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#### 出現次數 1000x (19 個字)
- ὁ (19861)——ὁ , ἡ , τό pl. οἱ , αἱ , τά the; this, that; he, she, it; τοῦ with inf. in order that, so that, with the result that, that
- καί (9019)——καί conj. and, also, but, even; that is, namely; καὶ . . . καί both . . . and, not only . . . but also; frequently used merely to mark the beginning of a sentence
- αὐτός (5595)——αὐτός , ή , ό self, of oneself, even, very; preceded by the article the same; as a third person pro. he, she, it; ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτό together; κατὰ τὸ αὐτό so the same way; at the same time
- σύ (2905)——σύ 2 pers. pro. σοῦ (σου), σοί (σοι), σέ (σε); pl. ὑμεῖς , ὑμῶν , ὑμῖν , ὑμᾶς you
- δέ (2791)——δέ but, to the contrary, rather; and; now, then, so; δὲ καί but also, but even; μὲν . . . δέ on the one hand . . . on the other hand
- ἐν (2752)——ἐν prep. with dat. in, on, at; near, by, before; among, within; by, with; into (= είς); to, for (rarely); ἐν τῷ with inf. during, while, as; ἐν ὀνόματι ὅτι because (Mk 9.41)
- ἐγώ (2581)——ἐγώ 1 pers. pro. ἐμοῦ (μου), ἐμοί (μοι), ἐμέ (με) I, me; pl. ἡμεις , ἡμῶν , ἡμῖν , ἡμᾶς we, us
- εἰμί (2462)——εἰμί (impv. ἴσθι , ἔστω and ἤτω , 3 pl. ἔστωσαν ; inf. εἶναι ; impf. ἦν and ἤμην ; fut. ἔσομαι) be, exist; happen, take place; live; be located in; remain, stay; come (Jn 7.28, 29; 19.9); go (Jn 7.34, 36); οὐκ ἔστιν it is not possible (1 Cor 11.20; He 9.5); ὅ ἐστιν , τοῦτ ἔστιν that means, that is to say; εἰμὶ ἐκ belong to, be one of
- εἰς (1767)——εἰς prep. with acc. into, to; in, at, on, upon, by, near; among; against; concerning; as; εἰς τό with inf. denotes purpose and sometimes result
- οὐ (1624)——οὐ (οὐκ , οὐχ) not (generally used with indicative verbs); used in questions when an affirmative answer is expected
- ὅς (1406)——ὅς , ἥ , ὅ relative pro. who, which, what, that ( ὃς ἄν or ὃς ἐάν whoever; ὃς μὲν . . . ὃς δέ one . . . another) ; he, she
- ὅσπερ , ἥπερ , ὅπερ who, which
- οὗτος (1387)——οὗτος , αὕτη , τοῦτο demonstrative pro. and adj. this, this one; he, she, it; τοῦτ ἔστιν that is, which means
- λέγω (1329)——λέγω (fut. ἐρῶ ; aor. εἶπον and εἶπα , inf. εἰπεῖν ; pf. εἴρηκα ; plpf. 3 sg. εἰρήκει ; pf. pass. εἴρημαι ; aor. pass. ἐρρέθην , ptc. ῥηθείς) say, speak, tell ( λέγων in discourse is often redundant); call, name; maintain, assert, declare; mean, intend; think (to oneself); command, order; answer, ask (dependent on context)
- εἶπον aor. of λέγω
- ἐρῶ fut. of λέγω
- ῥηθείς aor. pass. ptc. of λέγω
- θεός (1317)——θεός , οῦ m God ( κατὰ θεόν according to God's will, godly; after the likeness of God Eph 4.24); god; f goddess (Ac 19.37)
- ὅτι (1294)——ὅτι conj. that ( τί ὅτι why? ὡς ὅτι that generally introducing the subjective opinion of the writer, e.g. 2 Cor 5.19; 11.21; 2 Th 2.2); because, for, since; may mark the beginning of direct discourse
- πᾶς (1243)——πᾶς , πᾶσα , πᾶν gen. παντός , πάσης , παντός (1) without the article each, every (pl. all); every kind of; all, full, absolute, greatest; (2) with the article entire, whole; all ( πᾶς ὁ with ptc. everyone who); (3) everyone, everything ( διὰ παντός always, continually, forever; κατὰ πάντα in everything, in every respect)
- μή (1042)——μή not (generally used with non-indicative verbs); used in questions when a negative answer is expected; used with οὐ for emphasis or solemn assertion
- γάρ (1041)——γάρ conj. for, since, then; indeed, certainly; τί γάρ what! why!
- εἶπον (1024)——εἶπον aor. of λέγω
- λέγω (fut. ἐρῶ ; aor. εἶπον and εἶπα , inf. εἰπεῖν ; pf. εἴρηκα ; plpf. 3 sg. εἰρήκει ; pf. pass. εἴρημαι ; aor. pass. ἐρρέθην , ptc. ῥηθείς) say, speak, tell ( λέγων in discourse is often redundant); call, name; maintain, assert, declare; mean, intend; think (to oneself); command, order; answer, ask (dependent on context)
- ῥηθείς aor. pass. ptc. of λέγω
#### 出現次數 500x (18 個字)
- ἐκ (914)——ἐκ e;vξ before vowels) prep. with gen. from, out from, away from; by, by means of, by reason of, because; for; on, at; of
- ἐπί (890)——ἐπί prep. with: (1) gen. on, upon; over; at, by; before, in the presence of; when, under, at the time of; in the passage about (Mk 12.26; Lk 20.37); ἐπί or ἐπί στοματος on the evidence of (Mt 18.16; 2 Cor 13.1; 1 Tm 5.19); (2) dat. on, at, in; with, by near; over; because of, on the basis of; to, for; against; in addition to; about, concerning; of, from (rarely); after (Lk 1.59); (3) acc. on, upon; in; against; over; to, for; around, about, concerning; towards; among (rarely); ἐπί τὸ αὐτο together; ἐφ ὅσον χρόνον while, as long as; ἐπὶ τοῦτο for this purpose (Lk 4.43)
- κύριος (716)——κύριος , ου m Lord (of God and Christ); master, lord, owner; sir (of address)
- ἔχω (708)——ἔχω (impf. εἶχον ; fut. ἕξω ; aor. ἔσχον , subj. σχῶ ; pf. ἔσχηκα) trans. have, hold, possess; keep; receive, get; regard, consider, think; can, be able, must (with inf.); be married to; wear (of clothes); be situated ( σαββάτου ἔχον ὁδόν a Sabbath day's journey away Ac 1.12); τὸ νῦν ἔχον for the present (Ac 24.25); intrans. be, feel; impers. it is ( οὕτως ἔχει it is so); midd. ptc. next, neighboring ( τῇ εχομένῃ the next day Lk 13.33)
- πρός (700)——πρός prep. with: (1) acc. to; toward; for the sake or purpose of, in order to, so that e*specially of πρὸς τό with inf.); for; against; with, in company with; at, about, near, beside ( τὰ πρὸς τὴν θύραν on the street near the door Mk 2.2); pertaining to, with reference to ( τί πρὸς ἡμᾶς what is it to us? Mt 27.4; πρὸς οὐδὲ ἓν ῥῆμα not even one word Mt 27.14); before, in the presence of; in comparison with (Ro 8.18); (2) dat. at, on, near; (3) gen. for, for the sake of (Ac 27.34)
- γίνομαι (669)——γίνομαι (fut. γενήσομαι ; aor. ἐγενόμην , opt. 3 sg. γένοιτο , inf. γενέσθαι , ptc. γενόμενος ; pf. γέγονα and γεγένημαι ; aor. pass. ἐγενήθην , impv. 3 sg. γενηθήτω ; plpf. 3 sg. ἐγεγόνει and γεγόνει) become, be; happen, take place, arise (aor. often impers. it happened or came about); come into being, be born or created; be done (of things), become something (of persons); come, go ( γ. κατά arrive off Ac 27.7); appear (Mk 1.4; Jn 1.6); marry (Ro 7.3, 4); μὴ γένοιτο no indeed!; sometimes with dat. of person have, possess, receive e*.g. Mt 18.12)
- διά (667)——διά prep. with: (1) gen. through, by means of, with; during, throughout ( διὰ παντός continually); through, among, throughout; (2) acc. because of, on account of, for the sake of; through, by (rarely); διὰ τοῦτο therefore, for this reason; διὰ (τό) with inf. because; διὰ τί why?
- ἵνα (663)——ἵνα conj. in order that (of purpose); so that (of result); that (indirect statement); with subj. sometimes = impv. e*.g. ἡ δὲ γυνὴ ἵνα φοβῆται τὸν ἄνδρα the wife must respect her husband Eph 5.33)
- ἀπό (646)——ἀπό prep. with gen. from; away from; by means of; of; because of, as a result of; since, ever since; about, for; with; ἀπὸ μιᾶς πάντες one after another, one and all (Lk 14.18)
- ἀλλά (638)——ἀλλά conj. but, rather, on the contrary; with καί , γε καί , ἤ , or οὐδέ adds emphasis or contrast; not only this but also (2 Cor 7.11)
- ἔρχομαι (632)——ἔρχομαι (imperf. ἠρχόμην , fut. ἐλεύσομαι ; aor. ἦλθον and ἦλθα , inf. ἐλθεῖν ; pf. ἐλήλυθα) come ( εἰς τὸ χεῖρον ἐ. grow worse Mk 5.26); appear, make an appearance; go; return (Jn 4.27, 30; Ro 9.9); be brought (Mk 4.21); ἐ. εἰς προκοπήν help the progress (Php 1.12)
- ποιέω (568)——ποιέω (unaugmented plpf. 3 pl. πεποιήκεισαν) make, do, cause, effect, bring about, accomplish, perform, provide; create (of God); produce, yield, bear, put forth; give, prepare, keep, celebrate (of feasts, etc.); claim, pretend (to be somebody); show (mercy, etc.); work, be active; live, practice, act ( καλῶς π. do good, act benevolently or kindly); spend, stay (of time); exercise (authority); wage (war); execute (judgment); give (alms); appoint (Mk 3.14; He 3.2); consider, count (Ac 20.24); often with a noun as a verb equivalent, e.g. π. δέησιν pray (Lk 5.33); π. τὸ ἱκανόν please, satisfy (Mk 15.15); π. λύτρωσιν redeem, set free (Lk 1.68)
- τίς (555)——τίς , τί gen. τίνος dat. τίνι acc. τίνα , τί interrog. pro. and adj. who? which? what? what sort of? τί , διὰ τί , εἰς τί , τί ὅτι why?for what reason or purpose? τί γάρ , τί οὖν why then? ( τί γάρ λοω 1 Cor 7.16); τί ἡμῖν ῾εμοι καὶ σοί what have you to do with us (me)? κατὰ τί how? (Lk 1.18); τί θέλω εἰ would that, how I wish that (Lk 12.49)
- ἄνθρωπος (550)——ἄνθρωπος , ου m man, human being, person, one (friend, sir, man in address); pl. people; mankind, humanity ( κατὰ ἄ. according to human standards); husband (Mt 19.10); son (Mt 10.35); servant (Lk 12.36)
- τὶς (534)——τὶς , τὶ gen. τινός dat. τινί acc. τινά , τὶ enclitic pro. and adj. anyone, anything; someone, something; any, some, a certain, several; ἐάν τις (τι), εἴ τις (τι) whoever (whatever); εἶναί τις (τι) be someone (something) of importance
- χριστός (529)——Χριστός , οῦ m Christ (lit. the Anointed One, equivalent to the Hebrew Messiah)
- ὡς (504)——ὡς (1) particle of comparison as, like ( ὡς ἔπος εἰπεῖν so to speak He 7.9); as though, as if, on the grounds that, on the pretext of; with numerals about ( ὡς ἀπὸ σταδίων δεκαπέντε about fifteen stades away Jn 11.18; cf. 21.8; ὡς ἐπὶ ὥρας δύο for about two hours Ac 19.34); introducing discourse how, that ( ὡς ὅτι how, that); intensifying an adv. or adj. very, how ( ὡς τάχιστα as soon as possible Ac 17.15; ὡς ὡραῖοι how welcome Ro 10.15; cf. Ro 11.33; Ac 17.22); as in the sense to be e*. g. ὡς προφήτην αὐτὸν εἶχον they held him to be a prophet Mt 14.5); (2) temporal and consequential particle as, as long as, while, when (with pres. or impf.); when, after (with aor.); so that, in order that, because; ὡς ἄν e;vάν) when, as soon as
- εἰ (502)——εἰ if; whether; that; if only, surely; since; εἴ τις , εἴ τι who(ever), what(ever); εἴπερ since, if it is true that εἴγε if indeed
- εἴπερ since, if it is true that
#### 出現次數 300x (21 個字)
- οὖν (498)——οὖν therefore, then; thus, so, accordingly
- κατά (473)——κατά prep. with: (1) acc. according to, corresponding to, with reference to, just as ( τὰ κ. τινα one's case or circumstances; κ. τὰ αὐτά so, in the same way; κ. ἐμέ my; κ. τὸ αὐτό together Ac 14.1; κ. τί how Lk 1.18); used distributively with numerals and places; in; for; for the purpose of; at, about, (of time); on, upon, along, through, to, toward; off, opposite, near, bordering on; with, by means of, because of; (2) gen. against; down, down from; throughout; by (of oaths) ; over (of authority)
- μετά (469)——μετά prep. with: (1) gen. with, in company with, among; by, in; on the side of; against; (2) acc. after, behind ( μετὰ τό with inf. after)
- ἀκούω (428)——ἀκούω (pf. ἀκήκοα ; aor. pass. ptc. ἀκουσθείς) hear; receive news of; give heed to; understand; recover one's hearing; give a judicial hearing (Jn 7.51; Ac 25.22)
- πολύς (416)——πολύς , πολλή , πολύ gen. πολλοῦ , ῆς , οῦ (1) much, many (of great crowds; loud mourning; plentiful harvest; deep soil; late hour; long time; etc.); (2) πολλά many things; adv. often, frequently; strictly; insistently; strongly; hard; heartily; etc.; πολύ much, greatly ( ἐπὶ π. a long time Ac 28.6; μετ οὐ π. soon Ac 27.14; π. μᾶλλον much more, all the more He 12.9, 25); πολλῷ μᾶλλον much more, all the more; πολλῷ πλείους many more (Jn 4.41); πολλοῦ for a large sum (Mt 26.9)
- πλείων , πλεῖον or πλέον gen. ονος nom. pl. πλείονες or πλείους (comp. of πολύς) more (more than of comparison; πολλῷ π. many more Jn 4.41; διὰ τῶν π. through more and more people 2 Cor 4.15); most, the majority (a larger amount Mt 20.10; Lk 7.43); many, a larger number; greater (greater than of comparison); more acceptable (sacrifice); ἐπὶ π. further, more and more, on and on; very far (2 Tm 3.9); ἐπὶ π. χρὀνον longer (Ac 18.20); δῖ ἐτῶν π. after some years' absence (Ac 24.17)
- πλεῖστος , η , ον (superl. of πολύς) most; large; τὸ π. at the most (1 Cor 14.27)
- δίδωμι (415)——δίδωμι (διδῶ Re 3.9) (3 pl. διδόασιν , impv. 2 sg. δίδου , inf. διδόναι , ptc. διδούς ; impf. 3 sg. ἐδίδου , 3 pl. ἐδίδουν and ἐδίδοσαν ; fut. δώσω ; aor. ἔδωκα , subj. 3 sg. δῷ , δοῖ and δώῃ , opt. 3 sg. δῴη , impv. δός , inf. δοῦναι , ptc. δούς ; pf. δέδωκα ; pf. pass. δέδομαι ; plpf. ( ἐ) δεδώκειν ; aor. pass. ἐδόθην , ptc. δοθείς ; fut. pass. δοθήσομαι) give; grant, allow, permit; place, put; appoint; establish; give out, pay; produce, yield, cause; entrust; bring (offerings); inflict (punishment); δ. ἑαυτόν venture to go (Ac 19.31); cf. ἐργασία (Lk 12.58)
- πατήρ (413)——πατήρ , πατρός m father (sometimes as an honorary title for a noted person); Father (of God); forefather, ancestor
- ἡμέρα (389)——ἡμέρα , ας f day ( καθ ἡμέραν daily; διὰ τριῶν ἡ. in three days; δῖ ἡμερῶν some days later); time; legal day ( ἀνθρωπίνη ἡ. human court 1 Cor 4.3)
- πνεῦμα (379)——πνεῦμα , τος n Spirit (of God); spirit, inner life, self; disposition, state of mind; spirit, spirit being or power, power (often of evil spirits); life ( ἀφίημι τὸ π. die Mt 27.50); wind (He 1.7; perhaps Jn 3.8); breath (2 Th 2.8); ghost, apparition (Lk 24.37, 39)
- υἱός (377)——υἱός , οῦ m son; descendant, offspring, heir; (with gen.) often one who shares a special relationship with or a likeness to someone or something; disciple, follower
- εἷς (345)——εἷς , μία , ἕν gen. ἑνός , μιᾶς , ἑνός one; a, an, single; only one; εἷς τις = τις a certain one, someone, one; εἷς τὸν ἕνα one another (1 Th 5.11); καθ ἕνα one by one (1 Cor 14.31)
- ἀδελφός (343)——ἀδελφός , οῦ m brother; fellow believer; fellow countryman, fellowman
- ἤ (343)——ἤ particle or ( ἢ . . . ἤ either . . . or; ἢ καί or even; with negatives nor, or); than (of comparison); πρὶν ἤ before; ἀλλ ἤ but rather (Lk 12.51)
- ἤπερ than (strengthened form of ἤ)
- ἤτοι or; ἤτοι . . . ἤ either . . . or
- εἶδον (341)——εἶδον see εἶδος
- ἴδε Look! See! Listen!; here is; here are
- ὁράω (impf. 3 pl. ἑώρων ; fut. ὄψομαι ; aor. εἶδα and εἶδον , ptc. ἰδών , impv. ἴδετε ; pf. ἑώρακα and ἑόρακα ; aor. pass. ὤφθην , ptc. ὀφθείς ; fut. pass. ὀφθήσομαι) trans. see, observe, notice (pass. appear); perceive, understand, recognize; experience; visit, come to see (He 13.23); intrans. make sure, see to, take care ( ὅρα μή do not do that)
- ἐάν (333)——ἐάν conj. if; even if, though; when; sometimes equivalent to ἄν e*.g. Mt 5.19); ἐὰν μή unless; ἐάνπερ if only
- περί (333)——περί prep. with: (1) gen. about, concerning, of, with reference to; for; on account of ( π. ἁμαρτίας often sin offering); (2) acc. around, about; near; of, with reference to, regarding ( οἱ π. τὰ τοιαῦτα ἐργάται workmen of the same trade Ac 19.25; τὰ π. ἐμέ how I stand Php 2.23); with, in company with
- λόγος (330)——λόγος , ου m something said e*.g. word; saying; message, teaching; talk, conversation; question after ἐρωτάω ; preaching 1 Tm 5.17; πολὺς ἡμῖν ὁ λόγος we have much to say He 5.11); Word (in Johannine Christology); account, settlement of an account ( πρὸς ὃν ἡμῖν ὁ λόγος to whom we must render an account He 4.13); value (Ac 20.24); reason, grounds ( κατὰ λόγον reasonably, patiently Ac 18.14); charge (Ac 19.38); matter, thing (Ac 8.21); book (Ac 1.1)
- ἑαυτοῦ (319)——ἑαυτοῦ , ῆς , οῦ (not used in nominative) reflexive pro. himself, herself, itself, themselves; possessive pro. his, hers, etc.; reciprocal pro. one another, each other; τὸ ἑαυτοῦ one's own interest or advantage
- οἶδα (318)——οἶδα (pf. with pres. mng. ἴστε may be 2 pl. ind. or impv., ind. 3 pl. οἴδασι and ἴσασι , subj. εἰδῶ , inf. εἰδέναι , masc. ptc. εἰδώς , fem. ptc. εἰδυῖα; plpf. ᾔδειν ; fut. εἰδήσω) know, understand, perceive ( τοῦτο γὰρ ἴστε γινώσκοντες be very sure of this or you know this very well Eph 5.5); experience, learn, know how; be acquainted with, recognize, acknowledge; remember (1 Cor 1.16); pay proper respect to (1 Th 5.12)
- εἰδῶ subj. of οἶδα
#### 出現次數 200x (24 個字)
- λαλέω (296)——λαλέω speak, talk, say; preach, proclaim; tell; be able to speak; address, converse (with); promise (of God); sound (of thunder)
- οὐρανός (273)——οὐρανός , οῦ m heaven (also used of God to avoid mention of the sacred name); sky
- μαθητής (261)——μαθητής , οῦ m disciple, pupil, follower
- λαμβάνω (258)——λαμβάνω (fut. λήμψομαι ; aor. ἔλαβον , inf. λαβεῖν , ptc. λαβών , opt. 3 sg. λάβοι ; pf. εἴληπται) take, take hold of; receive, get, obtain; take away, remove; collect (of taxes, etc.); choose (He 5.1); put on (Jn 13.12); catch (Lk 5.5); trap, take advantage of (2 Cor 11.20; 12.16)
- γῆ (250)——γῆ , γῆς f the earth; land, country, region; soil, ground; mankind
- ἐκεῖνος (243)——ἐκεῖνος , η , ο demon. adj. that; he, she, it
- μέγας (243)——μέγας , μεγάλη , μέγα large, great (of a loud sound; strong wind; high fever; etc.); greatest; surprising (2 Cor 11.15)
- μείζων , ον and μειζότερος , α , ον (comp. of μέγας) greater (older Ro 9.12); often = superl. greatest; adv. μεῖζον all the more (Mt 20.31)
- μέγιστος , η , ον (superl. of μέγας) very great, greatest
- μεγάλως adv. greatly
- πίστις (243)——πίστις , εως f faith, trust, belief; the Christian faith; conviction, good conscience (Ro 14.22, 23); perhaps body of faith, doctrine (Jd 3, 20); assurance, proof (Ac 17.31); promise (1 Tm 5.12)
- πιστεύω (241)——πιστεύω believe (in), have faith (in) (with God or Christ as object); believe, believe in; have confidence (in someone or something), entrust (something to another); ὅς μὲν π. φαγεῖν πάντα one man's faith allows him to eat anything (Ro 14.2)
- οὐδείς (234)——οὐδείς , οὐδεμία , οὐδέν no one, nothing; no; worth nothing; οὐδέν not at all, in no respect
- οὐθείς = οὐδείς
- ἅγιος (233)——ἅγιος , α , ον set apart to or by God, consecrated; holy, morally pure, upright; οἱ ἅγιοι God's people; τὸ ἅ. or τὰ ἅ. the sanctuary (He 9.1, 25; 13.11); superl. ἁγιώτατος most sacred (Jd 20)
- ἀποκρίνομαι (231)——ἀποκρίνομαι (aor. pass. ἀπεκρίθην , ptc. ἀποκριθείς) act. in mng. answer, reply; respond e*.g. Mk 9.5); say, declare; continue (of discourse)
- ὄνομα (229)——ὄνομα , τος n name ( κατ ὄ. by name); title; person; authority, power; status, category e*. g. εἰς ὄ. προφήτου because he is a prophet; ἐν ὀ. ὅτι Χριστοῦ ἐστε because you are followers of Christ Mk 9.41); reputation (Mk 6.14; Re 3.1)
- γινώσκω (222)——γινώσκω (fut. γνώσομαι ; aor. ἔγνων , impv. γνῶθι , γνώτω , subj. 3 sg. γνῷ ανδ γνοῖ , inf. γνῶναι , ptc. γνούς ; pf. ἔγνωκα ; plpf. ἐγνώκειν ; aor. pass. ἐγνώσθην ; fut. pass. γνωσθήσομαι) know, have knowledge of (of sexual relations Mt 1.25; Lk 1.34); find out, learn, understand; perceive, discern; to have knowledge; acknowledge, recognize; impv. be very certain, remember
- ὑπό (220)——ὑπό prep. with: (1) gen. by, by means of; at the hands of; (2) acc. under, below; under the authority of; ὑπὸ τὸν ὄρθρον at daybreak (Ac 5.21)
- ἐξέρχομαι (218)——ἐξέρχομαι (fut. ἑξελεύσομαι ; aor. ἐξῆλθον ; pf. ἐξελήλυθα) come or go out or forth; get out, escape, get away; originate ( ἐ. ἐκ τῆς ὀσφύος descend from He 7.5); be gone, disappear (Ac 16.19)
- ἀνήρ (216)——ἀνήρ , ἀνδρός m man; husband ( ἔχω ἀ. or γινώσκω ἀ. be a married woman); person
- γυνή (215)——γυνή , αικός f woman, wife
- τέ (215)——τέ enclitic particle and; and so, so; τὲ...τέ or τὲ . . . δέ both . . . and, not only . . . but also
- δύναμαι (210)——δύναμαι (2 sg. δύνῃ , δύνασε and δύνασαι; opt. δυναίμην ; impf. ἐδυν- and ἠδυν- ; aor. ἠδυνάσθην and ἠδυνήθην) can, be able to, be capable of; can do, able to do
- θέλω (208)——θέλω (impf. ἤθελον) wish, desire, want; will; like; τί θέλει τοῦτο εἶναι what does this mean? (Ac 2.12; cf. 17.20)
- οὕτως (208)——οὕτως see οὕτω
- οὕτω and οὕτως (1) adv. in this way, thus, so, in the same way, like this ( ἔχειν οὕτως often be so or true; τὸ οὕτως εἶναι to remain as one is 1 Cor 7.26); as follows; (2) adj. such, of such kind ( ὁ μὲν οὕτως , ὁ δὲ οὕτως one of one kind and one of another 1 Cor 7.7)
- ἰδού (200)——ἰδού Look! See! Listen!; there or here is (are), there or here was (were); there or here comes (came); then, suddenly; even, yet (of emphasis)
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- ἰουδαῖος (195)——εἰσέρχομαι (194)——εἰσέρχομαι (fut. εἰσελεύσομαι ; aor. εἰσῆλθον ; pf. εἰσελήλυθα) come or go (in or into), enter; have part in, share in; fall into (temptation); arise (of arguments); εις. καὶ ἐξέρχομαι live among
- νόμος (194)——νόμος , ου m law (often of the Jewish sacred tradition; ὁ νόμος καὶ οἱ προφῆται the Old Testament; νόμος τοῦ ἀνδρὀς marriage law Ro 7.2); principle, rule
- παρά (194)——παρά prep. with: (1) gen. from, of ( τὰ παρά τινος one's provisions, money or gift; οἱ παρ αὐτοῦ his family Mk 3.21); by, with; (2) dat. with, in the presence of, before; in the judgment of; near, beside; for; (3) acc. beside, by, at; on, along; to; than, more than, above; rather than; contrary to; παρὰ τοῦτο because of this (1 Cor 12.15, 16); παρὰ μίαν less one (2 Cor 11.24)
- γράφω (191)——γράφω (pf. γέγραφα ; pf. pass. 3 sg. γέγραπται ; aor. pass. ἐγράφην) write; record, compose; sign one's name (2 Th 3.17); cover with writing (Re 5.1)
- κόσμος (186)——κόσμος , ου m world, world order, universe; world inhabitants, mankind (especially of men hostile to God); world, realm of existence, way of life (especially as opposed to the purpose of God); adornment (1 Pe 3.3)
- καθώς (182)——καθώς adv. as, just as; inasmuch as, because; in so far as, to the degree that; how, that (of indirect discourse)
- μέν (179)——μέν particle indicating; contrast, emphasis or continuation; μὲν . . . δέ on the one hand . . . on the other hand; μὲν . . . ἀλλά or μὲν . . . πλήν indeed . . . but; ὅς μὲν . . . καὶ ἄλλος (ἕτερος) one . . . another; μὲν οὖν so, then; now, indeed
- μέντοι but, nevertheless, however
- χείρ (177)——χείρ , χειρός f hand ( βάλλω χ. ἐπί arrest, seize); power, authority; activity; finger (Lk 15.22)
- εὑρίσκω (176)——εὑρίσκω (impf. εὑ- and ηὑ- ; fut. εὑρήσω ; aor. εὗρον , opt. 3 pl. εὕροιεν ; pf. εὕρηκα ; aor. pass. εὑρέθην ; fut. pass. εὑρεθήσομαι) find, discover, come upon; obtain, secure, receive; pass. be found, be, appear; εὑ. εἰς θάνατον proved to mean death (Ro 7.10)
- ἄγγελος (175)——ἄγγελος , ου m angel; messenger, one who is sent
- ὄχλος (175)——ὄχλος , ου m crowd, multitude; (common) people; mob
- ἁμαρτία (173)——ἁμαρτία , ας f sin ( ἔχω ἁ. be sinful); περὶ ἁ. often sin offering
- ἔργον (169)——ἔργον , ου n work, deed, action; task, occupation, undertaking; practical expression; handiwork, workmanship (1 Cor 9.1); perhaps effect, result or product (Jas 1.4)
- ἄν (166)——ἄν particle indicating contingency in certain constructions
- δόξα (166)——δόξα , ης f glory, splendor, grandeur (in gen. often glorious); power, kingdom; praise, honor; pride ( δόξα καὶ χαρά pride and joy 1 Th 2.20); brightness, brilliance; revealed presence of God, God himself; heaven (1 Tm 3.16); glorious heavenly being (2 Pe 2.10; Jd 8); δὸς δόξαν τῷ θεῷ promise before God to tell the truth (Jn 9.24)
- βασιλεία (162)——βασιλεία , ας f reign, rule; kingdom, domain ( λαβεῖν β. to be made king Lk 19.12, 15)
- ἔθνος (162)——ἔθνος , ους n nation, people; τὰ ἔ. non-Jews, Gentiles; pagans, heathen, unbelievers
- πόλις (162)——πόλις , εως f city, town ( κατὰ π. from city to city); inhabitants (of a city)
- τότε (160)——τότε adv. then, at that time ( ἀπό τότε from that time on, after that; ὁ τ. κόσμος the then-existing world 2 Pe 3.6); thereupon, next, after that
- ἐσθίω (158)——ἐσθίω and ἔσθω (fut. φάγομαι ; aor. ἔφαγον , ινφ. φαγεῖν) eat; consume
- παῦλος (158)——Παῦλος , ου m Paul: (1) the apostle; (2) Sergius Paulus, governor of Cyprus (Ac 13.7)
- καρδία (156)——καρδία , ας f heart, inner self; mind; will, desire, intention; interior (of the earth)
- ἄλλος (155)——ἄλλος , η , ο another, other ( ἄλλος . . . ἄλλος one . . . another); more, additional
- πρῶτος (155)——πρῶτος , η , ον first; leading, foremost, prominent, most important; earlier, former, before
- πρότερος , α , ον (1) adj. former, earlier, past; (2) adv. πρότερον and τὸ π. before, previously, formerly; first, first of all; at first, the first time, originally
- πρώτως adv. for the first time
- χάρις (155)——χάρις , ιτος f grace, kindness, mercy, goodwill ( ἔχω χ. πρός have the goodwill of Ac 2.47); a special manifestation of the divine presence, activity, power or glory; a favor, expression of kindness, gift, blessing ( κατὰ χ. as a gift Ro 4.4, 16; ἵνα δευτέραν χ. σχῆτε in order that you might be blessed twice 2 Cor 1.15); thanks, gratitude; graciousness ( ὁ λόγος ὑμῶν πάντοτε ἐν χ. your speech should always be pleasant Col 4.6)
- χάριν prep. with gen. generally occurring after a noun or pronoun for the sake of, because of, by reason of ( τούτου χ. for this reason; οὗ χ. therefore, for this reason Lk 7.47; χ. τίνος why? for what reason? 1 Jn 3.12)
- ἵστημι (154)——ἵστημι and ἱστάνω (fut. στήσω; 1 aor. ἔστησα; 2 aor. ἔστην , impv. στῆθι , inf. στῆναι , ptc. στάς ; pf. ἕστηκα , inf. ἑστάναι , ptc. ἑστηκώς and ἑστώς ; plpf. εἱστήκειν ; fut. midd. στήσομαι ; aor. pass. ἐστάθην , ινφ. σταθῆναι , ptc. σταθείς ; fut. pass. σταθήσομαι) trans. (in all act. tenses except 2 aor., pf. and plpf.) set, place, put; establish, set up, make stand; put forward; fix (a day of judgment); pay, count out (money); hold against (Ac 7.60); intrans. (in 2 aor., pf., plpf. act.; all midd. and pass. forms) stand; stop, stand still; be confirmed or established; stand firm, hold one's ground; be, exist; stand up; be moored (of boats)
- πορεύομαι (153)——πορεύομαι go, proceed; travel, journey; leave; live, conduct one's life; die (Lk 22.22)
- ὑπέρ (150)——ὑπέρ prep. with: (1) gen. for, in behalf of, for the sake of ( εἶναι ὑπέρ τινος be on someone's side, be in favor of someone);3 of, about, concerning; (2) acc. over and above, beyond; more than, than; (3) adv. ὑπὲρ ἐγώ I am even more (2 Cor 11.23)