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Merkle, Benjamin L. "Response to Porter." Bulletin for Biblical Research 26.1 (2016): 8383.

Porter, Stanley E. "What More Shall I Say?: A Response to Steve Runge and Benjamin Merkle." Bulletin for Biblical Research 26.1 (2016): 7579.

Runge, Steven E. "Markedness: Contrasting Porter's Model with the Linguists Cited as Support." Bulletin for Biblical Research 26.1 (2016): 4356.

———. "Response to Porter." Bulletin for Biblical Research 26.1 (2016): 8182.

Porter, Stanley E. "A Multidisciplinary Approach to Exegesis." Pages 93112 in Linguistic Analysis of the Greek New Testament: Studies in Tools, Methods, and Practice. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2015.

Barnard, Jody A. "Is Verbal Aspect a Prominence Indicator?: An Evaluation of Stanley Porter's Proposal with Special Reference to the Gospel of Luke." Filología Neotestamentaria 19.37 (2006): 329.

Naizer, Eric R. "Discourse Prominence in Matthew 20,1-16: Stanley Porter's Verbal Aspect Theory Applied." Filología Neotestamentaria 22 (2009): 4154.

Porter, Stanley E. "Verbal Aspect and Discourse Function in Mark 16:18: Three Significant Instances." Pages 12337 in Studies in the Greek Bible: Essays in Honor of Francis T. Gignac, S.J. Catholic Biblical Association of America, 2008.