Matthew 25 remove al first person references

Matthew 25 remove all first person references to Jesus as the coming Messiah in the apocalyptic discourse as in chapter 24. These are interpretive (even if correct!) and not in the text and would confuse MTTs who rely on this. The notes should provide the explanation as they do when they say that Jesus speaks about himself in the third person.
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Hanker10 2016-07-01 16:10:06 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 003a70c198
commit b48e070b10

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\v 1 Jesus continued by saying, "When I return from heaven as king, it will be like what happened to ten unmarried girls who got ready to go to a wedding feast. They were to take their lamps and and go wait for the bridegroom to come. \v 1 Jesus continued by saying, "It will be like what happened to ten unmarried girls who got ready to go to a wedding feast. They were to take their lamps and and go wait for the bridegroom to come.
\v 2 Now five of these girls were foolish, and five were wise. \v 2 Now five of these girls were foolish, and five were wise.
\v 3 The foolish girls took their lamps, but they did not take any extra olive oil for them. \v 3 The foolish girls took their lamps, but they did not take any extra olive oil for them.
\v 4 But wise girls took oil in their flasks as well as in their lamps. \v 4 But wise girls took oil in their flasks as well as in their lamps.
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\v 10 But while the foolish girls were on their way to buy oil, the bridegroom arrived. Then the wise girls, who were ready, went with him into the wedding hall, where the bride was waiting. Then the door was closed. \v 10 But while the foolish girls were on their way to buy oil, the bridegroom arrived. Then the wise girls, who were ready, went with him into the wedding hall, where the bride was waiting. Then the door was closed.
\v 11 Later, the rest of the girls came to the wedding hall, and they called to the bridegroom, 'Sir, open the door for us!' \v 11 Later, the rest of the girls came to the wedding hall, and they called to the bridegroom, 'Sir, open the door for us!'
\v 12 But he said to them, 'The truth is that I do not know you, so I will not open the door for you!'" \v 12 But he said to them, 'The truth is that I do not know you, so I will not open the door for you!'"
\v 13 Then Jesus continued by saying, "So, in order that this does not happen to you, keep expecting me to return, because you do not know when it will be." \v 13 Then Jesus continued by saying, "So, in order that this does not happen to you, stay prepared because you do not know when it will be."
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\v 14 "When I return from heaven as king, it will be like a man who was about to go on a long journey. He called his servants together and gave them each some of his wealth to invest and gain more money for him. \v 14 "When the Son of Man returns from heaven as king, it will be like a man who was about to go on a long journey. He called his servants together and gave them each some of his wealth to invest and gain more money for him.
\v 15 He gave them money according to their ability to use it. For example, he gave one servant five bags of gold, he gave another servant two bags, and he gave another servant one bag. Then he left on his journey. \v 15 He gave them money according to their ability to use it. For example, he gave one servant five bags of gold, he gave another servant two bags, and he gave another servant one bag. Then he left on his journey.
\v 16 The servant who had received five bags of gold went immediately and used that money to gain five more bags. \v 16 The servant who had received five bags of gold went immediately and used that money to gain five more bags.
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\v 31 "When I, the Son of Man, come again, I will come with all my brilliant light and bring all my angels with me. Then I will sit as king on my throne to judge everyone. \v 31 "When the Son of Man comes again in his brilliant light and brings all his angels, he will sit as king on his throne to judge everyone.
\v 32 Everyone from all the people groups will be gathered in front of me. Then I will separate the people, one from another, as a shepherd separates his sheep from his goats. \v 32 Everyone from all the people groups will be gathered in front of him. Then he will separate the people, one from another, as a shepherd separates his sheep from his goats.
\v 33 I will put the righteous people on my right and the unrighteous ones on my left, just like sheep and goats." \v 33 He will put the righteous people on his right and the unrighteous ones on his left, just like sheep and goats."
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\v 34 Then I will say to those on my right, 'You people who have been blessed by my Father, come! Come receive all the good things he will give you, for he is now beginning to rule over you completely—things he has been preparing since the time he created the world. \v 34 Then he will say to those on his right, 'You people who have been blessed by my Father, come! Come receive all the good things he will give you, for he is now beginning to rule over you completely—things he has been preparing since the time he created the world.
\v 35 These things belong to you, because you gave me something to eat when I was hungry. You gave me something to drink when I was thirsty. When I was a stranger in your town, you invited me to stay in your houses. \v 35 These things belong to you, because you gave me something to eat when I was hungry. You gave me something to drink when I was thirsty. When I was a stranger in your town, you invited me to stay in your houses.
\v 36 When I needed clothes, you gave me some. When I was sick, you took care of me. When I was in prison, you came to visit me.' \v 36 When I needed clothes, you gave me some. When I was sick, you took care of me. When I was in prison, you came to visit me.'
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\v 38 When were you a stranger in our town and we invited you to stay in our houses? When did you need clothes and we gave you some? \v 38 When were you a stranger in our town and we invited you to stay in our houses? When did you need clothes and we gave you some?
\v 39 When were you sick or in prison and we went to visit you? We do not remember doing any of these things for you. \v 39 When were you sick or in prison and we went to visit you? We do not remember doing any of these things for you.
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\v 40 I will reply, 'The truth is that whatever you did for any one of your fellow believers, even the most unimportant one, you certainly did it for me.' \v 40 The King will reply, 'The truth is that whatever you did for any one of your fellow believers, even the most unimportant one, you certainly did it for me.'
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\v 41 But then I will say to those on my left, 'You people whom God has cursed, leave me! Go into the eternal fire that God has prepared for the devil and his angels! \v 41 But then he will say to those on his left, 'You people whom God has cursed, leave me! Go into the eternal fire that God has prepared for the devil and his angels!
\v 42 It is right for you to go there, because you did not give me anything to eat when I was hungry. You did not give me anything to drink when I was thirsty. \v 42 It is right for you to go there, because you did not give me anything to eat when I was hungry. You did not give me anything to drink when I was thirsty.
\v 43 You did not invite me into your homes when I was a stranger in your town. You did not give me any clothes when I needed them. You did not take care of me when I was sick or in prison.' \v 43 You did not invite me into your homes when I was a stranger in your town. You did not give me any clothes when I needed them. You did not take care of me when I was sick or in prison.'
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\v 44 They will answer, 'Lord, when were you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and we did not help you?' \v 44 They will answer, 'Lord, when were you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and we did not help you?'
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\v 45 I will reply, 'The truth is that whenever you did not do anything to help any one of my people, even the most unimportant person, it was I for whom you did not do it.' \v 45 He will reply, 'The truth is that whenever you did not do anything to help any one of my people, even the most unimportant person, it was I for whom you did not do it.'
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\v 46 Then those people on my left will go away to the place where God will punish them forever, but the people good in God's sight will go to where they will live forever with God." \v 46 Then those people on my left will go away to the place where God will punish them forever, but the people good in God's sight will go to where they will live forever with God."