diff --git a/articles/glory.md b/articles/glory.md
index 866af90..369822f 100644
--- a/articles/glory.md
+++ b/articles/glory.md
@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ People can glorify God by telling about the wonderful things he has done. They c
 Jesus will glorify all those who believed in him when he returns to earth. That is, he will honor them and give them new bodies that will never die (see: Romans 8:17, 29-30; 1 Corinthians 15:42-44;  Ephesians 5:25-27; Philippians 3:21).
-See: Holy (Holiness, Set Apart); Priest (Priesthood); Miracle; Son of God; God the Father; Jesus’ Return to Earth; Rapture; Resurrect (Resurrection)
+See:[Holy (Holiness, Set Apart)](../articles/holy.md);[Priest (Priesthood) ](../articles/priest.md); [Miracle](../articles/miracle.md); Son of God; [God the Father](../articles/godfather.md);[Jesus' Return to Earth](../articles/jesusreturn.md); [Raputre](../articles/rapture.md); [Resurrect (Resurrection)](../articles/resurrect.md)