diff --git a/45-ACT.usfm b/45-ACT.usfm index b16f42fc..1facb33d 100644 --- a/45-ACT.usfm +++ b/45-ACT.usfm @@ -1470,8 +1470,8 @@ \s5 \p \v 8 For three months after that, Paul entered the Jewish meeting place in Ephesus on each Sabbath and taught and persuaded people about Jesus and how God would show himself as king. -\v 9 But some of the Jews would not believe the message and did not want to to hear it any more. They said many bad things about what Paul was teaching. So Paul left them and took the believers with him to meet in the meeting place of Tyrannus. -\v 10 For two years Paul taught people there. In this way, most of the Jews and Greeks who lived in the region of Asia heard the message about the Lord Jesus. +\v 9 But some of the Jews would not believe the message and did not want to hear it anymore. They said many bad things about what Paul was teaching. So Paul left them and took the believers with him to meet in the meeting place of Tyrannus. +\v 10 For two years Paul taught people there. In this way most of the Jews and Greeks who lived in the region of Asia heard the message about the Lord Jesus. \s5 \p @@ -1480,8 +1480,8 @@ \s5 \p -\v 13 There were also some Jews who walked from town to town, and they commanded the evil spirits in those places to depart from people. Some of those Jews told the evil spirits to come out of people by saying "I command you to come out by the power of the Lord Jesus, the man whom Paul teaches about!" -\v 14 There were seven men who were doing this. They were sons of a man named Sceva, a Jew, who called himself a chief priest. +\v 13 There were also some Jews who walked from town to town, and they commanded the evil spirits in those places to depart from people. Some of those Jews told the evil spirits to come out of people by saying, "I command you to come out by the power of the Lord Jesus, the man about whom Paul teaches!" +\v 14 There were seven men who were doing this. They were sons of a man named Sceva, a Jew who called himself a chief priest. \p \s5 @@ -1498,13 +1498,13 @@ \s5 \p -\v 21 After Paul completed his work in Ephesus, the Spirit led him to decide to go to Jerusalem, but first he planned to go see the believers in the regions of Macedonia and Achaia. Paul said, "After I have been to Jerusalem, I will also go to Rome." +\v 21 After Paul completed his work in Ephesus, the Spirit led him to decide to go to Jerusalem, but first he planned to go and see the believers in the regions of Macedonia and Achaia. Paul said, "After I have been to Jerusalem, I will also go to Rome." \v 22 He sent two of his helpers, Timothy and Erastus, to Macedonia. But Paul stayed in the city of Ephesus, in the province of Asia. \s5 \p \v 23 Soon after that, people in Ephesus began to make a great amount of trouble because of Jesus and the teaching about him. -\v 24 There was a man there whose name was Demetrius. He made statues of the goddess Artemis (who is also known as Diana) out of silver. Demetrius made a lot of money for all the men who made and sold these idols. +\v 24 There was a man there whose name was Demetrius. He made statues out of silver of the goddess Artemis (who is also known as Diana). Demetrius made a lot of money for all the men who made and sold these idols. \p \v 25 Demetrius called together the workmen who made the idols. He said to them, "Men, you know that we make a lot of money doing our work. @@ -1518,7 +1518,7 @@ \v 29 Many of the people in the city became angry at Paul and began shouting. Some of the people took hold of Gaius and Aristarchus, two men from Macedonia who traveled with Paul. Then the whole crowd of people ran, dragging those men along with them, to the city theater. \s5 -\v 30 Paul wanted to go into theater to talk to the people, but the other believers would not let him go there. +\v 30 Paul wanted to go into the theater to talk to the people, but the other believers would not let him go there. \v 31 Some city rulers who were friends of Paul heard what was happening. They sent someone to tell Paul not to go into the theater. \p \v 32 The crowd of people in the theater kept shouting. Some shouted one thing, and some shouted something else. But most of them did not even know why they were meeting! @@ -1549,7 +1549,7 @@ \s5 \v 4 The men who were going to travel with him to Jerusalem were Sopater, the son of Pyrrhus, from the town of Berea; Aristarchus and Secundus, who were from the city of Thessalonica; Gaius, who was from the city of Derbe; Timothy, who was from the region of Galatia; and Tychicus and Trophimus, who were from the province of Asia. \v 5 Those seven men went ahead by ship from Macedonia, so they got to the city of Troas before we arrived. -\v 6 But we traveled by land as far as the city of Philippi. After the Jewish Festival of Bread that was Made without Yeast, we got on a ship that was going to the city of Troas. After five days we arrived at Troas and met the other men who had traveled ahead of us. Then we all stayed in Troas for seven days. +\v 6 But we traveled by land as far as the city of Philippi. After the Jewish Festival of Bread with No Yeast, we got on a ship that was going to the city of Troas. After five days we arrived at Troas and met the other men who had traveled ahead of us. Then we all stayed in Troas for seven days. \s5 \p @@ -1571,7 +1571,7 @@ \s5 \v 15 The day after we reached Mitylene, we sailed from there and arrived at a place near the Island of Chios. The day after that, we sailed to the Island of Samos. The next day we left Samos and sailed to the city of Miletus. -\v 16 Miletus was just south of the city of Ephesus. Paul did not want to stop at Ephesus because he did not want to spend time in Asia. If possible, he wanted to arrive in Jerusalem by the time of the Pentecost festival, and the time of that festival was near. +\v 16 Miletus was just south of the city of Ephesus. Paul did not want to stop at Ephesus, because he did not want to spend time in Asia. If possible, he wanted to arrive in Jerusalem by the time of the Pentecost festival, and the time of that festival was near. \s5 \p @@ -1596,12 +1596,12 @@ \s5 \v 28 You leaders must continue to believe and obey God's message. You must also help all the other believers whom the Holy Spirit has given you to care for. Watch over yourselves and the group of the Lord's believers as a shepherd watches over his sheep. God bought them with the blood that flowed from his Son's body on the cross. \v 29 I know very well that after I leave, people who teach lies will come among you and will do great harm to the believers. They will be like fierce wolves that kill the sheep. -\v 30 Even in your own group of leaders there will be some who will lie to other believers by teaching them the wrong things. They will teach those messages so that some people will believe them and will become their followers. +\v 30 Even in your own group of leaders, there will be some who will lie to other believers by teaching them the wrong things. They will teach those messages so that some people will believe them and will become their followers. \s5 \v 31 So watch out that none of you stops believing the true message about our Lord Jesus! Remember that day and night for three years I taught you that message and warned you with tears to be faithful to the Lord. \p -\v 32 "Now as I leave you I ask God to protect you and to keep you believing the message that he saves us by doing for us what we do not deserve. If you continue believing the message that I told you, you will become strong, and God will give you forever the good things that he has promised to give to all of those who belong to him. +\v 32 "Now, as I leave you, I ask God to protect you and to keep you believing the message that he saves us by doing for us what we do not deserve. If you continue believing the message that I told you, you will become strong, and God will give you forever the good things that he has promised to give to all of those who belong to him. \s5 \p @@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@ \v 2 At Patara we left that ship, and someone told us that there was a ship that would be going to the region of Phoenicia. So we got on that ship, and it left. \s5 -\v 3 We traveled over the sea until we could see the Island of Cyprus. We passed to the south of the island and continued sailing until we arrived at the region of Phoenicia, in the province of Syria, at the city of Tyre. The ship was going to stay there several days because its workers had to unload the cargo. +\v 3 We traveled over the sea until we could see the Island of Cyprus. We passed to the south of the island and continued sailing until we arrived at the region of Phoenicia, in the province of Syria, at the city of Tyre. The ship was going to stay there several days, because its workers needed to unload the cargo. \p \v 4 Someone told us where the believers in Tyre lived, so we went and stayed with them for seven days. Because God's Spirit revealed to them that people would cause Paul to suffer in Jerusalem, they told Paul that he should not go there. @@ -1677,7 +1677,7 @@ \p \v 27 When the seven days for purifying themselves were nearly finished, Paul returned to the temple courtyard. Some Jews from Asia saw him there, and they were very angry at him. They called out to many other Jews who were in the temple courtyard to help them take hold of Paul. \v 28 They shouted, "Men of Israel, come and help us to punish this man! This is the one who is teaching people wherever he goes that they should despise the Jewish people. He teaches people that they should no longer obey the laws of Moses nor respect this holy temple. He has even brought Gentiles here into the court of our temple, causing this place to become polluted!" -\v 29 They said these because they had seen Paul walking around in Jerusalem with Trophimus, who was a Gentile. They thought that Paul had brought Trophimus into the temple courtyard that day. +\v 29 They said these things because they had seen Paul walking around in Jerusalem with Trophimus, who was a Gentile. They thought that Paul had brought Trophimus into the temple courtyard that day. \s5 \v 30 People all over the city heard that there was trouble at the temple courtyard, and they came running there. They caught Paul and dragged him outside of the temple area. The gates to the temple courtyard were shut, so that the people would not riot inside the temple area.