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  • Moses continues reminding the people of Israel what the previous generation of Israelites did.
  • Yet you refused to attack - Israel was to attack and destroy the Amorites, but Israel rebelled and refused to fight them out of fear.
  • Where can we go now? - The people use a question to emphasize their despair. AT: "We have nowhere to go" (See: :en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_rquestion)
  • made our hearts to melt - AT: "made us very afraid" (See: :en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_idiom)
  • and are fortified up to the heavens - This is an exaggeration that emphasizes how frightened the people were because the cities were so large and strong. (See: :en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_hyperbole)
  • sons of the Anakim - These are descendants of the Anak people who were very large and fierce. (See: :en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_explicit and :en:ta:vol1:translate:translate_names)