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synced 2025-01-28 11:18:14 +00:00
Co-authored-by: Larry Sallee <larry.sallee@unfoldingword.org> Reviewed-on: https://git.door43.org/unfoldingWord/en_tq/pulls/120
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1 | Reference | ID | Tags | Quote | Occurrence | Question | Response |
2 | 1:1 | bh82 | How did Paul become an apostle? | Paul became an apostle through Jesus Christ and God the Father. | |||
3 | 1:4 | q9lg | From what have believers in Jesus Christ been delivered? | Believers in Jesus Christ have been delivered from this present evil age. | |||
4 | 1:6 | et4q | With what is Paul amazed with the church in Galatia? | Paul is amazed that they are turning so quickly to a different gospel. | |||
5 | 1:7 | nnd7 | How many true gospels are there? | There is only one true gospel, the gospel of Christ. | |||
6 | 1:8-9 | duup | What does Paul say should happen to anyone proclaiming a different gospel than the gospel of Christ? | Paul says anyone proclaiming a different gospel should be cursed. | |||
7 | 1:10 | hguy | Servants of Christ must seek the approval of whom first? | Servants of Christ must seek the approval of God first. | |||
8 | 1:12 | etbx | How did Paul receive the knowledge of the gospel of Christ? | Paul received the gospel of Christ by revelation from Jesus Christ directly to himself. | |||
9 | 1:13-14 | fmu8 | What was Paul doing in his life before he received the revelation of the gospel of Christ? | Paul was following Judaism zealously, persecuting the church of God and destroying it. | |||
10 | 1:15 | ws4e | When did God choose Paul to be his apostle? | God was pleased to choose Paul from his mother’s womb to be his apostle. | |||
11 | 1:16 | gv0o | For what purpose did God choose Paul as his apostle? | God chose Paul as his apostle so that Paul would proclaim Christ among the Gentiles. | |||
12 | 1:18-19 | n7ls | Where did Paul finally meet some of the other apostles? | Finally, Paul went to Jerusalem and met the apostles Cephas and James. | |||
13 | 1:22-23 | fxfg | What were the churches in Judea hearing about Paul? | The churches in Judea were hearing that Paul, who once persecuted the church, was now proclaiming the faith. | |||
14 | 2:1-2 | sg6l | What did Paul do when he went up to Jerusalem after 14 years? | Paul spoke privately to the leaders of the church, explaining to them the gospel that he was proclaiming. | |||
15 | 2:3 | ryvx | What was Titus, a Gentile, not required to do? | Titus was not required to be circumcised. | |||
16 | 2:4 | n7kn | What did the false brothers desire to do? | The false brothers desired to make Paul and his companions slaves to the law. | |||
17 | 2:6 | l735 | Did the leaders of the church in Jerusalem change Paul’s message? | No, they added nothing to Paul’s message. | |||
18 | 2:7-8 | gi1g | To whom was Paul primarily sent to proclaim the gospel? | Paul was primarily sent to the uncircumcised, the Gentiles, to proclaim the gospel. | |||
19 | 2:7-8 | u2cc | To whom was Peter primarily sent to proclaim the gospel? | Peter was primarily sent to the circumcised, the Jews, to proclaim the gospel. | |||
20 | 2:9 | bx0g | How did the leaders in Jerusalem show their approval of Paul’s ministry? | The leaders in Jerusalem gave Paul and Barnabus the right hand of fellowship to show their approval. | |||
21 | 2:11-12 | gfg5 | What error did Peter make when he came to Antioch? | Peter stopped eating with the Gentiles, because he feared the men who had been circumcised. | |||
22 | 2:14 | q11q | What did Paul ask Cephas in front of everyone? | Paul asked Cephas how he could force Gentiles to live like Jews when Cephas was living like a Gentile. | |||
23 | 2:16 | zqqn | Paul said that no one is justified by what? | Paul said that no one is justified by the works of the law. | |||
24 | 2:16 | h9tg | How is a person justified before God? | A person is justified before God by faith in Christ Jesus. | |||
25 | 2:18 | eljf | If someone returns to trying to follow the law after having faith in Christ, what does Paul say he has actually become? | Paul says he shows himself actually to be a law breaker. | |||
26 | 2:20 | c7ji | Who did Paul say now lived in him? | Paul said that Christ now lived in him. | |||
27 | 2:20 | stq0 | What does Paul say the Son of God did for him? | Paul says the Son of God loved him and gave himself for Paul. | |||
28 | 3:6 | n5o2 | How was Abraham considered righteous before God? | Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. | |||
29 | 3:7 | ihwt | Who are the sons of Abraham? | Those who believe God are the sons of Abraham. | |||
30 | 3:8 | ibj7 | The scripture foresaw that the Gentiles would be justified in what way? | The scripture foresaw that the Gentiles would be justified by faith. | |||
31 | 3:10 | t6yk | Those who rely on the works of the law to be justified are under what? | Those who rely on the works of the law to be justified are under a curse. | |||
32 | 3:11 | wofi | How many people have been justified by God through the works of the law? | No one has been justified through the works of the law. | |||
33 | 3:14 | ks37 | Why did Christ redeem us by becoming a curse for us? | Christ redeemed us by becoming a curse for us so that the blessing upon Abraham might come to the Gentiles. | |||
34 | 3:16 | kljb | Who was the “descendant” that was spoken of in the promise to Abraham? | The “descendant” spoken of in the promise to Abraham was Christ. | |||
35 | 3:17 | rkbr | Did the coming of the Jewish law 430 years after Abraham void the promise God made to Abraham? | No, the law did not void the promise made to Abraham. | |||
36 | 3:19 | r3x5 | Why then was there the law? | The law came because of transgressions until Abraham’s descendant came. | |||
37 | 3:22 | jvvr | What did the law in scripture imprison everyone under? | The law in scripture imprisoned everyone under sin. | |||
38 | 3:23-26 | vaww | How are we released from the imprisonment of the law? | We are released from the imprisonment of the law by faith in Christ Jesus. | |||
39 | 3:27 | dti9 | Who has been clothed in Christ? | All who have been baptized into Christ have been clothed in Christ. | |||
40 | 3:28 | bp4h | What different kinds of persons are made one in Christ Jesus? | Jews, Greeks, slaves, free, male, and female are all made one in Christ Jesus. | |||
41 | 4:1-2 | kml9 | How does the heir of an estate live while he is a child? | The heir lives like a slave under guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. | |||
42 | 4:4-5 | gsoo | What did God do at the right time in history? | At the right time, God sent forth his Son to redeem those under the law. | |||
43 | 4:5 | aa5k | How did God bring children who were under the law into his family? | God adopted as sons the children who were under the law. | |||
44 | 4:6 | ge9i | What does God send forth into the hearts of his children? | God sends forth the Spirit of his Son into the hearts of his children. | |||
45 | 4:8 | lmva | Before we know God, to whom are we slaves? | Before we know God, we are slaves to the spirits that rule the world, who are not gods at all. | |||
46 | 4:9 | et22 | Paul was perplexed that the Galatians were returning to what? | Paul was perplexed that the Galatians were returning again to the ruling spirits of the world. | |||
47 | 4:9-11 | dcls | As he sees the Galatians turning back, what does Paul fear for them? | Paul fears that the Galatians will become slaves again, and that he has labored in vain over them. | |||
48 | 4:13 | grkg | When Paul first came to the Galatians, what problem did he have? | When Paul first came to the Galatians, he had a physical illness. | |||
49 | 4:14 | v4yn | Despite Paul’s problem, how did the Galatians receive him? | Despite Paul’s problem, the Galatians received Paul as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus. | |||
50 | 4:17 | d3xb | Who are the false teachers in Galatia trying to separate? | The false teachers are trying to separate the Galatians from Paul. | |||
51 | 4:20-21 | s4s2 | Under what are the false teachers trying to put the Galatians? | The false teachers are trying to put the Galatians back under the law. | |||
52 | 4:22 | tswh | From which two kinds of women did Abraham have two sons? | Abraham had two sons, one from a slave woman and one from a free woman. | |||
53 | 4:26 | wwsm | Who is the symbolic mother of Paul and the believing Galatians? | The Jerusalem above, the free woman, is the symbolic mother of Paul and the believing Galatians. | |||
54 | 4:28 | gz32 | Are believers in Christ children of the flesh or children of the promise? | Believers in Christ are children of the promise. | |||
55 | 4:29 | jmva | Who persecutes the children of the promise? | The children of the flesh persecute the children of the promise. | |||
56 | 4:30 | sdh3 | What do the children of the slave woman not inherit? | The children of the slave woman do not inherit along with the children of the free woman. | |||
57 | 4:31 | r7te | Are believers in Christ children of the slave woman or children of the free woman? | Believers in Christ are children of the free woman. | |||
58 | 5:1 | rtss | For what purpose has Christ set us free? | For freedom Christ has set us free. | |||
59 | 5:2 | ow5t | What did Paul warn the Galatians would happen if they became circumcised? | Paul said that if the Galatians became circumcised, Christ would not benefit them in any way. | |||
60 | 5:4 | unjp | What did Paul warn would happen to all the Galatians who would seek to be justified by following the law? | Paul warned that all the Galatians who would seek to be justified by following the law would be alienated from Christ and would fall away from grace. | |||
61 | 5:6 | izs9 | As opposed to circumcision and uncircumcised, what is the only thing that means anything in Christ Jesus? | In Christ Jesus, only faith working through love means anything. | |||
62 | 5:10 | z2kn | Of what is Paul confident regarding the one who has confused the Galatians about the gospel? | Paul is confident that the one who has confused the Galatians about the gospel will bear God’s judgment. | |||
63 | 5:11 | v9ve | Paul says that proclaiming circumcision does what? | Paul says that in proclaiming circumcision, the stumbling block of the cross would be destroyed. | |||
64 | 5:13 | wgj2 | How are believers not to use their freedom in Christ? | Believers are to not use their freedom in Christ as an opportunity for the flesh. | |||
65 | 5:13 | hglc | How are believers to use their freedom in Christ? | Believers are to use their freedom in Christ to serve one another in love. | |||
66 | 5:14 | dwbj | The whole law is fulfilled in what one commandment? | The whole law is fulfilled in the commandment, “You must love your neighbor as yourself”. | |||
67 | 5:16 | ympc | How can believers not fulfill the lust of the flesh? | Believers can live by the Spirit, and thus, not fulfill the lust of the flesh. | |||
68 | 5:17 | a5pf | What two things are opposed to each other within the believer? | The Spirit and the flesh are opposed to each other within the believer. | |||
69 | 5:20-21 | cztb | What are three examples of works of the flesh? | Three examples of works of the flesh are any three of the following list: sexual immorality, impurity, lustfulness, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, rivalry, dissension, sectarian division, envy, drunkenness, and drunken riots. | |||
70 | 5:21 | ubwn | What will those who practice the works of the flesh not receive? | Those who practice the works of the flesh will not inherit the kingdom of God. | |||
71 | 5:22-23 | k16e | What is the fruit of the Spirit? | The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control. | |||
72 | 5:24 | q615 | Those who belong to Christ Jesus have done what with the flesh and its passions? | Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh and its passions. | |||
73 | 6:1 | rthj | What should those who are spiritual do if a man is caught in some transgression? | Those who are spiritual should restore that man in a spirit of gentleness. | |||
74 | 6:1 | xaix | For what danger must those who are spiritual watch out? | Those who are spiritual must watch out that they are not also tempted. | |||
75 | 6:2 | c0kl | How do believers fulfill the law of Christ? | Believers fulfill the law of Christ by carrying one another’s burdens. | |||
76 | 6:4 | uy96 | How can a person have something in himself to be proud of regarding his work? | A person can have something in himself to be proud of by examining his own work, without comparing himself to anyone else. | |||
77 | 6:6 | vqa1 | What must one who is taught the word do with his teacher? | One who is taught the word must share all good things with his teacher. | |||
78 | 6:7 | z414 | What happens to whatever a man spiritually plants? | Whatever a man spiritually plants he will harvest. | |||
79 | 6:8 | onr9 | What does a man harvest who plants to his own flesh? | A man who plants to his own flesh harvests destruction out of his flesh. | |||
80 | 6:8 | q4vy | What does a man harvest who plants to the Spirit? | Out of the Spirit a man who plants to the Spirit harvests eternal life. | |||
81 | 6:9 | sx5e | If a believer does not give up and continues doing good, what will he receive? | A believer who continues doing good will reap a harvest. | |||
82 | 6:10 | kigw | To whom should believers especially do good? | Believers should especially do good to those of the household of faith. | |||
83 | 6:12 | tst8 | What is the motivation of those who want to compel the believers to be circumcised? | Those who want to compel the believers to be circumcised do not want to be persecuted for the cross of Christ. | |||
84 | 6:14 | tx9g | Of what did Paul say he was proud? | Paul said that he was proud of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. | |||
85 | 6:15 | xubf | Instead of circumcision or uncircumcision, what is important? | What is important is a new creation. | |||
86 | 6:16 | d3zg | Upon whom does Paul wish peace and mercy? | Paul wishes peace and mercy upon those who live by the rule of the new creation and upon the Israel of God. | |||
87 | 6:17 | veyw | What did Paul carry on his body? | Paul carried the marks of Jesus on his body. |