diff --git a/translate/tA Decisions.md b/translate/tA Decisions.md
index 0fcf5dd..bb0caec 100644
--- a/translate/tA Decisions.md	
+++ b/translate/tA Decisions.md	
@@ -45,6 +45,29 @@ That probably violates everything I told you this morning, but I'm making this u
 2. If the new ULB is not a good example, keep the example and remove "ULB" from the reference. 
 3. We are fixing these up in tA this last time. After we are done, we will not continue to fix up the verses in tA to match the ULB.
+### Fixing Line spacing in lists with multiple bullets as in Translation Strategies applied.
+1. Remove empty line between examples.
+1. Force a line between an application and the next numbered strategy by adding two spaces at the end the application line and two spaces at the beginning of the next blank line.
+1. We tried removing the empty line between the numbered strategy and the example following it, but it did not make a difference. It still renders with a blank line between the strategy and the example.
+This is taken from the page for Metaphor:
+1. If the target audience would not know what the **topic** is, then state the topic clearly. (However, do not do this if the original audience did not know what the topic was.)
+  * **Yahweh lives; may <u>my rock</u> be praised. May the God of my salvation be exalted.** (Psalm 18:46 ULB)
+      * Yahweh lives; <u>He is my rock</u>. May he be praised. May the God of my salvation be exalted.  
+1. If the target audience would not know the intended **point of comparison** between the topic and the image, then state it clearly.
+  * **Yahweh lives; may <u>my rock</u> be praised. May the God of my salvation be exalted.** (Psalm 18:46 ULB)
+      * Yahweh lives; may he be praised because he is the rock <u>under which I can hide from my enemies</u>. May the God of my salvation be exalted.
+  * **Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? It is hard for you <u>to kick a goad</u>.** (Acts 26:14 ULB)
+      * Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? You <u>fight against me and hurt yourself like an ox that kicks against its owner's pointed stick</u>.  
+1. If none of these strategies are satisfactory, then simply state the idea plainly without using a metaphor.
+  * **I will make you become <u>fishers of men</u>.** (Mark 1:17 ULB)
+      * I will make you become <u>people who gather men</u>.
+      * Now you gather fish. I will make you <u>gather people</u>.
 ### Dividing up the work by the words the files start with
 Susan - biblicalimagery, bita, figs