# Wrath

Wrath is intense anger or fury. It sometimes happens for a long time. In the Bible, the word “wrath” is usually used to talk about God’s anger toward people who sin against him. God’s wrath is always holy, righteous, and just. 

See: Sin; Holy (Holiness, Set Apart); Righteous (Righteousness); Justice (Just, Unjust)

#### More Information About This Topic

Sometimes the Bible uses the words, “God poured out his wrath” on someone. Sometimes it uses the words, “God’s wrath came” upon someone  (Jeremiah 7:20; Hosea 5:10; Ephesians 5:6). These are different ways of talking about God judging people and punishing them for their sin.

God’s wrath is sometimes written about as being like a fire when he punished people (Jeremiah 7:20; 15:14; 44:6; See also: Jeremiah 4:4). God’s wrath is also written about as being like wine in a cup that people must drink (Revelation 14:10; See also: Isaiah 51:17-23; Jeremiah 25:15). These metaphors are used to talk about how God’s wrath destroys people and causes them to fall so they cannot get up again.

See: Metaphor; Judge (Judgment); Punish (Punishment); Fire; Wine (Winepress)