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\v 1 Now these are the sons of David who were born to him in Hebron: the firstborn was Amnon, by Ahinoam from Jezreel; the second was Daniel, by Abigail from Carmel;
\v 2 the third was Absalom, whose mother was Maakah, daughter of Talmai king of Geshur. The fourth was Adonijah son of Haggith;
\v 3 the fifth was Shephatiah by Abital; the sixth was Ithream by Eglah his wife.
\v 4 These six were born to David in Hebron, where he reigned seven years and six months. He then ruled thirty-three years in Jerusalem.
\v 5 These four sons, by Bathsheba daughter of Ammiel, were born to him in Jerusalem: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, and Solomon.
\f + \ft Some versions have \fqa Bathseba \fqa* or \fqa Bathshua \fqa* instead of \fqa Bathsheba \fqa* . \f*
\v 6 David's other nine sons were: Ibhar, Elishua, Eliphelet,
\v 7 Nogah, Nepheg, Japhia,
\v 8 Elishama, Eliada, and Eliphelet.
\v 9 These were David's sons, not including the sons by his concubines. Tamar was their sister.
\v 10 Solomon's son was Rehoboam. Rehoboam's son was Abijah. Abijah's son was Asa. Asa's son was Jehoshaphat.
\v 11 Jehoshaphat's son was Jehoram. Jehoram's son was Ahaziah. Ahaziah's son was Joash.
\v 12 Joash's son was Amaziah. Amaziah's son was Azariah. Azariah's son was Jotham.
\v 13 Jotham's son was Ahaz. Ahaz's son was Hezekiah. Hezekiah's son was Manasseh.
\v 14 Manasseh's son was Amon. Amon's son was Josiah.
\v 15 Josiah's sons were his firstborn Johanan, his second son Jehoiakim, his third son Zedekiah, and his fourth son Shallum.
\v 16 Jehoiakim's sons were Jehoiachin and Zedekiah.
\v 17 The sons of Jehoiachin, the captive, were Shealtiel,
\v 18 Malkiram, Pedaiah, Shenazzar, Jekamiah, Hoshama, and Nedabiah.
\v 19 Pedaiah's sons were Zerubbabel and Shimei. Zerubbabel's sons were Meshullam and Hananiah; Shelomith was their sister.
\v 20 His other five sons were Hashubah, Ohel, Berekiah, Hasadiah, and Jushab-Hesed.
\v 21 Hananiah's sons were Pelatiah and Jeshaiah. His son was Rephaiah, and further descendants were Arnan, Obadiah, and Shekaniah.
\v 22 Shekaniah's son was Shemaiah. Shemaiah's sons were Hattush, Igal, Bariah, Neariah, and Shaphat.
\v 23 Neariah's three sons were Elioenai, Hizkiah, and Azrikam.
\v 24 Elioenai's seven sons were Hodaviah, Eliashib, Pelaiah, Akkub, Johanan, Delaiah, and Anani.