diff --git a/translate/translate-chapverse/01.md b/translate/translate-chapverse/01.md
index ad9c525..49c966d 100644
--- a/translate/translate-chapverse/01.md
+++ b/translate/translate-chapverse/01.md
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Next is an example from Psalm 3. Some Bibles do not mark the explanation at the
 <sup>1</sup> **Yahweh, how many are my enemies!**
 **Many have risen against me.**
 <sup>2</sup> **Many say about me,**
-**"There is no help for him from God." *Selah***
+**"There is no help for him from God."** ***Selah***
 <sup>1</sup> *A psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son.*
 <sup>2</sup> Yahweh, how many are my enemies!