868 B
868 B
- en:tw:adversary
- en:tw:adversary
- en:tw:armor
- en:tw:armor
- en:tw:bowweapon
- en:tw:bowweapon
- en:tw:god
- en:tw:god
- en:tw:kingdomofjudah
- en:tw:know
- en:tw:know
- en:tw:peoplegroup
- en:tw:peoplegroup
- en:tw:servant
- en:tw:servant
- en:tw:shield
- en:tw:shield
- en:tw:spear
- en:tw:spear
- en:tw:works
- en:tw:works
- and God had frustrated - AT: "and that God had frustrated"
- my servants worked - AT: "my young men worked" or "my administrative staff worked"
- the leaders stood behind all the people - AT: "the leaders positioned themselves behind all the people"