
184 KiB

2DAN1introp1ev0# Daniel 01 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>### Training for government jobs<br><br>Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were chosen to be trained for service in the Babylonian kingdom. It was not unusual for foreigners to be given positions in the Babylonian government as advisors or cultural ambassadors.<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### Food laws<br><br>The food from the king included things the Jews were not allowed to eat according to the law of Moses. Daniel requested permission not to eat the king's food. He proved to the king that this food was not necessary for good health. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/lawofmoses]])<br>
3DAN11cps40to cut off all supplies to itto stop the people from receiving any supplies
4DAN12w31y0he gave himJehoiakim gave Nebuchadnezzar
5DAN12riv50in his god's treasuryThis was an act of devotion to his god.
6DAN13c2p40The king spokeThis refers to Nebuchadnezzar.
7DAN13pba3translate-names0AshpenazThis is the chief official. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
8DAN14ki41figs-idiom0filled with knowledge and understandingThis is an idiom. This means they knew much and could organize and use that information. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
9DAN14im8m0king's palaceThis is the large house or building where the king lives.
10DAN14gg5x0He was to teach themAshpenaz was to teach them
11DAN15vq2i0his delicaciesthe special, rare, good foods that the king ate
12DAN15bj350trainedtaught skills
13DAN16ln290Among theseAmong the young men from Israel
14DAN17k7uc0The chief officialThis refers to Ashpenaz who was King Nebuchadnezzar's highest official.
15DAN17b656translate-names0Belteshazzar ... Shadrach ... Meshach ... AbednegoThese are all men's names. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
16DAN18e52r0delicaciesThis refers to the special, rare, good foods that the king ate. See how you translated this in [Daniel 1:3](../01/
17DAN114thm20tested themtested Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah
18DAN115h7dv0their appearance ... they wereThe pronouns refer to Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.
19DAN115pj6p0nourishedThis means to have been made healthy from what you have eaten.
20DAN116uzg50their delicacies ... their wine ... gave themAll of these pronouns refer to Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.
21DAN119e2m30Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and AzariahThese are the names of men. See how you translated these names in [Daniel 1:6](../01/
22DAN121jhp90the first year of King Cyrusthe first year that King Cyrus ruled Babylon
23DAN2introepd50# Daniel 02 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with the poetry in Daniel's prayer in 2:20-23.<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### The king's dream<br><br>Daniel told the king's dream and what the dream meant. In the ancient Near East, it was believed that only people in touch with the gods could interpret dreams. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/falsegod]])<br><br>### How Daniel knew the dream<br><br>Daniel gave Yahweh the honor for having told him the dream and its meaning in answer to the prayers of the four men.<br>
24DAN21xtc60he had dreamsNebuchadnezzar had dreams
25DAN22zsv70Then the king summoned the magiciansThen the king called the magicians
26DAN22a7yh0the deadpeople who had died
27DAN22n5gn0they came inthey came into the palace
28DAN22x5f60stood beforestood in front of
30DAN24k6f2translate-names0AramaicThis is the language that people in Babylon spoke. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
31DAN24n36i0us, your servantsThe men called themselves the king's servants to show him respect.
32DAN27ux2hfigs-123person0Let the king tell usThe wise men addressed the king in the third person as a sign of respect. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
33DAN29ef890there is only one sentence for youthere is only one punishment for you
34DAN212y1cf0all those in Babylonall the men in Babylon
35DAN214cj8ptranslate-names0AriochThis is the name of the king's commander. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
36DAN214a4fa0bodyguardThis is a group of men whose job is to protect the king.
37DAN214y8530who had come to killwho the king had sent out to kill
38DAN216jl4r0requested an appointment with the kingasked for a set time to meet with the king
39DAN217bbc80his houseThis is referring to Daniel's house.
40DAN217ijt30what had happenedabout the king's decree
41DAN218uh7c0He urged them to seek mercyHe begged them to pray for mercy
42DAN219s94i0the mysteryThis is referring to the king's dream and its meaning.
43DAN221p54i0General Information:These verses are also part of Daniel's prayer.
44DAN221xy7w0he removes kingshe takes away kings' authority to rule
45DAN222v5bq0the light lives with himthe light comes from where God is
46DAN223e5ycfigs-123person0General Information:This verse is also part of Daniel's prayer. He stops addressing God in the third person and switches to the more personal second person. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
47DAN223b3ga0made known to me what we asked of youtold me what my friends and I asked you to tell us
48DAN223x2680made known to us the matter that concerns the kingtold us what the king wants to know
49DAN224le8htranslate-names0AriochThis is the name of the king's commander. See how you translated this name in [Daniel 2:14](../02/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
50DAN224fs730everyone who was wisethe wise men
51DAN226z3qqtranslate-names0BelteshazzarThis was the name the Babylonians gave to Daniel. See how you translated this name in [Daniel 1:7](../01/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
52DAN227r8dh0The mystery that the king has asked aboutThis phrase refers to the king's dream.
53DAN229fm110General Information:Daniel continues talking to the king.
54DAN231c17n0General Information:Daniel continues talking to the king.
55DAN234upd50General Information:Daniel continues talking to the king.
56DAN235nfy20filled the whole earthspread over the whole earth
57DAN236b8tq0General Information:Daniel continues talking to the king.
58DAN237gfj7figs-doublet0the power, the strengthThese words mean basically the same thing. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
59DAN239a4tq0General Information:Daniel continues talking to the king.
60DAN240v1d80General Information:Daniel continues talking to the king.
61DAN240d7bffigs-simile0strong as ironThe fourth kingdom is spoken of as being as strong as iron. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
62DAN240rjj2writing-symlanguage0It will shatter all these things and crush themThis symbolic language means the fourth kingdom will defeat and replace the other kingdoms. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
63DAN240qn2j0all these thingsthe previous kingdoms
64DAN241y27x0General Information:Daniel continues talking to the king.
65DAN241lp4z0Just as you sawNebuchadnezzar saw that the feet consisted of clay and iron. He did not see the process of making the feet.
66DAN243c3hf0they will not stay togetherthey will not remain united
67DAN244zd8x0General Information:Daniel continues talking to the king.
68DAN245xc850reliabletrustworthy and correct
69DAN247jz9s0Truly your GodIt is true that your God
70DAN247q3ru0the God of gods, the Lord of kingsgreater than all the other gods, and King over all other kings
71DAN247h6md0to reveal this mysteryto reveal the mystery of my dream
72DAN248lz5p0He made him rulerThe king made Daniel the ruler
73DAN249pp5r0Shadrach ... Meshach ... AbednegoThese were the Babylonian names of the three Jewish men who were brought to Babylon with Daniel. See how you translated these names in [Daniel 1:7](../01/
74DAN3introfc6f0# Daniel 03 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### The king's new idol<br><br>Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to worship the new idol. In the ancient Near East, refusing to worship the king was a sign of rebellion against the king. It was often considered the crime of treason. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sign]])<br><br>### The furnace<br><br>There was a fourth person with them in the furnace, and because of this they were not hurt. Most scholars believe this to be Jesus before he was born.<br>
75DAN31r51ytranslate-names0Plain of DuraThis is a location within the kingdom of Babylon. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
76DAN32pj4s0provincial governors ... regional governors ... local governorsThese are officials who have authority over different sizes of territory.
77DAN32yr480treasurersThese officials are in charge of money.
78DAN33qh6f0the provincial governors, regional governors, ... officials of the provincesSee how you translated this list in [Daniel 3:2](../03/
79DAN34huk20heraldThis person is an official messenger for the king.
80DAN35xs6t0zithersThese are musical instruments similar to harps. They are shaped like triangles and have four strings.
81DAN36x9ik0blazing furnaceThis is a large room filled with a hot fire.
82DAN37i26f0the horns, flutes ... and pipesThese are musical instruments. See how you translated these words in [Daniel 3:5](../03/
83DAN38vy1k0NowThis word is used to mark a break in the main story line. Here the writer tells about some new people in the story.
84DAN39hf480King, live foreverThis was a common greeting to the king.
85DAN310dzb50the horns, flutes ... and pipesThese are musical instruments. See how you translated these words in [Daniel 3:5](../03/
86DAN311p2l20blazing furnaceThis is a large room filled with a hot fire. See how you translated this in [Daniel 3:6](../03/
87DAN312in2b0affairsmatters having to do with government
88DAN312anm20Shadrach ... Meshach ... AbednegoThese are the Babylonian names of the three Jewish friends of Daniel. See how you translated these names in [Daniel 1:7](../01/
89DAN312ejy10pay no attention to youdo not pay attention to you
90DAN313jjl40Shadrach, Meshach, and AbednegoThese are the Babylonian names of the three Jewish friends of Daniel. See how you translated these names in [Daniel 1:7](../01/
91DAN315kak30the horns, flutes ... and pipesThese are musical instruments. See how you translated this list in [Daniel 3:5](../03/
92DAN315sl8a0blazing furnaceThis is a large room filled with a hot fire. See how you translated this in [Daniel 3:6](../03/
93DAN317d2kc0blazing furnaceThis is a large room filled with a hot fire. See how you translated this in [Daniel 3:6](../03/
94DAN318mc1d0But if not, let it be known to you, king, thatBut king, we must let you know that even if our God does not rescue us
95DAN321r7tt0turbansA turban is a head covering made of wrapped cloth.
96DAN321xya50blazing furnaceThis is a large room filled with a hot fire. See how you translated this in [Daniel 3:6](../03/
97DAN324kzd80Did we not throw three men tied up into the fireWe threw three men tied up into the fire, right
98DAN327ru5i0The provincial governors, regional governors, other governorsThese are officials who have authority over different sizes of territory. See how you translated these in [Daniel 3:2](../03/
99DAN327jr790was not singedwas not burned even a little
100DAN327hv4b0there was no smell of fire on themthey did not smell like fire
101DAN328s95d0any god except their Godany other god except their God
102DAN329qb3c0speaks anything against the Godspeaks words that do not respect the God
103DAN329t5vb0must be torn apartmust have their bodies torn apart
104DAN4introdu520# Daniel 04 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with the poetry in 4:3 and 4:34-35.<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### The king becomes insane<br><br>The king became insane until he realized that Yahweh was the ruler over everyone, including him.<br>
105DAN41s72gfigs-123person0General Information:In this chapter, Nebuchadnezzar tells what God did to him. In verses 1-18, Nebuchadnezzar describes in the first person his vision from God. Verses 19-33 switch to the third person to describe the punishment of Nebuchadnezzar. Verses 34-37 change back to first person as Nebuchadnezzar describes his response to God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
106DAN41ew1j0May your peace increaseThis is a common greeting.
107DAN42t8rlfigs-doublet0signs and wondersThese words share similar meanings and refer to the amazing things that God had done. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
108DAN43jyl3figs-parallelism0How great are his signs, and how mighty are his wonders!Both of these phrases have the same meaning and are used to emphasize how great God's signs and wonders are. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
109DAN43mz21figs-parallelism0His kingdom is ... generation to generationBoth of these phrases have the same meaning and are repeated to emphasize how God's reign is forever. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
110DAN44xpm6figs-123person0General Information:In verses 1-18, Nebuchadnezzar describes in the first person his vision from God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
111DAN44p8ntfigs-parallelism0was living happily ... was enjoying prosperityThese two phrases are parallel and mean the same thing. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
112DAN44zv52figs-doublet0my house ... my palaceThese two phrases mean basically the same thing. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
113DAN45fmk5figs-doublet0a dream ... the images ... the visionsThese phrases mean basically the same thing. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
114DAN45u6n6figs-parallelism0made me afraid ... troubled meThese phrases are parallel and they mean the same thing. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
115DAN46ep7g0all the men of Babylon who had wisdomall the wise men of Babylon
116DAN47l5u7figs-123person0General Information:In verses 1-18, Nebuchadnezzar describes in the first person his vision from God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
117DAN48dhx30BelteshazzarThis was the name the Babylonians gave to Daniel. See how you translated this name in [Daniel 1:7](../01/
118DAN410vz2bfigs-123person0General Information:In verses 1-18, Nebuchadnezzar describes in the first person his vision from God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
119DAN410ra4y0sightsthings that you see
120DAN410h4t80its height was very greatit was very tall
121DAN412c94i0its fruit was abundantthere was a lot of fruit on the tree
122DAN412bvq70was food for allwas food for all people and animals
123DAN413s8rqfigs-123person0General Information:In verses 1-18, Nebuchadnezzar describes in the first person his vision from God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
124DAN414rd550Let the animals flee ... from its branchesThe animals will flee from under it and the bird will fly away from its branches
125DAN415h8jefigs-123person0General Information:In verses 1-18, Nebuchadnezzar describes in the first person his vision from God. The holy messenger in the vision continues shouting to some people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
126DAN415eb7u0stump of its rootsThis is the part of the tree that is left above the ground after a tree is cut down.
127DAN415e8lj0dewthe moisture on the ground that is found in the mornings
128DAN417k6kqfigs-123person0General Information:In verses 1-18, Nebuchadnezzar describes in the first person his vision from God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
129DAN417aas50gives themgives the kingdoms
130DAN418kjd40BelteshazzarThis was the name the Babylonians gave to Daniel. See how you translated this name in [Daniel 1:7](../01/
131DAN418jr6i0you are able to do soyou are able to interpret it
132DAN419n8fkfigs-123person0General Information:Verses 19-33 use the third person to describe the punishment of Nebuchadnezzar. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
133DAN419kf990may the dream be for those who hate you; may its interpretation be for your enemiesDaniel is expressing his wish that the dream was not about Nebuchadnezzar, even though he knew that it really was about the king.
134DAN420vj36figs-123person0General Information:Verses 19-33 use the third person to describe the punishment of Nebuchadnezzar (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]]). Many terms in this verse are almost the same as in [Daniel 4:11](../04/ See how you translated that verse.
135DAN420x69sfigs-hyperbole0to the heavens ... to the ends of the whole earthThese phrases are exaggerations to emphasize that everyone everywhere knew how great Nebuchadnezzar was. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-hyperbole]])
136DAN421mm9p0General Information:Many terms in this verse are almost the same as [Daniel 4:12](../04/ See how you translated that verse.
137DAN421rfj90whose fruit was abundantwhich bore a great amount of fruit
138DAN422uq3h0this tree is you, kingthis tree represents you, king
139DAN422gfs2figs-parallelism0Your greatness has grown ... your authority reachesThese two phrases mean similar things. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
140DAN423w9s5figs-123person0General Information:This verse is almost the same as [Daniel 4:13-14](./ and [Daniel 4:15-16](./ See how you translated those verses. Verses 19-33 use the third person to describe the punishment of Nebuchadnezzar. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
141DAN423c89t0the stump of its rootsThis is the part of the tree that is left above ground after a tree is cut down.
142DAN423i27p0in the middle of the tender grass of the fieldsurrounded by the tender grass of the field
143DAN423bx4z0dewthe moisture that settles on the ground in the mornings
144DAN424f3tz0that has reached youthat you have heard
145DAN426fgn1figs-123person0General Information:Verses 19-33 use the third person to describe the punishment of Nebuchadnezzar. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
146DAN428rq19figs-123person0General Information:Verses 19-33 use the third person to describe the punishment of Nebuchadnezzar. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
147DAN429jn5hfigs-123person0General Information:Verses 19-33 use the third person to describe the punishment of Nebuchadnezzar. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
148DAN430csl90for the glory of my majestyto show people my honor and my greatness
149DAN431g7xgfigs-123person0General Information:Verses 19-33 use the third person to describe the punishment of Nebuchadnezzar. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
150DAN431cv670a voice came from heavenhe heard a voice from heaven
151DAN432m5510anyone he wisheswhoever he chooses
152DAN433ydj8figs-123person0General Information:Verses 19-33 use the third person to describe the punishment of Nebuchadnezzar. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
153DAN433t4b60his nails became like birds' clawshis fingernails looked like birds' claws
154DAN434amm1figs-123person0General Information:In verses 34-37 Nebuchadnezzar speaks in the first person to describe his response to God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
155DAN434b17l0At the end of the daysThis refers back to the seven years in [Daniel 4:32](../04/
156DAN434ucj3figs-parallelism0I praised ... and I honoredThe two phrases refer to the same action. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
157DAN435ce6ufigs-123person0General Information:In verses 34-37 Nebuchadnezzar speaks in the first person to describe his response to God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
158DAN435cpy80All the earth's inhabitantsAll the people on the earth
159DAN435p4150the army of heaventhe angel armies in heaven
160DAN436m6m5figs-123person0General Information:In verses 34-37 Nebuchadnezzar speaks in the first person to describe his response to God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-123person]])
161DAN436nq38figs-doublet0majesty and splendorThese words mean basically the same thing and emphasize the greatness of his glory. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
162DAN436c3xy0my noblemen sought my favormy noblemen requested my help again
163DAN437zgl2figs-doublet0praise, extol, and honorAll three of these words have basically the same meaning and emphasize how greatly he praised God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
164DAN51cc4ztranslate-names0BelshazzarThis is the son of Nebuchadnezzar who became king after his father. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
165DAN51tre40he drank wine in front ofhe drank wine in the presence of
166DAN52gsi30containersThese were cups and other items that were small enough for a person to hold and to drink from them.
167DAN55cra10plastercement or mud that is spread on walls or ceilings to give them a smooth hard surface when it dries
168DAN56gbd60his limbshis legs
169DAN56iee90his knees were knocking togetherThis was the result of his extreme fear.
170DAN57gz5c0those known for their wisdom in BabylonThis refers back to those who claimed to speak with the dead, the wise men, and the astrologers.
171DAN59n4lntranslate-names0BelshazzarThis is the son of Nebuchadnezzar who became king after his father. See how you wrote this name in [Daniel 5:1](../05/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
172DAN59w9st0perplexedunable to understand, confused
173DAN510rw3v0the queenSome modern versions understand this to be a reference to the queen mother, that is, to the king's mother. The queen mother received much honor in ancient Babylon.
174DAN510x55i0King, live forever!This was a normal way to greet the king.
175DAN510zq7c0Do not let the look on your face changeThere is no need for your face to look so pale
176DAN511bql40the spirit of the holy godsThe queen believed that Daniel's power came from the false gods that Nebuchadnezzar worshiped. See how you translated this phrase in [Daniel 4:8](../04/
177DAN511c4n60In the days of your fatherWhen your father was ruling
178DAN511jg2l0King Nebuchadnezzar, your father the kingYour father, King Nebuchadnezzar
179DAN514yxu50the spirit of the godsBelshazzar believed that Daniel's power came from the false gods that Belshazzar worshiped. See how you translated a similar phrase in [Daniel 4:8](../04/
180DAN515u8170make known to metell me
181DAN517evt40Let your gifts be for yourself, andI do not want your gifts, so
182DAN519t7ri0He raised up those he wantedHe raised up those he wanted to raise up
183DAN519qzi20wanted ... wishedThese words here mean the same thing.
184DAN519db8z0he humbled those he wishedhe humbled those he wished to humble
185DAN520w2tx0presumptuouslyrudely and overly confident
186DAN521amq80dewthe moisture on the ground that is found in the mornings
187DAN521m4na0anyone he wisheswhomever he chooses
188DAN522z72qtranslate-names0BelshazzarThis is the son of Nebuchadnezzar who became king after his father. See how you wrote this name in [Daniel 5:1](../05/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
189DAN523th440all your wayseverything you do
190DAN525ea1ktranslate-transliterate0Mene, Mene, Tekel, and PharsinThese are the Aramaic words that were written on the wall. Spell these words with the sounds that fit your language. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-transliterate]])
191DAN526tg8v0'Mene,' 'God has numbered'Mene' means 'God has numbered
192DAN527q5iv0'Tekel,' 'you are weighed'Tekel' means 'you are weighed
193DAN528b18p0'Peres,' 'your kingdom'Peres' means 'your kingdom.
194DAN529j9jgtranslate-names0BelshazzarThis is the son of Nebuchadnezzar who became king after his father. See how you wrote this name in [Daniel 5:1](../05/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
195DAN531c2bj0received the kingdombecame the ruler of the kingdom
196DAN6introa1xc0# Daniel 06 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>Some translations set the content of letters farther to the right on the page than the rest of the text. The ULT does this with the letter in 6:25-27.<br><br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with the poetry in the letter in 6:26-27.<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br>### Daniel and the lions<br><br>Daniel was thrown into the lions' den for praying to Yahweh, but Yahweh protected him and the lions did not hurt him at all.<br>
197DAN61xf5z0Connecting Statement:The events in this chapter take place after the Persians conquered the Babylonians and Darius the Mede began to rule in Babylon.
198DAN61y6y90It pleased DariusKing Darius decided
199DAN63ef6f0extraordinary spiritspirit that made him do better than the others
200DAN64zn7x0negligenceoverly looking your responsibilities
201DAN65ek640to complain against this Danielto complain about Daniel
202DAN66yf8j0brought a plan before the kingpresented a plan to the king
203DAN66ll7v0may you live forever!This was a normal way to greet a king.
204DAN67bw290whoever makes a petitionwhoever makes a request
205DAN67h7ip0den of lionsThis may refer to a room or pit where lions were kept.
206DAN68nj570Connecting Statement:In verse 8, the administrators continue to speak to the king.
207DAN68v5i80as directed by the lawsaccording to the laws
208DAN68i7m40cannot be repealedcannot be canceled
209DAN69dt8k0making the decree into a lawmaking the order into a law
210DAN610i5vv0When Daniel learned that the document had been signed into lawIt is important to the story to state clearly that Daniel knew about the new law before he prayed to God.
211DAN610r7ulwriting-background0now his windows were open in his upper room toward JerusalemThis is background information that explains how Daniel's enemies knew he was praying to God. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]])
212DAN610l71q0gave thanks before his Godgave thanks to his God
213DAN611v5n30plota plan with evil intent
214DAN612gwm40Did you not make a decree ... lions?They asked this question to make the king confirm that he had made the decree.
215DAN612hjs70who makes a petitionwho makes a request
216DAN612div10den of lionsThis may refer to a room or pit where lions were kept. See how you translated this in [Daniel 6:7](../06/
217DAN612zp4n0as directed by the lawaccording to the law
218DAN613c3ar0That person DanielThis is not a respectful way of referring to Daniel. They intentionally used this phrase to avoid giving Daniel the respect he was due as a chief administrator.
219DAN613jia10who is one of the people of the exile from Judahwho is an immagrant from Judah
220DAN614ts980He laboredThis refers to mental labor, rather than to physical labor.
221DAN616zny20they brought in Danielhis soldiers went and got Daniel
222DAN616q3wc0lions' denThis may refer to a room or pit where lions were kept. See how you translated this in [Daniel 6:7](../06/
223DAN616a2680May your God ... rescue youThe king is expressing his desire for God to save Daniel.
224DAN616jd6x0rescue yousave you from the lions
225DAN617szf50denThis may refer to a room or pit where lions were kept. See how you translated this in [Daniel 6:7](../06/
226DAN617p5t20nothing might be changed concerning Danielno one could help Daniel
227DAN618un1jtranslate-symaction0he went through the night fastingThis symbolic act showed that the king was worried about Daniel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]])
228DAN619e2wc0lions' denThis may refer to a room or pit where lions were kept. See how you translated this in [Daniel 6:7](../06/
229DAN622ssq60I have done you no harmI have not harmed you at all
230DAN623r1eg0denThis may refer to a room or pit where lions were kept. See how you translated this in [Daniel 6:7](../06/
231DAN624qwh30Before they reached the floorBefore they reached the floor of the lions' den
232DAN624r63c0broke all their bones to piecescrushed their bones
233DAN625zkz80May peace increase for youThis is a form of greeting that is used to wish someone well in all areas of life.
234DAN626m5v60Connecting Statement:This continues to state the message that Darius sent to everyone in his kingdom.
235DAN626s8va0the God of Danielthe God that Daniel worships
236DAN626xw4kfigs-parallelism0his kingdom shall ... his dominion shallThese two phrases are parallel, emphasizing how God's kingdom will never end. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
237DAN626fcy10his dominion shall be to the endhe will rule forever
238DAN627bld20he has kept Daniel safe from the strength of the lionshe has not allowed the strong lions to hurt Daniel
239DAN628a5br0during the reign of Darius and during the reign of Cyrus the PersianCyrus the Persian was the king who ruled after Darius.
240DAN7introe18x0# Daniel 07 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br>Some translations set each line of poetry farther to the right than the rest of the text to make it easier to read. The ULT does this with the poetry in 7:9-10, 13-14, and 23-27.<br><br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br>### The four beasts<br><br>There will be four successive kingdoms before Yahweh sets up his eternal kingdom. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/eternity]])<br><br>### The Son of Man<br><br>God will give the Son of Man an eternal kingdom and he will judge people from the books. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/sonofman]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/judge]])<br>
241DAN71cw4awriting-symlanguage0General Information:Chapters 7 and 8 are not in chronological order. They happened while Belshazzar was still the king, before the rule of Darius and Cyrus that was discussed in chapter 6. In Daniel's vision, he saw animals that were symbols of other things. Later in the vision someone explains the meaning of those symbols. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
242DAN71dme80BelshazzarThis was the name of Nebuchadnezzar's son, who became king after him. See how you wrote this name in [Daniel 5:1](../05/
243DAN74z5hdwriting-symlanguage0The first was like a lion but had eagle's wingsThis was a symbolic creature, and not an animal that exists. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
244DAN75eqm9writing-symlanguage0a second animal, like a bearThis was not an actual bear, but a symbolic animal that was similar to a bear. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
245DAN75i32b0ribslarge curved bones of the chest that connect to the spine
246DAN76fl2zwriting-symlanguage0another animal, one that looked like a leopardThis was not an actual leopard, but a symbolic animal that was similar to a leopard. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
247DAN76h4iawriting-symlanguage0four wings ... four headsThe four wings and four heads are symbols, but their meaning is unclear. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
248DAN76y1jd0it had four headsthe animal had four heads
249DAN77g1ajwriting-symlanguage0a fourth animal ... it had ten hornsThis is also not an actual animal. It is a symbolic creature. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
250DAN77w7ww0trampled underfootwalked on and crushed
251DAN78yr9d0General Information:Daniel continues to describe his vision of the fourth animal that the saw in [Daniel 7:7](../07/
252DAN79dge1writing-symlanguage0General Information:Most of the text of verses 9-14 is symbolic language with parallel lines that have similar meaning. For this reason, the ULT and UST present them in poetic form. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
253DAN79rc8y0took his seat ... His clothing ... the hair of his headThis passage describes God as sitting down, with clothing and hair like a person. This does not mean that God really is like this, but it is how Daniel saw God in a vision.
254DAN79d5iffigs-simile0the hair of his head was like pure woolSomething about God's hair looked like pure wool. Possible meanings are that 1) it was very white or 2) it was thick and curly. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
255DAN710eu94writing-symlanguage0General Information:Daniel continues to describe his vision of the court in heaven and the response to the fourth animal that he saw in [Daniel 7:7](../07/ Most of the text of verses 9-14 is symbolic language with parallel lines that have similar meaning. For this reason, the ULT and UST present them in poetic form. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
256DAN711cv150General Information:Daniel continues to describe his vision of the court in heaven and the response to the fourth animal that he saw in [Daniel 7:7](../07/
257DAN713lvf2writing-symlanguage0General Information:Most of the text of verses 9-14 is symbolic language with parallel lines that have similar meaning. For this reason, the ULT presents them in poetic form. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
258DAN713n5qi0with the clouds of heavenwith the clouds of the sky
259DAN713ln6w0the Ancient of DaysThis refers to God who is eternal. See how you translated this title in [Daniel 7:9](../07/
260DAN714z6xffigs-parallelism0will not pass away ... will never be destroyedThese two phrases mean the same thing. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
261DAN715xt3dfigs-parallelism0my spirit was grieved inside of me ... the visions I saw in my mind troubled meThese two phrases describe how Daniel was feeling. The second one gives more information about the first one, explaining about his grieved spirit. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
262DAN716z2w10one of them standing thereThis is one of the heavenly beings who were standing before God's throne. Possible meanings 1) these are angels, spirits who serve God 2) these are people who have died and are now in heaven.
263DAN716x45a0these thingsthe things I had seen
264DAN717mw570These large animals, four in number,These four large animals
265DAN717s2iv0are four kingsrepresent four kings
266DAN718tz290they will possess itthey will rule over it
267DAN718x83sfigs-doublet0forever and everThis repetition of ideas emphasizes that this kingdom will never come to an end. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
268DAN719qj780very horrifyingvery frightening
269DAN719fq880trampled onwalked on and crushed
270DAN720e5t10the ten horns on its headthe ten horns on the head of the fourth animal
271DAN720f4250that seemed greater than its companionsthe horn with the eyes and a mouth seemed to be greater than the other horns
272DAN722dui70Ancient of DaysThis is a title for God that emphasizes that he is eternal. See how you translated this title in [Daniel 7:9](../07/
273DAN723ec9xwriting-symlanguage0General Information:Most of the text of verses 23-27 is symbolic language. For this reason, the ULT presents them in poetic form. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
274DAN723mv4h0This is what that person saidThis is the person that Daniel approached in [Daniel 7:16](../07/
275DAN723p7zf0that person saidthat person answered
276DAN723t6gafigs-metaphor0It will devour ... it into piecesThis does not mean the fourth kingdom will destroy the planet, but that it will brutally attack, conquer, and destroy all other kingdoms on earth. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
277DAN724qun40He will be different from the previous onesHe will be different from the other ten kings
278DAN725w3b9writing-symlanguage0General Information:The man in Daniel's vision continues talking to Daniel. Most of the text of verses 23-27 is symbolic language. For this reason, the ULT presents them in poetic form. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
279DAN725xih7figs-idiom0He will speak words against the Most HighThis means that the newest king will openly disagree with and say bad things about the Most High. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
280DAN725nt2f0the holy peopleGod's holy people
281DAN725w16z0change the festivals and the lawBoth terms refer to the law of Moses. The festivals were an important part of the religion of Israel in the Old Testament.
282DAN726iln20they will take his royal power awaythe members of the court will take the royal power away from the newest king
283DAN727dj39writing-symlanguage0General Information:The man in Daniel's vision continues talking to Daniel. Most of the text of verses 23-27 is symbolic language. For this reason, the ULT presents them in poetic form. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
284DAN727c6lffigs-doublet0The kingdom and the dominionThese two terms mean basically the same thing and emphasize that this will concern all forms of official authority. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
285DAN727eti40His kingdomThe kingdom of the Most High
286DAN728am3a0my face changed in appearancemy face became pale
287DAN8introcbk60# Daniel 08 General Notes<br>## Special concepts in this chapter<br><br>### The vision of the ram and the male goat<br><br>Although specific interpretation of this vision is not given, most scholars believe Daniel saw Greece overthrowing Media-Persia before breaking up into four kingdoms. One of these kingdoms stopped the temple worship for a while and then it was restored. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/temple]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/restore]])<br>
288DAN81rft5writing-symlanguage0General Information:Chapters 7 and 8 are not in chronological order. They happened while Belshazzar was still the king, before the rule of Darius and Cyrus that was discussed in chapter 6. In Daniel's vision, he saw animals that were symbols of other things. Later in the vision someone explains the meaning of those symbols. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
289DAN81er4q0BelshazzarThis is the son of Nebuchadnezzar who became king after his father. See how you translated this name in [Daniel 5:1](../05/
290DAN82t4xy0fortressa walled city that was guarded and protected
291DAN82m8kvtranslate-names0Susa ... Elam ... Ulai CanalThese are names of places. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
292DAN82jfs10CanalA canal is a narrow man-made waterway.
293DAN83kh4swriting-symlanguage0a ram with two hornsIt is normal for rams to have two horns. These horns, however, have symbolic meaning. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
294DAN83buj10but the longer ... passed up in length by itbut the longer one grew more slowly than the shorter one, and the shorter one grew to be even longer than it
295DAN86ith50in a powerful rageand it was very angry
296DAN87u36k0trampledto crush something by stepping on it
297DAN87hh820the ram from his powerthe ram from the goat because of his power
298DAN88kr6f0the goat became very largethe goat became very large and strong
299DAN89ys250but which became very largebut it became very large
300DAN89umn2figs-idiom0the land of beautyThis is a reference to the land of Israel. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
301DAN810pkh2figs-personification0It became so large as to engage in warHere the horn is given qualities of a person and is engaging in war. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
302DAN810iq57figs-personification0it trampled on themHere the horn is given qualities of a person that tramples on the stars and on the army. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
303DAN811akq6figs-personification0General Information:The horn is given qualities of a person. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-personification]])
304DAN811x2bs0Connecting Statement:Daniel continues describing his vision of the horn ([Daniel 8:9](../08/
305DAN811r2zzfigs-explicit0the commander of the armyThis refers to God himself, who is the leader of the angel army. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
306DAN813lj180holy oneangel
307DAN813b9yz0the handing over of the sanctuarythe surrender of the sanctuary
308DAN814j3q30the sanctuary will be put rightthe temple will be purified and set in order again
309DAN816c8qg0Ulai CanalA canal is a narrow man-made waterway. See how you translated this name in [Daniel 8:2](../08/
310DAN817c9ystranslate-symaction0prostrated myself on the groundThis is an act of worship in which someone lies flat on the ground. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]])
311DAN818c89u0a deep sleepThis is a type of sleep when someone is sleeping heavily and does not wake up easily.
312DAN819zif50the appointed time for the endthe time when the world will end
313DAN820bi9vwriting-symlanguage0General Information:In these verses, the angel explains to Daniel the symbolic meaning of the things he saw in his vision. The animals and horns actually represent human rulers and kingdoms. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
314DAN820zfr20two horns—they aretwo horns—they represent
315DAN821h37i0The large horn between his eyes isThe large horn between his eyes represents
316DAN822j764writing-symlanguage0General Information:In these verses, the angel explains to Daniel the symbolic meaning of the things he saw in his vision. The animals and horns actually represented human rulers or kingdoms. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
317DAN822qtr70As for the horn that was broken ... four others aroseWhere the large horn was broken off, four others arose
318DAN822z39i0but not with his great powerbut they will not have as much power as the king represented by the large horn
319DAN823gk830At the latter time of those kingdomsAs those kingdoms approach their end
320DAN823x2ku0grim-facedThis means someone who looks defiant, or like he will refuse to obey.
321DAN824fm5ewriting-symlanguage0General Information:In these verses, the angel explains to Daniel the symbolic meaning of the things he saw in his vision. The animals and horns actually represented human rulers or kingdoms. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-symlanguage]])
322DAN824ue1c0but not by his own powerbut someone else will give him his power
323DAN825f6qi0King of kingsThis refers to God.
324DAN826cp6e0General Information:The angel continues to instruct Daniel about the visions that Daniel saw.
325DAN827us1l0was overcome and lay weak for several dayswas exhausted and lay in bed sick for several days
326DAN827c42h0went about the king's businessdid the work that the king had assigned to me
327DAN91a2ic0General Information:Chapters 7 and 8 were not in chronological order. They happened while Belshazzar was still the king. Chapter 9 now returns to the events of the reign of Darius who became king in chapter 6.
328DAN91lvl3writing-background0It was Ahasuerus who had been made king over the realm of the BabyloniansThis is background information about who Ahasuerus was. The UST places this in parentheses to make that clear. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/writing-background]])
329DAN92h1p20YahwehThis is the name of God that he revealed to his people in the Old Testament. See the translationWord page about Yahweh concerning how to translate this.
330DAN92zrc40abandonmentthis means no one would help or rebuild Jerusalem during that time
331DAN93v1yifigs-metaphor0to seek himThose who want to know Yahweh and please him are spoken of as if they are literally seeking to find Yahweh. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
332DAN93ni5ztranslate-symaction0fasting, wearing sackcloth, and sitting in ashesThese are symbolic acts of repentance and sorrow. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-symaction]])
333DAN94waz80I made confession of our sinsI confessed our sins
334DAN94q4bd0you are the one who keeps the covenant and is faithful to love thoseyou do what what you said you would do in your covenant, and you faithfully love those
335DAN95wju10General Information:Daniel continues praying to the Lord about the people of Israel.
336DAN95bz6lfigs-parallelism0We have sinned and have done what is wrongThese two phrases express one idea in two different ways for emphasis. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
337DAN95ie62figs-parallelism0We have acted wickedly and we have rebelledThese two phrases express one idea in two different ways for emphasis. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
338DAN97ei620General Information:Daniel continues praying to the Lord about the people of Israel.
339DAN97kk5yfigs-idiom0belongs shame on our facesThis idiom means their shame is visible to all. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
340DAN99yg1d0General Information:Daniel continues praying to the Lord about the people of Israel.
341DAN912wrt90General Information:Daniel continues praying to the Lord about the people of Israel.
342DAN914dxb50Yahweh has kept the disaster readyYahweh has prepared this disaster
343DAN915k82d0you have made a famous name for yourself, as in this present dayyou caused people to know how great you are, as you still do today
344DAN915u2zsfigs-parallelism0still we sinned; we have done wicked thingsThese two clauses mean basically the same thing and are used together to emphasize how bad sin is. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
345DAN916qcc30an object of scorna target of disrespect
346DAN917ndy10pleas for mercyrequests for mercy
347DAN917b52l0your sanctuaryThis refers to the temple in Jerusalem.
348DAN920n3ma0my people Israelthe people of Israel to whom I belong
349DAN921ud8s0flew down to me in rapid flightflew down to me quickly
350DAN921i2as0at the time of the evening sacrificeThe Jewish people sacrificed to God each evening just before the sun went down.
351DAN923ke8t0consider this wordthink about this message
352DAN923dn8d0the revelationThis refers back to the prophesy of Jeremiah in [Daniel 9:2](../09/
353DAN924tn7g0Seventy sevens are decreed for your people and your holy city toGod decreed that he would do the things in this verse for the people and the holy city.
354DAN924v75sfigs-parallelism0to end the guilt and put an end to sinThe idea is repeated to emphasize how certain it is that this will happen. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-parallelism]])
355DAN924z31hfigs-doublet0the vision and the prophecyThese words in this context mean the same thing. They ensure Daniel that Jeremiah's vision was indeed a prophecy. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-doublet]])
356DAN925mg6r0seven sevens ... and sixty-two sevensThese added together are 69 of the 70 sevens spoken of in verse 24.
357DAN925gs6w0moata deep ditch around a city or building, usually with water in it
358DAN925q3nq0the times of distressa time of great trouble
359DAN926hpa8figs-metaphor0Its end will come with a floodThe army will destroy the city and the holy place just as a flood destroys things. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
360DAN927a45k0He will ... he willThis refers to the coming ruler who will destroy the anointed one.
361DAN927l2670someone who makes desolatea person who completely destroys
362DAN927t53m0the one who has made the desolationthe person who caused the destruction
363DAN10introrcw20# Daniel 10 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>This chapter begins a section where Daniel is given a prophecy about the future from an angel. This section continues for the remainder of the book. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/prophet]])<br>
364DAN101vf8c0insightthe ability to understand more than what can be seen
365DAN103af3y0until the completion of three entire weeksuntil the end of three entire weeks
366DAN104s7nctranslate-hebrewmonths0On the twenty-fourth day of the first monthThis is the first month of the Hebrew calendar. The twenty-fourth day is near the middle of April on Western calendars. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-hebrewmonths]] and [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-ordinal]])
367DAN105p8b10with a belt around his waistand he was wearing a belt
368DAN105q62ttranslate-names0UphazUphaz is a place. Its location is not known (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
369DAN106yce20topaza blue or yellow gemstone, also known as beryl, peridot, or chrysolite
370DAN109kc4lfigs-idiom0I fell on my face in deep sleepPossible meanings are: 1) Daniel was so scared by what he saw that he deliberately laid on the ground, where he then fainted or 2) Daniel fainted and then fell forward onto the ground. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-idiom]])
371DAN1011r2td0greatly treasuredmuch valued and loved
372DAN1012xbp60you set your mind to understandyou determined to understand the vision
373DAN1013rag20the kings of PersiaThis probably refers to the various kings who ruled over nations in the Persian Empire, and who had to obey the king of Persia.
374DAN1014b23e0General Information:The angel continues speaking to Daniel.
375DAN1016na7s0agonysevere emotional suffering
376DAN1018wh3x0the one with an appearance of a manthe one who looked like a human
377DAN1021f6mz0who shows himself to be strongwho proves himself to be strong
378DAN11introee960# Daniel 11 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>The final prophecy continues in this chapter. The kings of the North and of the South will fight many wars against each other. The king of the South is probably a reference to Egypt. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/prophet]])<br>
379DAN111iik80General Information:In Daniel 11:1 through 12:4, the one who was speaking to Daniel in chapter 10 tells him what is written in the book of truth. This is as he said he would do in [Daniel 10:21](../10/
380DAN112eq9g0Three kings will arise in PersiaThree kings will rule over Persia
381DAN112dk4x0powerPossible meanings are 1) authority or 2) military power.
382DAN112e62r0he will stir up everyonehe will cause everyone to want to fight
383DAN113y2cv0General Information:The angel continues speaking to Daniel.
384DAN113xg790who will rule a very great kingdomPossible meanings are 1) that the size of this kingdom would be very great, or 2) that the king would rule his kingdom with very great power.
385DAN114ewb20the four winds of heavenSee how you translated this in [Daniel 7:2](../07/
386DAN115vns20General Information:The angel continues speaking to Daniel.
387DAN115xd9k0one of his commanders will become even stronger than he and will rule his kingdom with great powerA commander of the king of the South will become the king of the North.
388DAN116n6pd0The daughter of the king of the South will come ... to confirm the agreementThe king of the South will give his daughter in marriage to the king of the North. The marriage will confirm the agreement between the two kings.
389DAN117r8ie0General Information:The angel continues speaking to Daniel.
390DAN1110l8lr0General Information:The angel continues speaking to Daniel.
391DAN1110b8ne0His sonsThe sons of the king of the North
392DAN1110d4ad0assemble a great armygather together many men who can fight in battles
393DAN1111m2y40General Information:The angel continues speaking to Daniel.
394DAN1111z45y0will raise up a great armywill assemble a great army
395DAN1113e9560General Information:The angel continues speaking to Daniel.
396DAN1114z7g20General Information:The angel continues speaking to Daniel.
397DAN1114l5gpfigs-metaphor0Sons of the violentThis expression stands for violent people. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
398DAN1115r1i60General Information:The angel continues speaking to Daniel.
399DAN1115tqb10pour out earth for siege moundsThis refers to the piling up of earth in order for soldiers to reach the height of city walls in order to attack them. Soldiers and slaves would put loose earth in baskets, carry them to the right place, and pour it out in order to raise the mounds.
400DAN1115f3vi0fortificationswalls and other things built to defend a city or fort from enemy soldiers
401DAN1116nm4j0the one who comes will act according to his desires against himthe invading king will do whatever he wants against the other king
402DAN1116d31f0the land of beautyThis refers to the land of Israel. See how you translated this in [Daniel 8:9](../08/
403DAN1117s8fx0General Information:The angel continues speaking to Daniel.
404DAN1118y98a0will end his arrogancewill make the king of the North stop being arrogant
405DAN1118t5p90will cause his arrogance to turn back upon himwill cause the king of the North to suffer because he was arrogant toward others
406DAN1119ef5y0he will pay attentionthe king of the North will pay attention
407DAN1120yg3t0General Information:The angel continues speaking to Daniel.
408DAN1120j9t5figs-metaphor0but not in angerPossible meanings are 1) no one was angry at the king, or 2) that the occasion and cause of the king's death were kept secret. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
409DAN1123hq640General Information:The angel continues speaking to Daniel.
410DAN1124ml780will spread among his followerswill distribute to his followers
411DAN1124e41l0the booty, the plunder, and the wealththe valuable things that he and his army take from the people they defeat
412DAN1125skn80General Information:The angel continues speaking to Daniel.
413DAN1125xr4ifigs-metaphor0heartHere this represents courage. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
414DAN1125l4sg0with a great armywith a great army that he will assemble
415DAN1125iy350will wage warwill fight against him
416DAN1127hy3ifigs-metonymy0will sit at the same tableSitting at the same table represents the act of talking to each other. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
417DAN1127l9y80but it will be of no usebut their talking will not help them
418DAN1130vt1jtranslate-names0KittimThis may refer to a settlement on the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/translate-names]])
419DAN1130n36n0He will be furious against the holy covenantHe will hate the holy covenant
420DAN1131cjf50the fortress sanctuarythe sanctuary that the people use as a fortress
421DAN1132g7nd0acted wickedly against the covenantwickedly disobeyed the covenant
422DAN1132qcz60corrupt thempersuade them to do evil
423DAN1132v4tg0will be strong and will take actionwill be firm and resist them
424DAN1133i91v0theyThis refers to the wise persons among the Israelites.
425DAN1134z23f0In hypocrisy many will join themselves with themThis refers to other people who will pretend to help the wise persons, but not because they truly wish to help them.
426DAN1135u9tw0Some of the wise will stumble ... until the time of the endThis suffering will continue until the time when God has decided that it will end.
427DAN1135t14zfigs-metaphor0refiningThis refers to the purifying of metal by melting it in a fire. When God makes his people more faithful to himself, this is spoken of as if they were metal that a worker was making more pure by putting it into fire. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
428DAN1135x3zqfigs-metaphor0cleansingThis refers to making people, places, or objects suitable for God's use by separating them from sin and other forms of evil. It speaks of evil as if it were physical dirtiness that could be removed by washing. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
429DAN1135xl1lfigs-metaphor0purifyingThis idea is very similar to refining, discussed earlier. Metal that is refined can also be said to be purified. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
430DAN1136ytf50The king will act according to his desiresThe king will do whatever he wants
431DAN1136pn6u0The kingThis refers to the king of the North.
432DAN1136sy4cfigs-metaphor0lift himself upHere this represents becoming very proud. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
433DAN1136z6ykfigs-metaphor0make himself greatHere this represents pretending to be very important and powerful. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
434DAN1137swa40the god desirable to womenThis seems to refer to the pagan god named Tammuz.
435DAN1140nk95figs-metaphor0flood themWhen an army overruns a country, it is spoken of as if a flood occurred. See how you translated this in [Daniel 11:10](../11/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metaphor]])
436DAN1141w7zh0the land of beautyThis refers to the land of Israel. See how you translated this in [Daniel 8:9](../08/ and [Daniel 11:16](./
437DAN1142bs1v0General Information:This is still about the king of the North.
438DAN1142ef52figs-explicit0into landsHere the idea is many lands or various lands. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-explicit]])
439DAN1144m79f0General Information:This is still about the king of the North.
440DAN1144dsf10to set many apart for destructionto destroy many people
441DAN1145cil20the tent of his royal residenceThis refers to the king's luxurious tents that he lived in when he was with his army in time of war.
442DAN1145dk8u0between the seas and the mountain of the beauty of holinessThis probably refers to the region between the Mediterranean Sea and Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
443DAN1145k8spfigs-metonymy0the mountain of the beauty of holinessThis refers to the hill in Jerusalem where God's temple was. See how you translated somewhat similar phrases in [Daniel 9:16](../09/ and [Daniel 9:20](../09/ (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-metonymy]])
444DAN12introl8k20# Daniel 12 General Notes<br>## Structure and formatting<br><br>The final prophecy concludes in this chapter. It tells about the future resurrection of the dead and the final judgment. (See: [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/resurrection]] and [[rc://en/tw/dict/bible/kt/judgmentday]])<br>
445DAN121l9vr0General Information:The angel who appeared to Daniel in [Daniel 10:5](../10/ continues speaking.
446DAN123yt7bfigs-simile0Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the sky aboveThis refers to God's people who will share their wisdom with those around them. (See: [[rc://en/ta/man/translate/figs-simile]])
447DAN125q8a80General Information:Daniel goes on to tell what he saw next in this vision that began in [Daniel 10:1](../10/
448DAN125mxu10there were two others standingthere were two other angels standing
449DAN126cw1u0upstream along the riverPossible meanings are 1) the angel clothed in linen was above the river or 2) the angel was further upstream along the river.
450DAN126g6y70these amazing eventsAt the time when the angel spoke to Daniel, none of the events in this vision had happened. This definitely refers to the events in [Daniel 12:1-4](./, and may possibly also include the events in the vision from chapter 11.
451DAN127s5j30the one who lives foreverGod, who lives forever
452DAN127i56r0it would be for a time, times, and half a timeIt is best to leave it ambiguous as to when this begins. If you must choose a starting point, the three and a half years probably start with the events of [Daniel 12:1-4](./
453DAN127ir930all these thingsAt the time when the man clothed in linen spoke to Daniel, none of the events in this vision had happened. This refers to the events in [Daniel 12:1-4](./, and may include the events in the vision from chapter 11.
454DAN128cd6n0of all these thingsAt the time when the angel clothed in linen spoke to Daniel, none of the events in this vision had happened. This definitely refers to the events in [Daniel 12:1-4](./, and may possibly also include the events in the vision from chapter 11.
455DAN1210znp40General Information:The angel clothed in linen continues speaking to Daniel.
456DAN1210nnz40refinedpurified by removing anything that does not belong in them
457DAN1210b2dg0but the wicked will act wickedlyThe evil people will do evil or sinful things.
458DAN1210z62c0None of the wicked will understandThe evil people can not understand spiritual knowledge.
459DAN1210j8740but those who are wise will understandbut those who obey Yahweh are wise and will understand
460DAN1212f6x50General Information:The angel clothed in linen continues speaking to Daniel.
461DAN1212dy9t0who waitswho remains faithful
462DAN1213kjx50You will riseThis is referring to the first resurrection of the dead when the righteous people will be raised up.
463DAN1213vf3x0the place assigned to youthe place God has assigned to you