diff --git a/62-2pe/03.md b/62-2pe/03.md index c6b904c..e802b99 100644 --- a/62-2pe/03.md +++ b/62-2pe/03.md @@ -84,23 +84,23 @@ See: [Fulfill (Fulfillment)](../articles/fulfill.md) When Peter wrote "make room for repentance," he wanted people to know that God wants all people to repent of their sins. That is, God wants everyone to change their mind about who Jesus is, and to stop living in a wrong way. God "makes room" for this to happen. That is, he allowed time for this when he planned the world. -See: Repent (Repentance); Sin +See: [Repent (Repentance](../articles/repent.md); [Sin](../articles/sin.md) ### What is the "day of the Lord"? -See: Day of the Lord +See: [Day of the Lord](../articles/dayofthelord.md) ### How will the Lord “come as a thief”? Scholars think that when Peter wrote the Lord will “come as a thief,” he wanted people to know that Jesus will return to earth suddenly. He will come when no one expects him to come. Jesus is not a thief. -See: Jesus’ Return to Earth +See: [Jesus' Return to Earth](../articles/jesusreturn.md) ### Why did Peter write “the heavens will pass away” (3:10)? Scholars think on the Day of the Lord, God will end or destroy the world. When this happens, there will be some kind of loud noise and the sky will disappear. Everything in the sky, that is to say the sun, moon, and the stars will be completely destroyed. -See: Day of the Lord +See: [Day of the Lord](../articles/dayofthelord.md) ### Why did Peter write that “the earth and the deeds in it will be revealed”?