2703q6ibtranslate-names0AhinoamThis is the name of a woman. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 14:50](../14/50.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6141SA2703f557translate-names0AbigailThis is the name of a woman. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 25:3](../25/03.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6151SA2703qmd3translate-names0NabalThis is the name of a man. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 25:3](../25/03.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6161SA2705qss2figs-pronouns0your servantDavid speaks as if he were another person to show that he respected Achish. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-pronouns]])
6171SA2706d2xdtranslate-names0ZiklagThis is the name of a city in the southwest part of Judah. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6181SA2708k2mvfigs-idiom0making raids onattacking and taking property many times (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
6191SA2708mj2itranslate-names0GirzitesA people group who apparently lived somewhere between Philistia and Egypt. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6201SA2708y3iytranslate-names0Shurregion on the northeast border of Egypt (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6211SA2709vg2yfigs-pronouns0Achishthe king of Gath (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-pronouns]])
6221SA2710ylp3translate-names0Achishthe king of Gath (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6231SA2710l4n3translate-names0Jerahmeelitesa clan from the tribe of Judah (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6241SA2710qt6stranslate-names0Kenitesa people group who lived in the land of Midian (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6251SA2711x7vmtranslate-names0Gathone of five Philistine city-states. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6261SA2712g4e6figs-pronouns0Achishthe king of Gath (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-pronouns]])
6271SA2801u8jp0hostlarge assembly of armies
6281SA2802ltp10bodyguarda person who protects another person
6291SA2803v29cwriting-background0Now Samuel ... with spiritsThe writer provides background information to prepare the reader for the events that follow. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]])
6301SA2804jp420Then the Philistines gatheredafter David and Achish spoke ([1 Samuel 28:2](../28/02.md))
6311SA2804gv6k0gathered all Israel togethergathered all his armies in Israel together
6321SA2804nut5translate-names0Shunem ... Gilboathese are names of places (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6331SA2806l97l0UrimThe high priest carried the sacred lots called Urim and Thummin in his breastplate, in a marked pouch, next to his heart.
6341SA2807p66e0who talks with the deadThese words translate as one word in the original language. If your language has one word for a person who talks to the dead, you should use it here. See how you translated similar words in [1 Samuel 28:3](../28/03.md).
6351SA2807iy9xtranslate-names0EndorThis is the name of a place. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6361SA2808q4zi0Saul disguised himself ... and went ... to the woman by nightSaul disguised himself because the way from Gilboa ([1 Samuel 28:4](../28/04.md)) to Endor ([1 Samuel 28:7](./07.md)) was through land that the Philistines were living in. He traveled all day and reached the woman after the sun had gone down.
6371SA2808by4s0disguisedchanged his usual appearance no one would know who he was
6381SA2808mj1t0Divine for me ... with a spiritTalk to the dead for me
6391SA2820gyg80he had eaten no food all that day, neither that whole nightSaul had not eaten during the night before he traveled from Gilboa ([1 Samuel 28:4](../28/04.md)) to Endor ([1 Samuel 28:7](./07.md)), nor during the day as he journeyed, nor during the night on which he visited the woman.
6401SA2823yci70Saul refusedSaul would not do what they asked
6411SA2823htn70compelled himforced him
6421SA2824x7b90fatted calfa calf that has been grown and fed to be available for a special feast
6431SA2824zn9w0she ... kneaded itShe mixed flour and oil, working and rolling the mixture thoroughly with her hands to produce dough for baking.
6441SA2901w2gw0springa small stream of water flowing naturally from the Earth
6451SA2902tq6l0passed on by hundreds and by thousandsdivided their men into groups; some groups had one hundred soldiers and some groups had one thousand soldiers
6461SA2902j1vstranslate-numbers0hundreds ... thousands100s ... 1,000s (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
6471SA2902vft10David and his men passed on in the rear guard with AchishThe groups of hundreds and thousands passed on first, then Achish and his helpers, and then David, his men, and the other Philistine soldiers, who were guarding Achish.
6481SA2910xd7w0your masterThe reader should understand that Achish is speaking of Saul.
6491SA2910r3uy0have lightcan see with the morning sun
6501SA3001u6dp0ZiklagZiklag is a city in the southern part of Judah. This was where David and his men kept their families.
6511SA3002i8bg0theythe Amalekites
6521SA3003tr670their wives ... sons ... daughtersbelonging to David and his men
6531SA3004i5ts0the people that were with himThese were mainly his army of men.
6541SA3005nc5k0General Information:David finds strength in Yahweh after the raid.
6551SA3005z5m80Ahinoam the Jezreelite womanAhinoam from Jezreel
6561SA3005hq7z0Nabal the CarmeliteNabal the man from Carmel
6571SA3005acw2translate-names0Ahinoam ... Abigailwomen's names (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6591SA3007na360General Information:David seeks Yahweh's direction in dealing with the raid on his people.
6601SA3008a2ps0pursuechase and try to catch
6611SA3009f5cktranslate-numbers0six hundred men600 men (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
6621SA3009n8t40brooksmall stream
6631SA3010gxs60kept pursuingkept chasing them, trying to catch them
6641SA3010she5translate-numbers0four hundred men400 men (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
6651SA3010c9v7translate-numbers0two hundred200 men (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
6661SA3010jle50who were so weakThey were tired from their own raids and now in pursuit of the Amalekites. They no longer had the strength to continue.
6671SA3011wy3y0an Egyptian in a fieldHe was left there to die from the Amalekite raiding party.
6681SA3012l4q10clusters of raisinsclusters of dried grapes
6691SA3013a3bt0David said to himDavid questioned the Egyptian slave.
6701SA3013g59g0three days agothree days in the past
6711SA3013lrz8translate-numbers0three days3 days (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
6721SA3014z8mp0a raidan attack on a town to take property
6731SA3015rpy70raiding partya group of armed warriors who attack people or places unexpectedly
6741SA3016tp7i0bootythe goods they had stolen in the raid
6751SA3017ac8n0twilightthe time just after the sun goes down until the sky is dark
6761SA3017uap2translate-numbers0four hundred400 (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
6771SA3019f95n0Nothing was missingNone of the items the Amalekites had stolen were lost
6781SA3019we470bootygoods that the Amelekites had stolen. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 30:16](../30/16.md).
6791SA3021r2q2translate-numbers0two hundred200 (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-numbers]])
6801SA3021e3fwtranslate-names0the brook Besora small stream or creek named Besor. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 30:9](../30/09.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6811SA3021l3p70greeted themspoke to them in a friendly way
6821SA3022jt6r0the bootythe goods they had taken from the enemy in battle. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 30:16](../30/16.md).
6831SA3024xyy40anyone who goes into battlethe warriors who actually fought the enemy in war
6841SA3024ff290will share and share alikewill make sure that all receive the same amount
6851SA3024jdd30anyone who waits by the baggagethe people who supported the warriors by managing and guarding their supplies
6861SA3024q69h0baggagebelongings that the soldiers left behind when they went into battle
6871SA3026w4a8translate-names0ZiklagThis is the name of a town. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6881SA3026l1ll0bootygoods that David had taken from the Amalekites after the battle. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 30:16](../30/16.md).
6891SA3026ies70a presenta gift
6901SA3027j2r90Connecting Statement:The writer begins a list of towns whose elders received gifts from David.
6911SA3027rha5translate-names0Bethel ... JattirThese are names of towns. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6921SA3028qm9t0Connecting Statement:The writer continues the list that began in [1 Samuel 30:27](../30/27.md) of towns whose elders received gifts from David.
6931SA3028r7zxtranslate-names0Aroer ... Siphmoth ... EshtemoaThese are names of towns. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6941SA3029xiz30Connecting Statement:The writer continues the list that began in [1 Samuel 30:27](../30/27.md) of towns whose elders received gifts from David.
6951SA3029v2kdtranslate-names0RakalThis is the name of a town. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6961SA3029a93etranslate-names0Jerahmeelites ... KenitesThese are the names of people groups. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6971SA3030re7a0Connecting Statement:The writer continues the list that began in [1 Samuel 30:27](../30/27.md) of towns whose elders received gifts from David.
6981SA3030n9nutranslate-names0Hormah ... Bor Ashan ... AthakThese are names of towns. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
6991SA3031k11c0Connecting Statement:The writer finishes the list that began in [1 Samuel 30:27](../30/27.md) of towns whose elders received gifts from David.
7001SA3101k1fi0Now the Philistines fought against IsraelThis battle was the result of the conflict between David and the Philistines in [1 Samuel 29:11](../29/11.md). The writer has finished telling the story of David that began in [1 Samuel 30:1](../30/01.md), and now he tells about the battle between the Israelites and the Philistines.
7011SA3101u5iitranslate-names0Mount GilboaThis is the name of a mountain (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
7021SA3102kg9r0closely pursued Saul and his sonschased Saul and three of his sons
7031SA3102f33rtranslate-names0Abinadab, and Malki-ShuaThese are names of men. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
7041SA3104pe6q0armor bearerThe armor bearer carried the large shield of his commanding officer and other weapons. He protected the commanding officer during a battle.
7051SA3104u2fu0took his own sword and fell on itkilled himself with his own sword
7061SA3106a6ky0that same dayon that one day
7071SA3107b1z10lived in themlived in the cities the men of Israel had left
7081SA3108v9ln0strip the deadtake the armor and weapons off the dead Israelites' bodies
7091SA3108d9b8translate-names0Mount Gilboaa mountain range overlooking the Valley of Jezreel in northern Israel, south of Nazareth (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
7101SA3109w7af0the land of the Philistines throughoutall areas of the land of the Philistines
7111SA3109xcw50to carry the news to their idols' temples and to the peopleto speak the news inside the temples and to the people
7121SA3109j17p0their idols' templesthe buildings where they worshiped their idols
7131SA3110z4230fastenedattached, probably with a large spike or nail
7141SA3110qu6ktranslate-names0Beth Shanthe name of a city (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
7151SA3111e9d6translate-names0JabeshThis is the name of a town. See how you translated this in [1 Samuel 11:1](../11/01.md). (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
7161SA3111e2e50what the Philistines had done to Saulhow the Philistines had dishonored Saul
7171SA3112myv90all nightthroughout the whole night