Consistent comma usage

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Bob Johnson 2019-07-28 12:57:47 +00:00
parent 0097bb2aef
commit b9683fafe0

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\v 16 Keep in mind that when people promise something, they ask a more important person to punish them if they do not do what they promise. This is how they often settle disputes.
\v 17 So when God wanted to demonstrate very clearly to us who would receive what he had promised that he would not change what he had planned to do, he said that he would declare himself guilty if he did not do what he promised.
\v 18 He did that to strongly encourage us, because he has done two things that cannot change: He promised to help us, and he told us that he would declare himself guilty if he did not help us. Now, God cannot lie. That is why we have trusted in him, just as he has encouraged us to do.
\v 18 He did that to strongly encourage us because he has done two things that cannot change: He promised to help us, and he told us that he would declare himself guilty if he did not help us. Now, God cannot lie. That is why we have trusted in him, just as he has encouraged us to do.
\v 19 Yes, we confidently expect to receive what God has promised to do for us. It is as if we were a ship whose anchor is holding us firmly in one place. The one we confidently expect to hold us is Jesus, because he has gone into God's very presence. This is why he is just like the high priests who go behind the curtain into the innermost part of the temple where God is present.
\v 19 Yes, we confidently expect to receive what God has promised to do for us. It is as if we were a ship whose anchor is holding us firmly in one place. The one we confidently expect to hold us is Jesus because he has gone into God's very presence. This is why he is just like the high priests who go behind the curtain into the innermost part of the temple where God is present.
\v 20 Jesus went into God's presence ahead of us to allow us to also enter in that same place with God. Jesus has become a high priest forever, in the way that Melchizedek was a high priest.
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\v 27 The Jewish high priests need to sacrifice animals day by day as well as year by year. They do this, firstly, to cover their own sins, and then to cover the sins of other people. But because Jesus never sinned, he does not need to do that. The only thing he needed to do to save people was to sacrifice himself once, and that is exactly what he did!
\v 28 We need a high priest like Jesus, because the priests, who were appointed as commanded in the law, sinned like all humans sin. But God solemnly declared after he had given his laws to Moses that he would appoint his Son to be high priest. Now his Son, who is God the Son, Jesus, is forever the only perfect high priest.
\v 28 We need a high priest like Jesus because the priests, who were appointed as commanded in the law, sinned like all humans sin. But God solemnly declared after he had given his laws to Moses that he would appoint his Son to be high priest. Now his Son, who is God the Son, Jesus, is forever the only perfect high priest.
\c 8
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\v 11 But when Christ came as our high priest, he brought the good things that we have now. Then he went into God's presence in heaven, which is like the sacred tent, but it is not part of the world that God created. It is better than the tent Moses set up here on earth because it is perfect.
\v 12 When a high priest goes into the inner room in the tent each year, he takes goats' blood and calves' blood to offer as a sacrifice. But Christ did not do that. It was as though he went into that very holy place only once because he gave his own blood on the cross, just one time. By doing that, he redeemed us forever, because his blood flowed from himself.
\v 12 When a high priest goes into the inner room in the tent each year, he takes goats' blood and calves' blood to offer as a sacrifice. But Christ did not do that. It was as though he went into that very holy place only once because he gave his own blood on the cross, just one time. By doing that, he redeemed us forever because his blood flowed from himself.
\v 13 The priests sprinkle on the people the blood of goats and bulls with the ashes of the calf that was burned in offering. This act of worship, this sprinkling of blood, was the way they were made pure so they could worship God.
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\v 34 You not only were kind to those who were in prison because they believed in Christ, but you also accepted it joyfully when unbelievers took away your possessions. You accepted it because you yourselves knew very well that you had possessions in heaven forever, possessions that are much better than those that they took from you!
\v 35 So do not become discouraged when they cause you to suffer because if you continue to trust in God then he will greatly reward you.
\v 35 So do not become discouraged when they cause you to suffer, because if you continue to trust in God then he will greatly reward you.
\v 36 You must learn to be patient so that you may do what God wants you to do and he will give you what he has promised.
\v 37 A prophet wrote in the scriptures:
\q "In just a short time, the one I promised would come will surely come;
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\v 4 While you have struggled against being tempted to sin, you have not yet bled and died because of resisting evil, as Jesus did.
\v 5 Do not forget these words that Solomon spoke to his son, which are the same with which God encourages you as his children:
\q "My son, pay attention when the Lord is disciplining you,
\q and do not be discouraged when the Lord punishes you,
\q and do not be discouraged when the Lord punishes you
\v 6 because everyone the Lord loves he also disciplines,
\q and he severely corrects everyone he calls his own."
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\v 14 Try to live peacefully with all people. Do your best to be holy since no one will see the Lord if he is not holy.
\v 15 Beware that none of you stops trusting in God, who has done kind things for us that we did not deserve. Be on guard so that none of you act in an evil way toward others because that will grow like a root grows into a big plant, leading many believers to sin.
\v 15 Beware that none of you stops trusting in God, who has done kind things for us that we did not deserve. Be on guard so that none of you act in an evil way toward others, because that will grow like a root grows into a big plant, leading many believers to sin.
\v 16 Do not let anyone be immoral or disobey God like Esau. He exchanged the rights he had as a firstborn son for only one meal.
\v 17 Esau later wanted to get back his birth rights and all that his father Isaac's blessing would give him. But Isaac refused to do what Esau requested. So Esau found no way to get back his birth rights and blessing, even though he sought it tearfully.