Clarity on crowns

and olive leaves
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Tom Warren 2016-06-28 23:46:08 -04:00
parent 6fb4bd7b4a
commit c6a36137aa

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
\v 19 I am not a slave to anyone, but I am a servant to everyone, so that I might persuade more and more people to trust in Christ.
\v 19 I am not a slave to anyone, but I am a servant to everyone, so that I might persuade more and more people to trust in Christ.
\v 20 When working with Jewish people, I become like a Jew, so that I may win them to Christ. To those who were living under the law I lived as they lived, in order that those living under the law may trust in Christ as I trust in him. I lived as they lived, even though I am not living my life by the law's demands.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
\v 24 You know when people run in a race, they all run, but only one of them wins the prize. So you also should run to win the prize.
\v 25 Every athlete is careful in how he trains. They are running for a wreath that quickly perishes and fades away. But we are running so we might receive a wreath that will last forever.
\v 25 Every athlete is careful in how he trains. They are running so one of them may get a crown of victory that is put on their heads; but it is made of olive leaves, and it quickly perishes and fades away. But we are running so we might receive a crown that will last forever.
\v 26 Therefore, in everything I do, I do it for a purpose. I do not waste my effort or exhaust myself by striking the air like a boxer who has no opponent.
\v 27 I discipline my body and I make it obey my commands. I do not want to preach the good news to others and then lose my reward because I failed to fulfill what he commanded me to do.