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Reference ID Tags Quote Occurrence Question Response
1:2 wwlj Who did Yahweh appoint to build for him a house in Jerusalem? Yahweh appointed Cyrus to build for him a house in Jerusalem.
1:4 myzu Who would provide silver and gold and goods and livestock for the Jewish people who were returning to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple? The Jewish people returning to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple were to be provided silver and gold and goods and livestock by the Jewish men who had been living in the same region.
1:7 e3vn Where had Nebuchadnezzar put the objects belonging to Yahwehs house? Nebuchadnezzar had put the objects belonging to Yahwehs house in the house of his own gods.
1:11 x5ah How many gold and silver items did Sheshbazzar bring when the exiles went from Babylon to Jerusalem? Sheshbazzar brought 5,400 gold and silver items when the exiles went from Babylon to Jerusalem.
2:1 js9c Who had exiled the Jewish people living in Babylon? King Nebuchadnezzar had exiled the Jewish people living in Babylon.
2:62 rzh7 Why were some of the the priests descendants excluded from the priesthood? They were excluded from the priesthood because they could not find a record of their geneology.
2:63 yrf5 When could the priests descendants eat the holiest holy food? The priests descendants could eat the holiest holy food after a priest stood with the Urim and Thummim.
2:70 q520 Who lived in their cities? The priests, and the Levites, and some from the people, and the ones who sang, and the gatekeepers, and the Nethinim lived in their cities.
3:2 hj02 What did Jeshua, the priests, and Zerubbabel and his brothers rise up to do? They rose up to build the altar of the God of Israel so that burnt offerings could be offered on it.
3:3 w2da How often did Jeshua and the priests and Zerubbabel and his brothers offer burnt offerings to Yahweh? They offered burnt offerings to Yahweh in the morning and in the evening.
3:7 dtdq Who gave permission for cedar trees to be sent from Lebanon to Joppa by sea? Cyrus, king of Persia, gave permission for cedar trees to be sent from Lebanon to Joppa by sea.
3:8 t35b When did the work begin? The work began in the second month of the second year after the Israelites came to the house of God in Jerusalem.
3:11 eqd0 How did all the people respond after the temples foundations had been laid? All the people shouted a great shout in praise to Yahweh because the temples foundation had been laid.
3:12 y3c9 How did the people who had seen the first temple respond after seeing the foundation of the second temple? They wept with a loud voice.
4:1 klla What did the enemies of Judah and Benjamin hear that the people who had been exiled were doing? The enemies of Judah and Benjamin heard that the people who had been exiled were building a temple for Yahweh, the God of Israel.
4:2 kxdc For how long did the enemies of Judah and Benjamin say that they themselves had been sacrificing to Yahweh? Judah and Benjamins enemies said that they themselves had been sacrificing to Yahweh since the days of Esarhaddon, the king of Assyria.
4:4-5 lb8u What were the people of the land doing to the people of Judah? The people of the land were making the hands of the people of Judah weak, and making them afraid to build, and hiring counselors against them to frustrate their plans.
4:5 p4fe For how long did the people of the land make the hands of the people of Judah weak and make them afraid to build and hire counselors against them to frustrate their plans? They people of the land did this to the people of Judah all the days of Cyrus, the king of Persia, and until the reign of Darius, the king of Persia.
4:6 le18 What did the enemies of Judah and Benjamin write at the beginning of Ahasuerus reign? At the beginning of Ahasuerus reign, the enemies wrote an accusation against the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem.
4:12 msve What did the enemies tell the king about Jerusalem? The enemies told the king that Jerusalem was a rebellious city.
4:19 c9y5 After the letter that the enemies sent to the king was read to him, what did the king do? After the letter that the enemies sent to the king was read to him, the king ordered that the book of the records be searched to see if what the enemies had written about Jerusalems past history of rebellion was true.
4:24 myow For how long did the work on the house of God in Jerusalem stop? The work on the house of God in Jerusalem stopped until the second year of the reign of Darius, king of Persia.
5:1 ypc9 What did the prophets Haggai and Zechariah do? They prophesied to the Jews who were in Judah and in Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel.
5:2 gewx What did the Jewish elders Zerubbabel and Jeshua arise and do? The Jewish elders Zerubbabel and Jeshua arose and began to build the house of God in Jerusalem.
5:5 t2th Did the Jewish elders stop their work of building the temple while they were waiting for King Darius to respond to the letter that Tattenai and Shethar-Bozenai and their companions sent? The elders of the Jews did not stop their work of rebuilding Gods house in Jerusalem while they were waiting for King Darius to respond to the letter that was sent to him.
5:8 resy How did Tattenai, Shethar Bozenai, and their fellow officials describe the work on the house of God? They wrote that the work was being done diligently and was succeeding.
5:12 u496 Why did the God of heaven give the ancestors of the Jews into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon? The God of heaven gave the Jews into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon because their ancestors caused him to be angry by sinning against him.
5:14 k674 What items did King Cyrus give to Sheshbazzar the governor? King Cyrus gave Sheshbazzar the gold and silver vessels belonging to the house of God.
5:15 p5gq What did Cyrus the king command Sheshbazzar to do with the silver and gold vessels that belonged to Gods house? King Cyrus commanded Sheshbazzar to take the silver and gold vessels and deposit them in Gods temple in Jerusalem.
5:17 k88c What did Tattenai and Shethar-Bozenai and his companions request that the king do? They requested that the king search in the house of the treasures of the king to see if Cyrus had made a decree to build the house of God in Jerusalem.
6:1 ggqc How did King Darius respond to the request that a search be made to see if Cyrus had made a decree to build the house of God in Jerusalem? Darius the king responded to the request by making a decree that a search be made in the house of the books where the treasures had been deposited to see if it was true that King Cyrus had made a decree to build the house of God in Jerusalem.
6:2 qmxy What was found when King Darius ordered a search be made in the house of archives in Babylon? A scroll was found in the fortress at Ecbatana in the province of Media.
6:3 hsn9 What did King Cyrus do in his first year as king? King Cyrus made a decree regarding the house of God in Jerusalem.
6:4 oncj According to the decree of King Cyrus how was the cost of building Gods house in Jerusalem to be paid for? The cost for building Gods house in Jerusalem was to be paid for by the house of the king.
6:5 gfx2 According to King Cyrus decree, what was to be brought back to the house of God? According to King Cyrus decree, the gold and silver vessels belonging to the house of God in Jerusalem that Nebuchadnezzar had taken to Babylon were to be brought back to the house of God in Jerusalem.
6:7 aiuo After King Darius read the decree of Cyrus what did Darius write to Tattenai and Shethar-Bozenai and their companions regarding the work that was being done on the house of God in Jerusalem? Darius commanded Tattenai and Shethar-Bozenai and their companions to leave the work on Gods house alone and to stay far away from it so that it could be built successfully.
6:10 fvu2 Why did Cyrus say that he wanted the Jews to be given whatever they needed for building the house of God? Cyrus said he wanted the Jews to be given whatever they needed to build the house of God so that the Jews could offer sweet-smelling sacrifices to the God of heaven and pray for the life of the king and his sons.
6:11 fiyg What did Darius decree must happen to the person who changes the edict? Darius decreed that a beam must be pulled from the persons house and the beam placed upright and the person who had changed the edict be impaled on the beam and their house be made into a rubbish heap.
6:14 qhxu How did Haggai and Zechariah assist the Jewish elders in the work of rebuilding the temple? Haggai and Zechariah prophesied and this helped the elders of the Jews prosper in their work of rebuilding the temple.
6:15 xgo4 When was the work of rebuilding the temple completed? The work of rebuilding the temple was completed on day three of the month of Adar in the sixth year of the reign of King Darius.
6:20 rlcv For whom did the priests and Levites slaughter the Passover lamb? The priests and Levites slaughtered the Passover lamb for all the sons of the exile, and for their brothers, the priests, and for themselves.
6:22 fht6 Why did the Jews joyfully celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread? The Jews joyfully celebrated the Feast of Unleavened Bread because Yahweh had caused them to be joyful, and had caused the heart of the king of Assyria to turn toward them, to strengthen their hands in their work of rebuilding the house of God.
7:6 w5ai What was Ezras occupation? He was a skilled scribe in the law of Moses.
7:9 xwlh Why did Ezra arrive in Jerusalem safely after a long journey from Babylon? Ezra arrived in Jerusalem safely after a long journey from Babylon because the good hand of his God was on him.
7:13 clpa Who was allowed to go to Jerusalem with Ezra? King Artaxerxes made a decree that everyone in his kingdom who freely offered to go to Jerusalem with Ezra from the people Israel and from the priests and Levites could go with Ezra.
7:14 pwd0 Why did the king and his seven counselors send the Israelites back to Jerusalem? The king and his seven counselors sent the Israelites back to Jerusalem to inquire about Judah and Jerusalem and to bring the silver and gold that the king and his counselors had freely offered and to bring all the silver and gold that they found in all the province of Babylon, along with the freewill offerings of the people and the priests.
7:16 q5uz Why did the king and his seven counselors send the Israelites back to Jerusalem? The king and his seven counselors sent the Israelites back to Jerusalem to inquire about Judah and Jerusalem and to bring the silver and gold that the king and his counselors had freely offered and to bring all the silver and gold that they found in all the province of Babylon, along with the freewill offerings of the people and the priests.
7:20 a15z How were the Jews to pay for additional things they might need for the house of God? King Artaxerxes decreed that the Jews should take anything else that they needed for the house of their God from Artaxerses treasury.
7:23 pvr2 Why did Artaxerxes say that the treasurers should do exactly what the God of Heaven decreed regarding the temple? King Artaxerxes said that the treasurers should do exactly what the God of Heaven decreed regarding the temple so that Gods wrath would not come against the kingdom of Artaxerxes and his sons.
7:26 f4vy What did King Artaxerxes decree should be done to every person who did not obey the law of Ezras God and the law of the king? Artaxerxes decreed that whoever would not obey the law of Ezras God and the law of the king should be punished diligently, either by death, or banishment, or confiscation of goods, or by imprisonment.
7:28 phbp What caused Ezra to be strengthened? Ezra was strengthened because he realized that the hand of Yahweh his God was on him to help him.
8:15 jfjo When Ezra examined the people and the priests by the river that flowed to Ahava, what could Ezra not find? When Ezra examined the people and the priests by the river that flowed to Ahava, he could not find any descendants of Levi.
8:17 zq4w Why did Ezra send men to go to Iddo and his brothers? Ezra sent men to Iddo and his brothers because he wanted Iddo and his brothers to send him Levites who could minister in the house of God.
8:18 kbfy How did Ezra describe Sherebiah? Ezra described Sherebiah as a man of insight.
8:22 afop Why did Ezra not ask the king for an army or horsemen to protect the Jews against their enemies as they traveled to Jerusalem? Ezra did not ask the king for an army or horsemen to protect the Jews against their enemies as they traveled because he was ashamed to ask since the Jews had told the king that the hand of their God is for good upon all those who seek him, and that Gods might and nose are against all who forsake him.
8:29 enka How long were the twelve men to watch over the gold and silver? The twelve men were to watch over the gold and silver until they weighed them out before the face of the leaders of the priests and the Levites and the leaders of the fathers of Israel, at Jerusalem, in the chambers of the house of Yahweh.
8:31 n7xu How did Ezra say that Gods hand was upon him and the rest of the Jews as they traveled to Jerusalem? Ezra said that the hand of God was on him and his fellow Jews in that God protected them from the hand of their enemies and from ambush as they traveled to Jerusalem.
8:36 mgh4 To whom were the kings decrees given? The kings decrees were given to the satraps of the king and the governors of Beyond-the-River.
9:2 ldat In what way did the people of Israel not separate themselves from the people of other lands? The people of Israel did not separate themselves from the people of other lands in that they married non-Israelites and allowed their sons to marry non-Israelites.
9:3 hq1h How did Ezra respond to the peoples unfaithfulness? Ezra tore his garment and his robe and pulled out some of the hair of his head and beard, and sat down appalled.
9:6 xwuv Why was Ezra too ashamed and disgraced to raise his face to Yahweh? Ezra was too ashamed and disgraced to raise his face to Yahweh because his peoples iniquity and guilt were great.
9:9 rr74 What did God extend to the Jewish people in their effort to build Gods house? God extended covenant faithfulness to the Jewish people in their effort to build his house.
9:12 qb19 Why did God not want the Israelites to intermarry with the people of the land? God did not want the Israelites to intermarry with the people of the land because the people had made the land impure by their impure behavior and by doing things that were an abomination to God.
9:13 l501 What did God hold back? God held himself back from fully judging the Jewish people as their sins deserved and he graciously allowed them to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple.
10:1 q3hh What did Ezra do as he prayed and confessed? As Ezra prayed and confessed, he wept and threw himself down before Gods house.
10:3 drzv What covenant did Shekaniah say the Israelites should make? Shekaniah said that they should make a covenant with their God to send away all the foreign women and their children.
10:6 s3si Why did Ezra not eat any bread or drink any water? Ezra did not eat any bread or drink any water because he was mourning the unfaithfulness of the exiles.
10:8 a8kn What was to happen to any Israelite who did not come to Jerusalem within three days? Any Israelite who did not come to Jerusalem within three days was to have all his property devoted to the ban and was to be separated from the assembly of the exiles.
10:9 tm2s What two things caused the people who stood in the open place of Gods house to tremble? All the people who stood in the open place of Gods house trembled on account of the matter and because of the rains.
10:13 rext Why did the Israelites want more time to send away the foreign women? The Israelites wanted more time to send away the foreign women because the people were many, they had done much to rebel in this matter, and therefore, it would take them more than a day or two to complete the process. It was the rainy season, and they did not have the strength needed to stand in the outdoors to complete the process.
10:17 xsul How long did it take to search out the matter of Israelite men who had taken foreign women as wives? It took from day one of the tenth month until day one of the first month of the following year to search out the matter fully.
10:19 ad9z What did the Israelite men who were guilty of taking foreign women as wives do? The guilty Israelite men promised to send away their foreign wives, and they offered a ram of the flock for their guilt.